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  1. so you just have to put in an ES cpu and than it will work??? are you sure
  2. thanks HD7770 is still a good clocking card but there is someting that throttles the core over 1400MHz maybe there is a need for a modiefied bios or something else i have done some runs with 1500+ at core 1,5V VCC but then i get results with less than 1000 points in heaven
  3. anyone knows a bios for GA P67A UD7 B3 were we can set vcore up to 2,0V or 2,2V need it for benching IVE
  4. great work lets give it a try with evga epower if the gpu is still alive
  5. solved http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=359671
  6. does anyone knows how to get higher clocks on hd7770 i`m limited to 1200 core and 1250 mem unofficial OC @1 in afterburner CFG affects that i can`t change clocks
  7. the biggest problem that i had is not the price 1,5 euro/L is not bad but as cheaper as better the biggest problem that i had is i need to take 1 of my 25 holidays each time i buy LN2 because i buy it also on a farm and there it is just posible in the morning monday to friday and buying by linde 70euro/25L without shipping and 2,5euro per day for the dewar because they don't want to refill my own one so good linde deal would be great
  8. not as crappy as my one my 3960X can do 5555 2 and 3 cores and with 4cores 5400 5cores 5350 and 6cores 5250 to 5300 depending on benchmark
  9. there will be no more power with the 8pin because the other two wires are just GND
  10. i think overclocking is a kind of electronic science starting with moding your VGA cards or mainboards up to building your own OC tools if you have enough engineering skills for that befor tin was starting to work for evga he has designed his own untouchable if you have enough skill to built your own tools i don`t think that you want to get punished for your skills untouchable is a kind of moding hardware not an ES hardware same as you lend someone a VR that he can Vmod his hardware and i don't think that this will be a kind of hardware sharing sorry for my bad english
  11. i have tried 1,55-1,7V no difference i just take the screen with 1,7V also tired different voltages with with 6 cores +ht 5300 are benchstable from 1.63 to 1.7V raising vcore don't gave me 1mhz more
  12. today i tested my 3960x under ln2 and some realy strange things happend max multi with water cooling was x55 with ln2 max with 2 cores 5555 http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2176351 with 4 cores 54xx with 6 cores 5300 not one mhz more best temp scaleing was around -12,5°C cb @ -22 when i run 6 cores @5250 cb was -55
  13. today i tested mein first x79 chip with water cooling 3960X 3133B429 2cores 2threads 1,55V x55 works x56 crashs and need a full reset will test it with ln2 on friday
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