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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. it's 502 MHz higher than stock so it's overclocked
  2. Yeah, sweet hu ?
  3. can't see anything
  4. Okaayyyy, Just uploaded 209 Memes in the Gallery. Have fun: Btw you can also rate/vote and comment pics in this gallery (no need to register or subscribe to the website)
  5. When u do no have something to bench, let's make a shitlod of memes
  6. Some memes are lost too bad
  7. Hum I am thinking about opening a gallery on Ocaholic where I will put all those memes there so one can browse them easier
  8. OMG, so much win in it
  9. There are still 11 days left and this week end I am considering going back home (where my hardware is) so
  10. Sad but for me it's true
  11. There is the G.Skill one running at the moment
  12. Jsavais qu'il avait des backups, c'est comme aux cartes je fais tomber les atouts
  13. Enfoiré , en même temps ton proc il a 100 MHz de plus
  14. meh, will fix the submission, it has no points EDIT: Fixed
  15. This one killed me:
  16. If god gives me time I will be Hardware Master ho if god gives me money too I will beat Andre Yang too
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