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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. when I have post 55 error is when the IMC is too cold or Memory frequency too high or if the DIMM slots are full of water
  2. Perché soli i 20 migliori risultati (quelli con piu punti hardware punti) contano per la league: 23+22.3+21.2+21+19.8+19.6+19.4+18.9+18.8+18.8+18.5+18.4+18.2+17.4+17.3+16.5+16.1+15.9+15.8+15.8 = 372.7 più i 15 migliori risultati Global (quelli con iu punti global): 9.1+7.5+6.9+6.2+6.1+3.6+2.2+2.1+1.7+0.9+0.4+0.4 = 47.1
  3. Cause you were offline when I needed you PS: Ivy Bridge sux
  4. Yeah anyway I failed miserably with Ivy Bridge benching, everything went wrong and not even a single result in 4 hours. Don't want to talk about that
  5. Okay I don't understand, Puoi dirmelo in italiano, parlo italiano anch'io.
  6. For the OC League only TOP15 global points + TOP 20 hardware points count for the league ranking. http://hwbot.org/user/Andrix85/#Points Quote: The Overclockers league is based on a members best 15 global & worldrecord submissions, and the best 20 submissions with the most 'hardware' and 'competition' points. Global or world record points can be achieved by reaching a very high score in a benchmark, no matter which hardware you used. Hardware points can be achieved by reaching a very high score in a benchmark for a specific hardware item, like the fastest GTX260 in 3DMark06. Competition points can be gained by joining competitions.
  7. Training: For those who don't get it:
  8. Submite a score that has been run using default settings
  9. Becnhed 4 hours under LN2, multi still working MVG+3770K
  10. On the 3DM01 screenshot it's written: Not run using default settings On the 3DM03 screenshot: seems to be ok
  11. Faster way: Turrican, Knopflerbruce and me can clic the recalculate rankings&points of all our submission at the same time
  12. lol, official announcement is computex right is board is ready ? so edit your post in 4 days
  13. yeah problems started yesterday around 30 minutes before midnight CHAOS started
  14. will take some holiday too after fail way too hard with ivy bridge
  15. How to change igp frequency on Ivy Bridge ? Fast only 15 minutes left
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