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Everything posted by niobium615

  1. IIRC, the marketplace used to have restrictions on which users could view/buy/sell. I want to say it was a minimum account age of 90 days, but I'm not positive. However, it looks like new users can now view the marketplace and post new sale listings. Was this an intentional change, or were the restrictions lost in the transition to Invision?
  2. I think that was one of the updates with rev 7. 1st - 3rd get a bit of a hardware points bonus, so even if numerous people have the same score, only the first person to achieve the score is awarded the max number of points. 4th and below are then considered tied, and none of them receive a bonus, so they all receive the same number of points.
  3. I might be interested as well if you're willing to ship to the US.
  4. If unity's throwing up results, I might as well too I suppose: 1700X - 1743SUS - Good for ~5.35 GPUPi 1B and 5.24 R15 on LN2. Able to do just shy of 5.4GHz for 32M on a random core(haven't binned to find the best core(s) on the chip yet).
  5. That looks perfect, but if it's going to be made a requirement, it needs to be done ASAP.
  6. niobium615

    mobo cleanup

    Great, thanks. Interested in the LN2 board. I'll shoot you a PM.
  7. niobium615

    mobo cleanup

    Willing to ship the Z97 board to the US?(Also, unless I'm going crazy, don't see it in any of the pics)
  8. Still available?
  9. Thanks! Already ran Cinebench(might rerun soon though): http://hwbot.org/submission/3735408 http://hwbot.org/submission/3735414
  10. No, just the stick was dead. I've got another kit of bdie swapped in now.
  11. Whoops, sorry about that. Someone else already pointed it out, but I forgot to delete the score.
  12. Apologies about the picture quality, but I thought these might be of some use to people for Cheapaz. Same card as the OP, Galax 1030 EXOC. Core Voltage : Memory Voltage : PLL/PEX Voltage :
  13. I think Heaven's a good choice as well. Although incorporating new benches into currently running comps is nice, if bugged results are getting posted, then it really starts to become an issue. The behavior of Heaven is well known, and it's a "similar" bench(both developed by Unigine).
  14. Just to make sure, GPUPI 3.0 is fine to use for the competition, right?
  15. Bump, still looking for a REX
  16. Another quick question about Stage 5. Are Vega Frontier Editions allowed?
  17. You could also try disabling SystemInfo in the wrapper. I've found that it has a tendency to corrupt the result files, and I know I'm not the only one who's experienced this.
  18. This link : OC eSports ? Or something else?
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