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Everything posted by Trouffman

  1. /!\ we've got big issue.... We've got arrested by the police in Indonesia... Unclester , trouffman and Xyala got caught being drunk in the street with no paper... This is the on ly post I can make as we are sure as we are still at the police office ( I must state that we are alright but we don't know what could happens at jono... ) I made that post here as I cannot get my family on the phone and I know u guys can read it... No worry we are fine... Just about being deported in a country we dont know.... Hope to see you guys soon enough.. trouff
  2. Arrived in jakarta OCTV - Room 605 - Call whenever you want - password for beer is 2for40 ! Australia - 1006 Philipines - 606 / 714 Thailand / 805
  3. I'm already at Hong Kong Airport waiting for the 9:20am flight to Jakarta... .seems that's the only one today from HK... So might be fun to see other OCers Hint : Gate 22 - Cathay Pacific To find me : Look for a guys with a billabong t-shirt hijacking a TV to get power for the cellphone
  4. congratz guys See yo next week for some video and interviews !!!
  5. M4ssm4n th3 1337 !
  6. my presentation from few weeks ago : in french :
  7. Same issue for me... 01 is really really interesting... but seems kinda easy to cheat also and influenced strongly with regular hack... My point would be since no special version with ant-cheat detection etc.... nay... otherwise that Bench is the most fun to play with so yay
  8. Dammit you found it ! Can't wait to be there
  9. Bwahahahahaha operation. "Oohhh yeeaahhh it's. TwoForFourty! " Can't wait to be there.! L
  10. I like the word "merde" on top of the card in the picture
  11. Will test tonight when the server will be back to normal And it's time for a new tweet > He he
  12. Oh my god Pr0n spotted Good job guys, can't wait to see it !
  13. This thread is... Artefact-less
  14. Interesting fact indeed.
  15. We will post regular updates on OverClocking-TV : http://www.overclocking-tv.com/content/events/9297/moa-2011-emea-finals-in-istanbul.html And if you have twitter, you can see the update directly with the hashtag #MOA2011
  16. Attention to the contestant of the Upcoming MSI MOA EMEA final in Istanbul Bring the maximum of your Thermos We've got details that there is a limited amount of Dewar (4) for everyone + 2 Thermos per teams. EDIT : Hope that the 4 tank of 150l of ln2 will be refilled during night
  17. There will not have any 'Active Stream', that mean no talk, show, or nything over the video, but ther'll have some video feed for sure
  18. Would be cool that people that did enjoy the previous broadcast etc, tell their thought about it, either to MSI or here. it's super great to have Live Competitions, being able to meet people etc, having the score board and discussing about the performances of everyone, but always better to see it live But as this kind of event is for a worldwide audience, worldwide overclockers, wolrdwide marketing, even if it's only a region that is concerned, the NEED for a video feed with animation and content you can actually watch, enjoy, share and discuss is no longer an OPTION and should become something MANDATORY. It's 21th century, We all want direct information, we all like to read reporta and see the picture and the videos, but we do really love to show directly in video, like a TV-Show / TV-game. This wasn't possible before because of the technologies restriction, but now on it's much more easier to bring great content and high quality AS LONG AS organisor supports it... This is happenning for the EMEA, because the organisor did not thought that a live broadcast was mandatory, a must-have and something that a load of people would enjoy... That's, from my point of view, a strange move, regarding that we've almost broadcasted all the events since 2008... (Including All the MOA "Finals"). We do hope that at the APAC fianl we could be supported for providing the Live video feed, as for the WorldWide, it's almost sure we will have it. ! Regarding our past experiement, Europe timezone on satruday is the best time ever to have live video broadcast becasue a lot more people can watch it compare to America / east asia broadcast (not by much but still) Finger Crossing, hope that any vendors will now define the video stream as something they must have among with the beers after the competition Enjoy guys
  19. Hey guys, I think we should drop the headset thing for this event due to the rules. So that means, we may have some headset for the press attending the event, if some of them want to participate in the debate
  20. HeHe Seems i'm not gonna sleep a lot this Week I will be managing the live broadcast + radio show from Montreal gonna be taking a day off
  21. Was nice seing you again in Taipei few days ago ! Hobby come and pass, 10 year is usually the maximum time people are doing Ocing before movign to something else ! Wish you the best for your familly life and new hobby, BTW you'll still be around that's a good news ! I've one of those and still in the plastic cover ^^
  22. I'll definetly not agree to put he 'turbo mode' as the official frequency, some turbo, only run on a few core, not all of them at the same time.. then to get absurd why not putting a 2.8Ghz quad creo with only 2 core and 1 core with turbo @ 3.4 ? what is taht ? quad / dual / 2.8 / 3.4 ? We should stay by the 'official stock frequencies' and if you want to display turbo mode, could be interesting to do so in the spec , or as an extra detail.
  23. good design Nice job @ ryba always good stuff ! nice for the deisgn SF3D ! I love the top ALU mount ^^
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