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Everything posted by 1BadMoJoe

  1. Thank you for the update, I still failed to see how a s487 in a p4c800-Deluxe or variant with a saphire 3850 AGP video card has a snow ball chance in hell up against a air cooled ceder mill let alone any other s775 in an Asus Rampage x48 chipset mother board easily reaching 5Ghz on air might as will slap in a 560TI video card for a death nail on any s478 on nitro or helium. This going to happen s478 on nitro will still place last on the bottom against stock air fanned s775. Did I miss something, its class warfare mismatch. Even a s478 in a G31/33 chip set that does have a PCI slot, I still have trouble breaking 40,000 CPU bottled necked s478 even with my nividia 460 PCI video card. I'll score the best s478 and I still can't get close to a good s775 set up.
  2. s478 defiantly out classed by s775 due to chip-set and boards. How is an 3850 video card AGP slot s487 to compete against x48 PCI 560TI card. Not a chance no way no how an s478 going to be anywhere but the bottom of the not so close winner runner ups. I'm doomed and same problem with ( pros' ) and non pro versions of 3dMark03. I can't even submit a score without an internet connection, someone pile on the dirt on my s478 graveyard competition.
  3. http://hwbot.org/hardware/processors#key=k6_3_450mhz This is what I pull up a bunch of misplaced Intell processors within AMD K6III 450mhz.
  4. How about an option for the ability for brain-dead confused users like myself to click on a option for old-school format? I feel like banging my head into the wall through my monitor to lessen my self inflicted behavior. I can't find anything other than video cards and c.p.u. like inputting chip-set ie. 848P Looks like I have to go through cpu chart (nice addition with the graphing:) click on an endless series of motherboards to find the right chip-set. I definitively like the old layout much better. I feel like I downgraded to Vista and Microsoft's endless changes in the layout. since win95 I always chose the old layout. I really do appreciated the efforts. I just feel like I'm the guy last year whom put on the white ninja outfit and failed in mixing dry ice and 60 proof vodka.
  5. Been gone for a while, nice to see the hard work to improve the site...but I do not want any one to take this the wrong way. I like the old format better, i am sure if I explore more I would maybe find out maybe some potential in some features. I have yet to discover such potential immediately only confusion in finding the information I need. Hard to elaborate on this, searching for older hardware I come across. Generally what I could easily navigate inputting information c.p.u. chip-set motherboard. Yes this can be done in this new format, its how I navigated with the older format to and 4870x2 information on charting still not popping up. http://hwbot.org/compare/videocards#1744,1587,1763,1787,1758,1695-17,29
  6. This is an intregrated video on a Gigabyte GA-5SMM socket 7 motherboard http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=1579&dl=1#sp I would like to submit benchmarks for the GA-5SMM motherboard Reference Clock Memory Clock benchmarks for the SiS 530 intregrated video chip MadOnion Nostalgia Festival GPUz can not properly idenify the SiS530 but the Gigabyte product weblink above properly describs product fully as do the Benchmark used below .
  7. Nice overclock, thank you for your contribution to your team.
  8. Owch, dead as a door nail. Welcome aboard, I havn't tried this yet. Use the run command type msconfig select diagnostic reboot computer after windows loads press alt control delete at the same time click on process tab to view the basic services click on > start > control panel > administrative tools > services shortcut from here you can explore changing which serices can be changed from auto to manual or services like wireless zero configuration can be permatly stoped if you are not using a wireless adaptor card to access anything.
  9. Oh NO000oo and I was hoping this app I've been using before the first post would be my secret weapon of choice Nice to see there is an update I need...One thing I noticed is the disable services to reenable then check the enable box > apply > than run msconfig and set up selective services... as enabling service check box from utbench sets "all" services on. Well any way my pcmark04/05 benchmarks have been permantly borked, nothing a full reinstall of Windows can't fix. Best to leave the disable/enable service box left alone and learn the way of using msconfig/Administrative tools. Some of the "old farts" should be able to quicky get around this minor problem.
  10. Maybe this thread will stay alive untill Ambient : -22 °C in about eight weeks or so. This was done when when ambient was about -30F/-15C , not the fastest stock cooler but a good example when on air, cold air works best.
