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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Will be back the first of july As we said many times before
  2. Is this the know bug with 3DMark03 + Windows 7 ? Or all GT bugged ? What you did to have such a score ?
  3. maybe because it's a competition submission, anyway it has been removed from the competition, so it's ok
  4. And you did some parts wrong I want to see Turrican entering his SuperPi 32M results with i486 using the new mode he has to caclulate 8 months'24 days'12 hours'35 minutes'27 seconds into seconds :D
  5. not yet, will be available again in rev 4.1 released 1rst of july (but hardware libraries in rev 4.2)
  6. The A8-3850 used here is a 4 core not 8 core
  7. Well, the rule is: default resolution, that's why for those cards, IGP (82810, 82815, some Savage, Voodoo) we are now able to run 3DMark00 and 3DMark99 but not 3DMark01 according to the rules. But the default settings rule is not applied to hardware/software D3D, T&L, Z-buffer and Texture compression, that's why it's allowed to bench 3DMark01 with ATI Rage and nVidia TNT2.
  8. Uptate to critical Some are killing my cups I want to know who and where.
  9. lol, come on msn or facebook one of those days, and I will tell you how to
  10. You haven't used the video encoding tweak , maybe for the backup
  11. Am I the only one that this happens ? / CPU for sure not maxed / the thing on the CPU pot is the thermos btw
  12. Damn, pwned by a cpu. Damn walls, not the first time I see one, but for sure first time with Prescott thx sam
  13. I love that, only clocks + Hardmods, no tweaks anyway... :eek: and
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