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Everything posted by Matt26LFC

  1. Nice score. Your Geekbench 3 version however is very out of date, rules require 3.4.4 or newer for valid run
  2. Can be closed, sold my Apex IX.
  3. Bump Also wanting Golden 7700K
  4. Impressive work on the memory! Where can I grab 0922 BIOS?
  5. Outstanding run! Destroyed tapakahs run!
  6. Managed this on ln2 today. Chips clocks well, shame I can't get the memory higher, 7600+ would be ideal
  7. @sergmannPatch tool worked great! Thanks
  8. Anyone found that you have to clear CMOS after every crash and warm up on the Gene or am I missing something
  9. Cheers guys! Will give them a try ?
  10. Cheers will give that a try ? EDIT Gave it ago but didn't work, still dropped down MCU 0x15 the right one?
  11. @sergmannHow did you do this without it downclocking? I can't stop it dropping to 5.1Ghz https://hwbot.org/submission/5091149_sergmann_y_cruncher___pi_1b_core_i9_12900k_(8p)_15sec_307ms
  12. I chucked an older BIOS on (X3k) and its now 100
  13. What was a good biscuits rating for a 12900K? Picked one up, running X5d bios, and biscuits is 89.469
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