  11. Nice pair of corsairs 3500 BH-5s? Thanks for handing them down to me, I'll put them to good use.
  12. Submitter Veld PCMARK 2005 misplaced a Celeron s478 2.1MHz CPU in an Celeron s478 2.3MHz catagory Nice overclock, unfortunatly this is a celeron s478 2.1MHz accidently placed in an 2.3MHz catagory. http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/celeron_s478_2.3ghz?tab=2drankings#/manufacturer.rankings.do?applicationId=9&manufacturer=intel&hardwareTypeId=CPU_924&hardwareType=CPU&tabid=cpubenchmarks
  13. Hello, I have a question about a submission I am going to submit. I was wondering if this video card I am using in the screen shot belongs in the current catagory below http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce2_mx400_32mb?tab=rankings under or in a new sub catagory due to the difference of memory type and bus type? The important items to point out are the DDR memory type and the 32 bit bus interface of the card I am using and the current specs of 128bit Bus interface SDR memory . This is a list within the current mx400 32MB catagory, the important items are each of these submitters are using SDR memory and 128 bit bus interface. http://hwbot.org/community/submissio...2mb_2368_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submissio...2mb_2446_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submissio...2mb_2663_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submissio...2mb_3015_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submissio...2mb_3352_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submissio...2mb_3384_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submissio...2mb_3685_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submissio...2mb_3718_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submissio...2mb_3758_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submissio...2mb_3762_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submissio...2mb_4004_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submissio...2mb_4118_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submissio...2mb_4141_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submissio...2mb_4166_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submissio...2mb_4249_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submissio...2mb_4429_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submissio...2mb_4674_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submissio...2mb_4899_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submissio...2mb_5053_marks
  14. Hello I have a question about a submission I am going to submit. I was wondering if this video card I am using belongs in this catagory or in a new set? The important items to point out are the DDR memory type and the 32 bit bus interface. This is a list within the current mx400 32MB catagory, the important items are each of these submitters are using SDR memory and 128 bit bus interface. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/702134_fabien_3dmark_2001_geforce2_mx400_32mb_2368_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/769818_hellcamino_3dmark_2001_geforce2_mx400_32mb_2446_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1015324_black_lupus_3dmark_2001_geforce2_mx400_32mb_2663_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1019809_santer_88_3dmark_2001_geforce2_mx400_32mb_3015_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/720766_antoine76_3dmark_2001_geforce2_mx400_32mb_3352_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/922222_blackwarriors_3dmark_2001_geforce2_mx400_32mb_3384_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/800272_cannon_3dmark_2001_geforce2_mx400_32mb_3685_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/940587_bãrti_3dmark_2001_geforce2_mx400_32mb_3718_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/763520_d34th_0f_4ll_3dmark_2001_geforce2_mx400_32mb_3758_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/835196_lippokratis_3dmark_2001_geforce2_mx400_32mb_3762_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/934991_parcifal_3dmark_2001_geforce2_mx400_32mb_4004_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/919162_el_barto_3dmark_2001_geforce2_mx400_32mb_4118_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/932849_ice_angel_3dmark_2001_geforce2_mx400_32mb_4141_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/700702_romanlv_3dmark_2001_geforce2_mx400_32mb_4166_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/721717_alibabar_3dmark_2001_geforce2_mx400_32mb_4249_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/941041_speedoo_3dmark_2001_geforce2_mx400_32mb_4429_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/868997_quentj_3dmark_2001_geforce2_mx400_32mb_4674_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/771632_turrican_3dmark_2001_geforce2_mx400_32mb_4899_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/841439_kolian_3dmark_2001_geforce2_mx400_32mb_5053_marks
  15. julito1107 submission accidently placed into wrong catagory. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1030682_julito1107_3dmark_2001_geforce2_mx400_32mb_3542_marks GPUz shows 64MB memory size in a 32MB catagory http://hwbot.org/signature.img?iid=416361&thumb=false&iehack=.jpg GPU also shows as an nv18 150nm die size and 29M transistor count
  16. Whoha, Absolutely Phenomenal!
  17. Submitter KTM 3.0 Intel Pentium 4 3.0Ghz Prescott misplaced in Intel Pentium 4 3.0Ghz Northwood catagory. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/576319_ktm_sisoftsandra_pentium_4_3.0ghz_northwood_12420_fpu?tab=info All other submissions by user using 3.0 prescott cpu. http://hwbot.org/community/user/ktm?tab=submissions
  18. Submitter manosh2o accidently placed a 3.0MHz prescott cpu in a 3.0MHz northwood catagory http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/sisoftsandra/rankings?start=0&hardwareTypeId=CPU_336 manosh2o's SisoftSandra score, prescott cpu user accidently placed in northwood catagory http://hwbot.org/community/submission/706025_manosh2o_sisoftsandra_pentium_4_3.0ghz_northwood_9707_fpu Link to ManosH2O users submission page http://hwbot.org/community/user/manosh2o?tab=submissions CPZ states prescott cpu user accidently placed in northwood catagory http://hwbot.org/community/submission/698075_manosh2o_cpu_z_pentium_4_3.0ghz_northwood_3271.9_mhz manosh2o's SuperPi 32m score, prescott cpu user accidently placed in northwood catagory http://hwbot.org/community/submission/721273_manosh2o_superpi_32m_pentium_4_3.0ghz_northwood_39min_44sec_620ms manosh2o's wPrime 1024m score, prescott cpu user accidently placed in northwood catagory http://hwbot.org/community/submission/714623_manosh2o_wprime_1024m_pentium_4_3.0ghz_northwood_48min_30sec_700ms manosh2o's wPrime 32m score, prescott cpu user accidently placed in northwood catagory http://hwbot.org/community/submission/698070_manosh2o_wprime_32m_pentium_4_3.0ghz_northwood_1min_32sec_230ms
  19. Not sure about this submission looks like a 2.2 mobile northwood from submiter Inspirion http://hwbot.org/community/submission/612327_inspirion_cpu_z_pentium_4_mobile_1.8ghz_2193.5_mhz Specification in cpu-z says it is a 2.2 GHz Here is a simular cpu as a referance in the correct 2.2GHz Mobile catagory http://hwbot.org/community/submission/704121_8632_cpu_z_pentium_4_mobile_2.2ghz_2198_mhz
  20. Sorry I made a mistake in wprime 32M slot, I tried to clear it up by editing submission and I recieve an error and any new submissions in wprime32M slot are labeled as not best submission. I think I came across a bug that a submission can be entered without a time 0.000 for a submission time. If time = 0.000 than a submission should be returned to data inputer for correct time? http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1050335_1badmojoe_wprime_32m_pentium_4_2.8ghz_b_northw._133_fsb_1min_34sec_782ms
  21. Nice ratio between the Series Computing Time VS. the Division/InvSqrt/Final
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