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Everything posted by kimandsally

  1. I agree with this, my reason is when you get new guys or gals on HWBOT they probably aim to get to where they think they want to be, so if the rules keep changing then the targets also have to change, the poor guys who have done well who lose points will be very demoralised and at worse could even leave HWBOT. We need stability then peoples goals become realistic and achievable. So I like it as it is.
  2. Good score man shame it's too late.
  3. kimandsally

    B die

    Thank you mate I got mixed up I appreciate that.
  4. kimandsally

    B die

    I am looking for a set of b die that will do 4133c12-11-240 , waza stable (minimum) also want to know the volts and what motherboard. Let me know what you've got.
  5. I would not have been able to do this without CONSIDERABLE help from My friend MllrKllr88 He has spent almost the whole weekend teaching me 32M.
  6. Wow what a score what a CPU 5712MHz insane,
  7. WOW great CPU and amazing price.
  8. kimandsally

    I5 7600K

    Decided to keep it please close the thread.
  9. kimandsally

    I5 7600K

    Mmm now I'm wondering if I should sell it, definitely won't get another as good as this.
  10. WOW great price
  11. kimandsally

    I5 7600K

    Now 310 Euro or sensible offers, this CPU holds 6th place in XTU only using water this has tremendous potential on LN2.
  12. kimandsally

    I5 7600K

    REDUCED NOW 320 Euro Inc UK shipping EU shipping at cost.
  13. Great card at a great price, bump for a super deal.
  14. kimandsally

    I5 7600K

    Thank you fixed.
  15. kimandsally

    I5 7600K

    You need to redo your math mate it is 1.3x just under actually.
  16. kimandsally

    I5 7600K

    Thought I would just run a Cine 15 off to see how it went, 5.3GHz @ 1.36v
  17. Any movement on price I can get it new here https://www.overclockers.co.uk/gigabyte-x99-soc-champion-intel-x99-socket-2011-ddr4-eatx-motherboard-mb-520-gi.html Interested at the right price.
  18. kimandsally

    I5 7600K

    I have for sale a very good 7600K: Holds 6th place in XTU on water!! Water tested only. VID 1.1040v Cine 15 @ 1.36v as screenshot this is delidded. Water temp 18.5c 5.3GHz on everything no problem max volts 1.44v all done before de_lidded XTU was done after de_lidded. Will do 5.4GHz on most only bought for the competitions so I don't need to run again. Any tests you want doing let me know before Sunday as taking it out. See my subs here: Overclocking, overclocking, and much more! Like overclocking. https://goo.gl/photos/invovXrLYkzkzdp56 340 Euro inc shipping to the UK will ship to EU for extra at cost price. REDUCED NOW 320 Euro Inc UK shipping EU shipping at cost. Now 310 Euro or sensible offers.
  19. Bump for great CPU.
  20. kimandsally

    x4 APEX

    Excuse me I am buying this.
  21. kimandsally

    x4 APEX

    I would like to have this, does it count that I ask first? I can you straight away.
  22. kimandsally

    x4 APEX

    Hi Doug is the remaining one like new with all the bits? If so would you quote me on postage please you can PM me the total if you wish. Thank you.
  23. This is a seriously sad situation where does the enjoyment come from doing this? I get people do dishonest things for money but what when you get caught? The shame would be unbearable. It was not many years ago when people had more dignity. Unless I had a medical emergency and was dying nothing could bring me to cheat, you don't actually win if you cheat so why bother.
  24. Great CPU at great price very nice indeed.
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