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Everything posted by niobium615

  1. Completely agree with this. This is especially an issue with locked chips, where a few XTU points could be worth an extra 30 hardware points. How can you distinguish between someone who spent the time to strip and tweak the OS/Mem/etc. then reran for two weeks compared to someone who dialed in a couple of reasonable looking mem timings, then cheated their way to a 1st place score inline with everyone else? Especially considering how valuable locked XTU is(50pts per sub), that could unfairly give someone a huge boost in the rankings. On the other hand, if any legitimate subs get removed because they were "suspiciously efficient", that's just as unfair to that individual. If there's no way to determine without any doubt whether or not a sub is legitimate, then the only fair way to resolve the situation is to reset all points IMO.
  2. But on X265, can't the cheated submissions be identified pretty easily by the SS?
  3. Could my nickname just be changed to Niobium? Thanks in advance.
  4. I would tend to agree too, but it'll change up the rankings something fierce.
  5. Early preparations for cheapaz? Thanks for these pictures though. The Galax card was already the one I was planning on getting(even though they're a bit of a pain to find in the US), and close ups of the PCB are pretty much non-existant.
  6. Added to the map. Looks to be a decent number of people in the NY area, nice to know.
  7. I'm definitely interested in participating in this comp as well. The US is a huge country and we've got more than enough talent to do well, we just need to get organized. I took the liberty of creating a competition spreadsheet and a discord server; it should be a step in the right direction of getting organized and it seemed to work quite well for our team during the team cup. If anyone wants to join, shoot me or yos a PM and we'll send you the invite link. As for the issue of people backing out at the last second, I think we can solve that problem by benching fairly early and being ready to cover a loss if the need arises.
  8. With the release of 12C-18C Skylake-X chips, I fully understand the desire to place a limit on the CPU, especially for a bench like Vantage where the CPU has a noticeable impact. What I'm curious about however is the decision to limit it to 8C chips. In the past, the $1000 Intel HEDT chips, (4960X, 5960X, 6900K) have always been allowed, yet this time the $1000 7900X is not allowed in the comp since it's a 10C. Hell, even the $1700 6950X was allowed for the ROG comp earlier this year. Following the tradition of past comps, wouldn't it make more sense to allow up to 10C chips in competitions, rather than limiting it to 8C chips?(Yes, I know that TR is a $1K 16C chip, but it's not going to do as well in a 3D bench like this, so it's not really applicable)
  9. While I wholeheartedly agree that there are issues with sandbagging, you also have to be careful to not penalize people who are scrounging for points at the last minute. My most enjoyable benching session of the comp was probably the RX580 score that I posted about 5hrs before the end of the comp. That wasn't sandbagging, that was scrounging for a few points on a 580 that I expected to have coldslow...until it didn't. I got that score ~20min before I posted it, and if people want to be crazy enough to wait until the last minute to bench, so be it. As yos said, we were both benching up until the very end of the comp(though yos cut it closer than I did). I don't think stages that are each a week long will be very effective, especially if the hardware isn't announced beforehand. A lot of people on /r/overclocking don't have a ton of hardware(myself included), and it took us a while to track down some of the more esoteric stuff for this comp. There are also a lot of weeks where people simply might not be able to find the time to bench. I do however like the idea of a comp background/CPU-Z version that changes every week or two. That would prevent the majority of sandbagging, and should be much easier to implement from a software perspective. While some of the other ideas in this thread are interesting, I just don't see them happening due to the massive software changes they would require. If a team wants to adopt the strategy of benching everything during the last week, and they manage to win, I'll be damn impressed, as I expect most others would be.
  10. Doesn't appear to be working. I think the last card supported by that version was the GTX680. I can install and run just fine, but I'm still stuck at a max core offset of +100mV.
  11. Does anyone know of a good person to contact in the US? I tried the general support e-mail for the MSI office, but got ignored. Looking for ABX to run on a 780 Lightning, so it's a fairly EOL card. Alternatively, is this version of ABX now considered old enough to be public?
  12. How is the MVP ranking calculated for the comp? Especially since most stages require more than one submission, how is the weight of each individual sub determined? Also, I was looking at the results for the ROG Team comp to see if I could figure it out, and the person who won the MVP award only submitted three stages?
  13. Bought a Tek 9 Slim a while back and it's been great on cards like an 8800GTS, but I'm looking to run more power hungry cards(e.g. GK110) so I'm looking to pick up a fat pot. A Tek 9 Fat would be preferable to match my other pot, but I'm open to other brands. Also interested in a Rampage Extreme if anyone happens to have one laying around that they want to get rid of. Thanks in advance.
  14. I believe this is the rule as well. It's rather ironic though, considering that the CPU, e.g. a golden 7700K, is arguably more important for legacy 3D than the GPU.
  15. Found a NB pot, thread can be closed. Thanks.
  16. Sorry if this is an obvious question, but is there anything special about the OC Formula that improves XTU scores? Or are equivalent results attainable on other boards that clock mem well, like the Apex? It seems like most of the top scores were done on the OC Formula, but I wasn't sure if that was just related to release date.
  17. Found what I was looking for, this thread can be closed. Thanks HWBot.
  18. Huh, that's not as bad as I thought it would be. Maybe shipping won't be too impractical after all...
  19. Looking to see if anyone in the LI area has a 35L-50L that they'd be willing to part ways with. I'd be open to shipping one, but I have it feeling it will become cost prohibitive very quickly. Alternatively, if anyone knows of a dealer in the area who will rent one, please let me know. Only found one place so far that will rent a dewar this size, and they wanted $130 rental fee for a week. Thanks in advance!
  20. Preliminary run. Chip is delidded with MX-2 on both sides of the IHS.
  21. I'm guessing that would fall under server hardware, which isn't allowed.
  22. You could try reddit, he's more active on there. I believe he's sold all of his pots though, I bought his last Tek 9 Slim.
  23. It's happening to every file I create, I guess I'll try reinstalling GPUPi and see if that helps. Oddly, when I just tried, HWBot seems to have no trouble decrypting them. Edit: Same issue with a fresh install of GPUPi, but HWBot is still happy with the scores. Strange.
  24. Here's the relevant data from the log file. Thanks for your help.
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