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Everything posted by gazza30

  1. Hahaha thanks still got some things to work on tw is not where I want it to be and I think I'll change things up a bit to get better vs as well but still happy with the result.
  2. Thanks moose Areca 1882ix storage was pretty weak for this setup actually guessing its the lack of Pci-e 3 thats hurting me.
  3. Haha yeh still few subtests letting me down for sure but getting closer
  4. Thanks my friend might have a play see what i can come up with today
  5. Pretty hard comp to enter with no download link to the competition background?
  6. SOLD thanks Hwbot.
  7. Up for sale 2x 2gb sticks of G-SKILL PIS CL 7-10-10-28 1.65v Looking for $100 US ONO SOLD Pending Payment Payment via PAYPAL Located in AUSTRALIA pm me for a postage quote
  8. Ram pot with SS mount me wants c'mon man OUT WITH IT
  9. Thanks MAT solid controller for sure your General usage will be crazy when you decide to run 8 drives.
  10. No mention of storage picture is mentioned in the PC mark 05 rules so none is needed
  11. Really nice result Mat any idea on max bandwidth for the LSI.
  12. Thanks for reply Pro, just my take on thing mate is all i know its not an easy job for yourself and the other Mods to sort out. Easier to moderate last couple of years since rst has been availiable then to have to deal with moderating and questioning results from here on in and years to come often the easy path may not be the best path. As for not affecting existing results i thought heaps of results had already been deleted either due to F2D or RST or other cheat/hacks etc why not continue the purge. It seemed like PC05 was getting back to more of a hardware bench not all that long ago with certain sowtware tweaks be disallowed i just don't think its gone far enough. But if Allowing rst/amd software caching is the road were taking then fine suits me hell i can sell off half my hardware for pc05 just don't think its the right path to follow.
  13. If rst uses another disk to cache to achieve its results why is fancycache frowned upon when you can assign one ssd to cache another seems like the same thing if you ask me. Rst / raid expert just seems like a moderators nightmare if you ask me going to be very hard to 100% stop bad results slipping through and ending up right back where we are now.
  14. Nice test run mate cant wait for the real deal
  15. 1.792 v core for 4.5 dammmmmmmmmm you tell that chip who's boss
  16. Sweet man finally we can play PC05 again good to see the BS scores purged finally. Expecting big scores from you mate i'll be watching.
  17. Sure mate lets have 2 leagues for every benchmark one for cheats and one for legit results. I hope you where kidding
  18. Yup what he said ^^ gues we just need a bot admin to sort it ?
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