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Everything posted by 1BadMoJoe

  1. Nice ratio between the Series Computing Time VS. the Division/InvSqrt/Final
  2. Computer Manufacture : Sony VGC-RB52 Motherboard Manufacture : Intel Model : PRAGUE Version : AAD27620-202 Rev. A2 Chipset : i945G http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1357641
  3. Motherboard is not the problem, an RMA for a very old software issue? I also have same access violation error here also when I clock above 4.5MHz. I am also very interested in fixing AquaMarks software issue.
  4. 1.) Buttons Video ATI Reference card does not appear to match the X600SE specs' The memory and bus width are twice the size and mimics a X600 PRO yet the GPU identifier and device ID has been labeled an x600se? Pictures of Buttons GPUz submissions are in earlyier posts in this thread. I can not find any more information on the matter. 3Dmark 2001 http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_2001/rankings?start=0&cores=1&hardwareTypeId=GPU_1614 3Dmark 2003 http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_2003/rankings?start=0&cores=1&hardwareTypeId=GPU_1614 2.) On another separate issue, the top ranking person in these three benchmarks has been awarded 1.5 points and silver cups although the links below has a person ranked first, > note the points awarded 1.5 < appears a possiable bug/glich not awarding gold cup and 2 points for each benchmark, links provided below. Yet if viewed from 1BadMoJoe Benchmark Profile Point or submissions tab only silver cups awarded with the 1.5 points and not of acual results from links provided below. Aquamark http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/aquamark/rankings?start=0&cores=1&hardwareTypeId=GPU_1614 3Dmark 2006 http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_2006/rankings?start=0&cores=1&hardwareTypeId=GPU_1614 3Dmark 2005 http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_2005/rankings?start=0&cores=1&hardwareTypeId=GPU_1614
  5. Thank you and in turn I have fix my Pentium 4 2.8 (200MHz) to proper (133) slot thank for pointing it out and allowing me to clear up my error, thank you again.
  6. The x600 SE comes in two configurations. the original x600 se 128MB featuring the RV370-x6 chip as listed in hwbot specs in first post above with picture. Here is a list of some reference cards> http://www.bizrate.com/ati-radeon-x600se-128-megabytes/ and the exact match ATI reference card of the I used http://www.compuvest.com/Desc.jsp;jsessionid=fc73444e451880d82269e29a115e?iid=1072007 This is the configuration of Barisan's submission an X600SE 256MB and using an RV380 chip and here are some reference cards> http://www.overstock.com/Electronics/ATI-F9595-Dell-Radeon-X600SE-256MB-Video-Card/4042942/product.html?cid=143933&fp=F&mr:referralID=ef8273ce-ac61-11df-b8fb-001b2166c62d * It may be fair solution to add another X600se 256MB RV380 sub slot in the Radion x600 class. Barisan's x600se outclasses the current x600se slot with a different video chip and twice as much memory using hyper memory chips. Further confusion may be eliminated, as the facts do show there are in fact two types of x600se.
  7. Ah yes, good point on the bus width and good eyes. Is the format and presentation above acceptable and easy to follow for future use?
  8. Nice unlocked multi ES CPU, Is this Benchmark to see whom can underclock the most? ;p
  9. Nice, A new BenchMark? Any points to be awarded for this in the furure?
  10. Hello, I would like some clarifcation about these submissions in the Radeon X600se slot. http://hwbot.org/browseHardwareVideoCards.do?gpuFamilyId=177 Here is the specifcations listed for the Radeon X600se The submissions in question are Barisan's (ranked 2nd) and Button's (ranked 1st) in benchmark 3Dmark2003 http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/radeon_x600_se?tab=rankings#/manufacturer.rankings.do?applicationId=2&manufacturer=ati&hardwareTypeId=GPU_1614&hardwareType=GPU&tabid=gpubenchmarks As we look at Barisan's submission it is listed a GPU as RV380. The X600se is listed as an RV370 As we look at Button's submission the memory size is listed 256MB. The X600se memory is not listed as 256MB in memory size, But the X600PRO is listed at 256MB. Or the X600se has two memory configurations 128MB and 256MB. Or my submission belongs in the X600
