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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Can you please resubmite them?
  2. ***nda***
  3. I guess it's not updated yet, 25 pts are missing, please let me know in 24 hours if you have still the problem
  4. Ewoks are cute though
  5. cause you added the screenshot afterwards @ Massman, please check if a recalc or a check is needed
  6. you're leia then
  7. Thats funny that some days after massman claimed "hwbot without bots" there are so much bots spaming everywhere on hwbot. Revenge of the Bots (now on sale) The HWBot Striked Back (coming soon)
  8. @ Massman Need to merge those two or move the highest one into the competition: http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2231504 http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2231517
  9. can you just resubmite it one more time (do a new submission) , then I will block this one.
  10. link me the score I will try to fix it, tell me if there is anything to edit as well
  11. et doucement hein, c est mon meileur score avec le 2600K. Ptetre qu il a besoin de froid pour descendre plus bas qui sait.
  12. Or write more info in the comment field
  13. Blocked, Subdetails are mandatory and benchmark settings as well, please read the rules
  14. Screens have been painted, what are you hidding ? I have quite same folders
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