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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Can you show us an exemple of such screenshot ?
  2. if you take a look at other scores done with this cpu or a Pentium 4 5xx (prescott) series with ~same cpu frequency, the audio compression is around 1700 kb/s and MrPaco's score is 4400 kb/s. That's why it looks odd And the transparent windows score too seems a bit high
  3. If he is ok to show hwbot staff how he managed to do such a score, then we will legit it I am sure hard drive has nothing to do with this test
  4. I built a website named hwspecs, it was planned to have on it all computers components with a picture + short description + all specs(when I say all, it's all) + a datasheet of the product to download. I sent an email to ~157 brand/manufacturers, around 10 replied yes and gave me full access to they website and datasheets. Some others told me to find what I need on they website, but discontinued products was not more there, datasheets and specs were missing, sometimes pics too, it was an hardwork for me to find all info and send email to the tech support to have missed info. the other ones never replied But being alone and adding all computers parts from 1992 to 2011+ was too much for me so I put the website offline not long ago. I hope in the future I can open this project again.
  5. 2800 Windows/s Under Windows XP, how is that possible ?
  6. Achievements are broken actually in rev4. It's on the rev4 bugs list
  7. I think the best is that I was watching the ''real'' live the night before
  8. Frontpage for sure You are a killer, I told you, you got Andre Yang's CPU Kill all WRs man
  9. who will be the Roger Federer of Overclocking ?
  10. So, how is windows8 performing ? Better than XP for PCM04 ?
  11. Its because you have PhysX activated. Which is not allowed. To disable it, go to nvidia control pannel and select PhysX on the cpu and not on the graphic card. You can also disable it diretly in 3DMark Vantage, in the option, settings, disable PPU. And I think last version of 3DMark Vantage has it disabled by default
  12. Yeah he is right, I do it with task manager too, you need to be fast to not abort the benchmark, overclock yourself
  13. set the affinity to only one core when multithread test involving grammar test is going to start
  14. The kid is too new to do it So this is between you and Karl
  15. ha ok What about an user that use 4-5 brands ? Counted one time in all curve ?
  16. Don't worry, they aren't gone, you still have them in the hardware masters ranking (all hardware points count, this amount is not yet back available on your user profile) and for the team ranking. Yep, seems you lost 43 points with now the TOP20HW against the previous 300HW limit for your Overclockiers League ranking. Then push more overclocking to grab few extra points on your best submissions I cannot check your oc profile, seems the link to your profille is broken or maybe you changed your name. EDIT: found it, no more lockheed_sr_71_, but lockheed for the link
  17. Have you calculated all your submissions or only the TOP20 (means the 20 that give you the most amount of points) of them ? It's TOP15 for the global ones btw Cause with new rev4 only the TOP20 hardware points and TOP15 global points count for your OC profile, More info here: http://hwbot.org/article/hwboints
  18. Someone told me venice ftw , maybe only for maxxmem @ Karl, Windsor FTW : http://hwbot.org/benchmark/superpi/rankings?start=0&hardwareTypeId=processor_854#familyId=120
  19. congrats with CR not K8's FR btw, keep pushin'
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