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Everything posted by unityofsaints

  1. Burried bellow all the Raptors but much more impressive!
  2. Ooff looks like bad clocking card or other issues like OCP/OVP?
  3. Excellent score. 3 and 4-way will come soon too I'm sure
  4. You can use the dual BIOS function for that.
  5. Could've just posted this score straight away. Crazy to see a 20-year-old benchmark start to scale with GPU clocks again!
  6. RAM on LN2 for 3D, interesting - did you see scaling with this?
  7. A rare TaPaKaH 3D sub and dice too, I like it
  8. Woah that's a great chip you've got there. What's your question? Are validation files getting corrupted?
  9. A new era in 3D benching... next step will be some cold on the GPU.
  10. I know it's too late for this years and that's fair enough but I think next year we seriously need to re-discuss changing the dates. Now that it looks like Intel and other manufacturers have permanently moved their launches from Computex in June to right before CC it's such a hectic time of year for everyone with that, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Eve. Nevermind the fact that Down Under we have to fight with 40 celsius benching rooms... I'll bring this up again next year but my proposal would be 1st of Jan to 29th of Feb. Stages looking good @Leeghoofdand all those involved in picking them, good mix of brand new benches (Speedway) and classic hardware (HD3000, Geforce 8). Well done all ?
  11. Hopefully the TeamAU USB still has some stuff on it from 2017 ;)
  12. Disappointed 3mins wasn't broken yet, but o.k. this will do for now ;)
  13. Well, well well... the ancient record finally fell! Congrats.
  14. GPUpi 3.3.3 submitted as 3.2
  15. LGA1156 pack sold, more stuff to be added in a couple of days.
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