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    IPSC, hardware, cars


  • realname
    Gregorio Alba

Chucupis's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Happy New Year to everyone regards from Venezuela
  2. Merry Christmas To Everyone
  3. The result is a 3d11 performance result not xtreme
  4. Interesting comp, i just have a gigabyte SOC 560ti and a hd7950, lets see what they can do, this will be a good challenge to learn about 3d01 Best regards from venezuela
  5. I play BC2 and Tf2 sometimes, also playing blacklight retribution Best regards
  6. I have this problem with one submission also http://hwbot.org/submission/2267154_ Best regards
  7. because there is a better one http://hwbot.org/submission/2216055_dinos22_cpu_frequency_fx_8150_8149.59_mhz regards
  8. Excelente, ese proce pide es frio
  9. 1622 gpu core! thats insane! give it a 3d03 a try Best regards
  10. Chucupis


    that would be great, just need an excuse to get out from venezuela for holidays with hardware , everithing you said sooner or later will happen, just hoping thet members from others latin america countries join best regards
  11. Chucupis


    amen , esperemos que asi sea, el año pasado tenia que ir a buenos aires al latinoamericano de IPSC, pero por motivos de la universidad no fui, si hay otra espero poder ir y llevarme el hardware hope it happens, last year i had to go to Buenos aires to be in The Ipsc latin american championchip, but i couldn´t go because of the college, if there is another championchip soon, i hope that i can go and bring my hardware Best regards
  12. Chucupis


    Great pics, good luck in this new project! best regards from venezuela
  13. Amazing nacho really close to 7.2ghz try to get it best regards
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