  11. Yhea, Nice Bus Speed. Keep up the good work and points.
  12. Hello I need two motherboards added to the data base so I can submit " referance clock submisions " This is for an Intel motherboard D865GLC http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=980120 This is for a PC-Chips M958, this motherboard has no network addaptor to connect to the internet and cpu-z save varification file fails on this motherboard this all available information. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/966453_1badmojoe_pifast_k6_2_533mhz_735.75_sec
  13. Information updated to support ticket 861 Close this thread pending upon support ticket 861
  14. Information updated to support ticket 861 Close this thread pending upon support ticket 861
  15. Ticket ID: 861 Priority: Low would like to see these added to the data base all three are missing to add scores CPU: K6-3+ 450MHz Motherboard: Intel 865GLC Motherboard: PC-CHIPS M598 http://hwbot.org/community/submission/966453_1badmojoe_pifast_k6_2_533mhz_735.75_sec This motherboard is needed to be added for "Reference Clock" submision Thank you for your time
  16. This submision may have been misplaced by accident this may be a 775 cpu in an 478 AndreVieira using a pentium 4 640 in an motherboard Brand: Abit/Model: 82801FB within a s478 3.2 Prescott class http://hwbot.org/community/submission/929305_andrevieira_wprime_32m_pentium_4_3.2ghz_prescott_59sec_170ms http://hwbot.org/community/submission/956811_andrevieira_wprime_1024m_pentium_4_3.2ghz_prescott_33min_19sec_546ms
  17. I would like to see these added to the data base all three are missing to add scores CPU: K6-3+ 450MHz Motherboard: Intel 865GLC Motherboard: PC-CHIPS M598 http://hwbot.org/community/submission/966453_1badmojoe_pifast_k6_2_533mhz_735.75_sec Thank you for your time
  18. Well I don't know, seems SuperPi1M is very relevant for my setups...;P http://hwbot.org/community/submission/966448_1badmojoe_superpi_k6_2_380mhz_11min_29sec_732ms or better yet here is superPi32M http://hwbot.org/community/submission/966450_1badmojoe_superpi_32m_k6_2_380mhz_16h_41min_37sec_484ms I am fond of the current de facto standards, I don't need a bench mark that takes a few days to complete. Looking at the not so linear curve in the graph, It does not appear anyone will be breaking under 1sec superpi 1M this decade. Wprimes' another story if and when better storage management technologies become available. [EDIT ADDITION] One could point out my not so modern cpu as in the above example and the same can be held true to the not so modern '06-'07 Intel Celeron LGA775 347 and the famous Intel Core 2 E8600 family that lead to the Intel Core i5 670. Which appear to stem from the same pentium family tree. Is Moores' law of computer scalability coming into play looking into the graph presented? Has alot of refinement and efficiency been incorporated into a possible dead-end Pentiums scalable architecture? How much further can the Pentium be refined? New and technical exciting materials must being developed to see any real answers. I remember when talk of using synthetic Sapphire as a replacement for silicon, but perhaps the Moll hardness of Sapphire is less durable than silica sand, if so, then why not synthetic diamond? Well how about organically engineered tissues, perhaps from an rat brain? Defiantly something has to change and not when but if, does another overwhelming problem resurfaces its ugly head...storage interface capabilities. Floppy and IDE is dead, SATA is becoming saturated and the only foreseeable time tested integration of an PCI-x storage interface solution for the near term. An prov-en technology yet to hit the main stream, perhaps some of you use this already to have Wprimes' 1sec times within reach.
  19. Yes correct, k6-2/3+ can have the multiplier changed provided by motherboard capability. Turrican also correctly pointed out cpuid name has + , .18 die size and on board 128k cache. I know a lot of users put a great deal of effort and time benching for results, as some users also have inactive periods/breaks. I do not wish for hard earned results to be eleminated just correctly moved by moderation if user is unable to respond or lacks properly saved information to relist.
  20. This processor appears to be an k6-2+ 533 mistakenly placed in a k6-2 533, cpuid dos not match a k6-2 533 and mirrors the k6-2+ 533. Please review as to remove from this slot and relist in the correct cpu catagory, thank you. Shadow Hunter rank#3 Fortunantly for user Shadow Hunter, Relisting from k6-2 533 to k6-2+ 533 will perserve bronze cup and points. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/678528_shadow_hunter_superpi_k6_2_533mhz_6min_35sec_200ms http://hwbot.org/community/submission/678513_shadow_hunter_cpu_z_k6_2_533mhz_533.5_mhz
  21. I came across a problem with a result of mine. CPU: k6-2 533MHz 5x Multiplier Stock cooling Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-5AX 120MHz FSB Stock cooling Memory: Unknown PC133 120MHz Stock cooling Benchmark: SuperPi 1M/ Mod1.5XS At this speed of 120MHz and above I have noticed CPU-z and a few other programs become skitish for whatever reason. Clicking on cpuz sometimes starts to load than hangs or does not load at all. I can run the benchmarks and get a compeditive result but no way to include cpuz, print screen also paint fails to load or copy screen shot to validate as I would normaly do. Is this picture from a camera consitude as a means of verification for member moderation? http://i39.tinypic.com/1z4evm1.jpg
  22. Thank you, just in time. I think I killed the lemon of a card
  23. And to think all this time I thought your office comuter was a ga-5ax ;p Nice run!!! I won't tell the boss what you have been doing with your time
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