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Everything posted by kirbster

  1. blew away the old records! Nice work! I will have to settle for fastest water cooled 5800K... No money! ;-)
  2. I often wondered if there shouldn't be point separation between cooling methods, but in the end it would be difficult to properly police it. So rules wide open, run what ya brung! Do the best you can.
  3. Hoping i am luckier in the draw than i was with my 3570k!
  4. run GPU at stock clocks.....see what happens!
  5. Nice to see no sandbagging! Winning score was posted early for all to see and try and beat. Congrats Aristidis!
  6. I have to admit. Ram tweaking is likely the most tedious of all overclocking disciplines. It can drive me pretty crazy. There are some pretty impressive times here. I just dont have the really nice ram required for these kinds of speeds. Cant wait to see what gets posted up in the last few days. Nice work Aristidis! Very Nice!
  7. well, it was fun while it lasted. Nice scores all....
  8. Can't get bob's tweak to work for me.......
  9. might have to take another shot this weekend...Nice score sir!
  10. I figured that, but it's a bit confusing as some scores are read and some are score.....
  11. I compete regardless. But I understand the difficulties of trying to regulate anything other than full on, no limits overclocking. Knowing the guy actually did not go sub zero can be tricky. I would love to try LN2 sometime, but for me, the cost is prohibitive. Years ago ( 12?) I played around with home built TEC/water setups that easily brought temperatures down below -10 or even lower. But condensation spoiled the fun for me and I decided to stick with ambient forms of cooling. I was surprised to find HWBot a few years ago and see just how many people were using LN2. Again. It is the same in any form of competition. Those willing to spend more in both time and money will generally do better.
  12. Well we wouldnt want that all the time, but the odd competion would be fine. Efficiency is a good challenge and can teach everyone some new tweaks.
  13. I agree with sin. That would be fun and level the playing field.
  14. I was not refering to this competition in particular. Nor any of the competitors in it. Just using a general example. I actually borrowed the board and the CPU back from the friend i sold it to. I knew that 1055T was a pretty decent clocker, and the 890FXA-UD5 was a good performer as well.
  15. It's not wrong to use the tools at your disposal as long as it fits within the rules. It is always arguable that people with larger budgets have an advantage in anything. In the end it is your skills that will give you the greatest advantage, as you learn to squeeze every last ounce of performance out of you particular group of hardware. What you can do is work on your skills and try to improve on your own best scores. and compare yourself directly with those who are running similar hardware. HWBOT allows you to do that. You can compete at a very high level for global points, or at a lower level for hardware points. You can run 10 year old equipment and still compete. As for myself, every CPU i have ever used is a store bought one that i had no ability to pick and choose from. I can only afford to buy one. I do know that some competitors might buy 10 or 20 and bin them to see which has the most headroom and sell off the rest. But that costs them alot of money to do that and they are the ones deciding what their budget is for any given scenario. And so, in the end, this is what you have to decide. How will you compete?
  16. Ouch! Good luck with the 555. You are in a good position to win it all.
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