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Everything posted by 1BadMoJoe

  1. Thank you sir, This submision is one worth a bronze cup, hall of fame for type of hardware used.
  2. Thank you, I think the bug for mine had to do with an incorrect submital that another user flaged to my attention and I deleated the submital. It apears that errored submital lingers around after being deleated.
  3. Thank you kind sirs, I just posted this one also. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/956017_1badmojoe_reference_clock_rampage_ii_gene_223.5_mhz
  4. HELLO, anybody home my submitals are starting to pile up not getting point , not geting cups , not getting anywhere....why have I been baned??? We can now add this to the top of the pile. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/956017_1badmojoe_reference_clock_rampage_ii_gene_223.5_mhz
  5. http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1787&page=57 and 58 These two subissions have a problem with the ranking due to somesort of not being best submisions when they are best to date. Thank you 1MadMoJoe
  6. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/952874_1badmojoe_reference_clock_rampage_ii_gene_220.44_mhz Reference Clock Rampage II Gene rank: 1BadMoJoe’s best Reference Clock submission, but rank not calculated yet I posted this some time ago and the rank has not been calculated in top5 Hall of Fame motherboard class, Thank you 1BadMoJoe I just posted a submital a bit better than the one above, the one above I deleated and replaced with this one and still the same problem, Thank you again http://hwbot.org/community/submission/956017_1badmojoe_reference_clock_rampage_ii_gene_223.5_mhz
  7. Sorry, I tried to remove respected user name from title header bar and user name still apears on title, I did not want this to bring unwanted attention upon the user that I used as an example.
  8. Looks like I erred in the presentation and examples, thank you Massman in pointing out only your cpu is sub liquid cooled and the video card is in fact stock cooled. I should have picked my examples out of the cpu category, thank you. I stand corrected, well if there is no cooling class separation and its all based on clocks and hardware, than it looks like I'm going to ditch my stock fan and get back to raising my clocks. I will mention again out of respect for Massman I only use this as an example of how some people can make a mistake on the data entry from the stock default pull down cooling list but it appears it is only for informational usage and does not reflect in any type of charts or comparison data study sheets. Got it, time to ditch the fan, I thought I was going to sneak in and score ribbons or cups in a cooling type of category, I stand corrected, thank you in helping me stop wasting more time with a stock fan.
  9. Ticket ID: 777 Priority: Low Ok, I posted 75 overclock submitals... now that I was starting to fill a whole page up with submitals and needed only 925 more to progress one rank...\r\nAchievements in progress.\r\n\r\n Friends hide their computer when you are coming over.: 27/1000 \r\nMake 1000 submissions to HWBOT. \r\n\r\nWith only 75 submitals and allredy filled one page I parsed the non highest submitals to make room by removing -48. Now my achievments have been reduced by the same amount. For a person to have a 1,000 submitals would require many pages of submitals and the counter only reflects the amount page cashed. I\'m disapointed to see that I would need to keep hundreds of pages of submitals clogging the important \"one page\" of information I need at hand. There should be a counter that keeps track of all of the users overclock submitals without being linked to the page cashe in question.
  10. Hello ...Here is Massman with a mismatched data entry, I am only using Massmans' example to bring to light many Stock Air Fan users are faced against. Although I'm doing well in my category, many Stock Fan users are being treated unfairly and I'm saying something about how we as a stock class are not receiving our due hardware boints, and hardware ribbons or cups. I would like to address an unwelcoming feature in score submitters that are repetitively being abused. Being in the Stock Air Fan category I find a gross amount of falsely submitters, many of which have pictures of an item that does not reflect the use of a stock air fan. Below are a few of at least hundreds if not 10s' thousands of submitters of which users either neglect to input data correctly or most likely just skip over the "DEFAULT" cooling entry. Here is a very common scenario, Massman using a nice liquid cooling setup...and it has being listed under Stock Air Fan Catagory although his score tops in the global rank and the 18-16 ranks also listed using a stock fan. http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_2001/rankings?cores=1 Out of respect for Massman I'm only using this example as the Classic data entry error example Stock Air Fan users are faced with. This data entry abuse error is due to the default pull-down list and Stock Air is on the top of that list. To help promote our website to the average community with only Air or Water setups, this data entry default should be put to an end to help with the discouragement in the reflected scores and achievements that are not forth coming due to the current cooling list pull-down. I suggest some changes to the pull down list, start with the extreme towards the top and Stock Air being the bottom feeder on the pull-down list. Also no default entry in the box, all users need to manually choose from the pull-down list as its original use for its creation was intended. The entry field if left "blank" should be open for discussion, do we allow a blank cooling entry be submitted, or like for the required "url" blank submitals kick back out to the user for users correct data entry? I feel this is a long important overlooked issue that needs corrected. This is only a short list of examples that do have proof of how the Stock Fan category is being abused. http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_2001/rankings?start=77&cores=2 >user using LN2 http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_2001/rankings?start=117&cores=2 >user using phase changer http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_2001/rankings?start=237&cores=2 >user using 3rd party air cooler http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_2001/rankings?start=317&cores=2 > user using phase changer http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_2001/rankings?start=337&cores=2 user using LN2 http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_2001/rankings?start=417&cores=2 user using water cooling http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_2001/rankings?start=497&cores=2 > user using 3rd party air cooler http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_2001/rankings?start=597&cores=2 >user usein a COrsair H50 water cooler http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_2001/rankings?start=677&cores=2 > User using subzero liquid replaceing stock cooler http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_2001/rankings?start=697&cores=2 > user using 3rd party air cooler http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_2001/rankings?start=857&cores=2 > user using 3rd party air cooler http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/3dmark_2001/rankings?start=1117&cores=2 > user using 3rd party air cooler
  11. Ticket ID: 776 Priority: Low http://hwbot.org/community/submission/952394_1badmojoe_maxxmem_1233.8_marks\r\n\r\nMaxxMem rank: 50th out of 239, good for 0.0 points. \r\nMaxxMem rank: not 1BadMoJoe\'s best MaxxMem submission, only best is ranked. \r\n\r\nThis is the best score submitted to date, this being a new feature some bug as presented in tickets prior to this is also with lingering affects.
  12. Ticket ID: 775 Priority: Low http://hwbot.org/community/submission/952671_1badmojoe_reference_clock_rampage_ii_gene_219.36_mhz\r\n\r\nReference Clock Rampage II Gene rank: not 1BadMoJoe\'s best Reference Clock Rampage II Gene submission, only best is ranked. \r\n\r\nThis is by best referance Blck to date, although I did make an incorrect submision in the past and a user flaged that submision that I corrected, now it appears that old mistake is still reflecting on new submisions.
  13. Ticket ID: 774 Priority: Low http://hwbot.org/community/submission/952339_1badmojoe_wprime_32m_core_i7_920_6sec_302ms\r\n\r\nI\'m a new member, I may have done something new members have/are doing or ran across.
  14. REMOVE NOT MOBILITY RADEON HD4870x2, I'm using desktop equipment. Sorry for the confusion
  15. Stock Intel Air Cooler packaged in retail box, Intel I7 920@4523MHz DRAM frequency 861 MHz
  16. Intel I7 920 DO "BRAND" small misunderstanding above
  17. Stock Intel cooler
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