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Everything posted by Andrix85

  1. Has anyone the official LN2 bios for MSI GTX 580 TFIII POWER EDITION ? Thanks
  2. Hy boys, I have this vga to try oc under Ln2 but I have some problems with oc. The pcb is the same of Lightning version, but someone can tell me how bios and msi ab version can I use to modify voltages ? And the switch on the pcb, how can I use ? Thanks
  3. Great run Pixy...Have you solve Your problem ?
  4. Hi Nacho.. What can do your cpu 2c/2t in 3D bench with 1.9V and what 4c/4t ? My can do 6.54 2c/2t and 6.4 4c/4t. If yours it's better I can be interested Thanks Andrea
  5. Hi Viss I'm interesting to KPC F1EE for $150 Have you a link to see other images of the pot ? What's the price with shipping costs to Italy ? Thanks
  6. lol...You can use also only 2 cores with 3DM05.. Nice cpu...
  7. Yes Barbone....I have the same problem with Maximus Gene V...with 1 module or in single channel ok, in dual code 55 error...I try the next day and the mboard works fine...Probably is condensation that do problems to the cpu IMC... With Gigabyte Z77 UD4H, no problems...
  8. Cpu sold...
  9. Good job Vivi.. How do you think about MPowerMax? We have had problems last week at BIG OC LAN PARTY in Italy with bios...When we launch XTU bench, the INTEL SPEED STEP will ENABLE, but we disable it in the bios...We try 1.32 and 1.33 bios, but anything...
  10. 4670K batch L315B373 can clouse XTU @ 5535 MHZ with 1.575V under LN2...It can boot 5700, 5800 with 1.85V but it isn't stable...CB only -105...
  11. X01 bios for Z87X-OC seems oc better my TRANSCEND PSC kit...I can boot at 1230 MHZ CL8 with 1.85V instead 1200 with F5 bios...
  12. I am in talks with other user out of the hwbot forum...
  13. Great run Roberto... This Asrock is amazing...Have you insulated ? For short oc session isn't necessary I know...Can you confirm this ? P.S. last night we have oc Voiager's 4770K: 6 GHZ benchable 4c/8t @ 1.75V. It seems a lucky cpu..
  14. Great job Valter...This cpu can do better... Go !!!
  15. Ciaooo...Certo che si, lo disattivo sempre io... Devo riprovare con Hasswell, dovrei migliorare ancora qualcosina !!!
  16. 4670K L315B373 pass 3DMARK05 inclusive CPU TEST 4c/4t @ 5 GHZ with 1.23V under single stage...Secure better than my previously L311B that required 1.45V...I test it soon with LN2...
  17. Hi boys... I sell my 2600K return from RMA batch L153A470, tested with Single Stage at 5.6 GHZ 4c/8t @ 1.55V. For screen ask me... Price: 250€ + shipping costs I can ship to EUROPE Andrea
  18. Good run Barbone... You can ejoy better with old socket instead hasswell...
  19. Try catalyst 9.4 Flavio...You can improve the result...
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