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Everything posted by Matt26LFC

  1. Bump
  2. Nice work as usual! Will see if I can grab one or two back when I get more juice ?
  3. Very nice!!! But where's the rest of the 7600X scores?
  4. Have the same corsair kit and I couldn't set the volts over 1.43 either on them, this was on my Aorus Tachyon too, so guessing its the kit then. Mine are now for sale anyway haha
  5. Nice one! I can't even get close to 7Ghz on my Tachyon
  6. Bump
  7. Bump, still looking, new 6700K was only about 200Mhz faster than my previous. Current one does R15 4.9Ghz 1.37v, so looking for better than that
  8. Impressive! I can't control temps at all on AIO let alone air cooler...
  9. Cheers, figured this out yesterday in the end, only took me about 2 days of mucking about to notice that was the problem lol Haven't had to use slow mode as it seems happy booting 129Mhz atm Will test more to see how high it'll post
  10. Yeah def hynix, says hynix in UEFI and in CPUz memory tab. When it wouldn't start 6200Mhz I had already set bclk set to 100 so I knew they where 6200 and not way over that clock, which is the XMP frequency for the kit, XMP on this kit is 6200 36-39-39 I've tried G7400 and 12100F now, so I think I'm safe in assuming its not the CPUs since they both seem to exhibit the same behaviour, which leaves three possible options, the memory kit, the board or I'm useless haha I'd like to try G.Skill 6400Mhz C32 kit but spending £400 on another memory kit just to possibly find its not that is unpalatable lol Best I've gotten in GB3 Multi on the 12100F, having issues getting into windows now. Login screen is being weird. EDIT 2 Memory set at 4800Mhz and best I can do is 118Mhz BCLK, the above screenshot was at 3600Mhz set and could manage 122Mhz BCLK
  11. Cheers for the response I've got a GT730 on the way so will try that too, will also try the 5450 in the top PCIE Slot. The most I've booted is 120MHz on G7400 and I use GTL to increase in OS. Once I hit 129MHz it instantly freezes and then will sometimes bsod. Generally see IRQ not less or equal than, and memory management errors so I think you're right memory could be the issue. I've had memory down quite low already, I found the lower the strap the more bclk I could get, like if I was at 4800Mhz and dropped down to 4000MHz I'd gain 1-2Mhz bclk I'd like to try a G.Skill kit too but these memory kits are expensive I'll try the 5450 in the top slot first and see what happens EDIT Tried your profile with a couple changes, I turned off LAN and Audio, also I set memory clock to 6200Mhz as opposed to 6800Mhz Can't get past POST with the settings. I tried to increase VDD/VDDQ to 1.45v, but still wouldn't POST, the debug code ends at 54 then goes through the post cycle again and again and again. Is it possible this board just doesn't like the Corsair Vegeance sticks? Or is the board likely a problem, a bit like the early Asus boards where?
  12. Found a Radeon 5450 that works, so been using that, however still having problems with bclk. Trying 12100F now. Best I've gotten is 117Mhz bclk, however I have to drop the memory significantly to do so. Running X3i BIOS and using 0x09 Tried different VDD/VDDQ from 1.25v up to 1.45v Tried VDD2 CPU up to 1.45v Tried VCCIN AUX 1.9v Disabled Fast Boot in memory settings. Memory is on Auto timings. VCCSA is on Auto Do I have to maxmem for bclk OC? Turned off C States and a couple other bits there Anything specific I'm missing? My memory is Corsair 6200Mhz C36-39-39 kit 32GB
  13. Picked up a Tachyon and a G7400, does running the igpu hurt bclk overclocking? Most I've hit is 127MHz
  14. Price drop to £180+Shipping
  15. Bump
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