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Posts posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. 1 minute ago, Mythical tech said:

    I never actually paid 10$ that is just what airgas quoted me originally. The local welding shop just reopened so cheaper ln2 is now available to me again. 

    Understand, I think MikeG had a receipt uploaded from Airgas showing $0.38 floating around here somewhere maybe try to find it and get your price dropped even lower.

  2. 58 minutes ago, Mythical tech said:

    More of a stupid thought than something I plan on doing but getting a pot down 130c bellow ambient would save a lot of ln2 for a heavy pot. I was paying 10$L for ln2 before so it would have made a big difference but I am getting it for 1.20L now 

    Pot really depends on the platform your benching, but paying $10/liter is just getting ripped off. That's the highest I've ever heard of anyone paying for a liter. Glad to hear you're at a much lower price now :)

    I've not touched the phase since I went LN2 and have no desire to mess with it. It's loud, hot and provides temps that are really only good for alleviating IMC strain for binning memory. For benching competitively it's useless.

  3. 4 hours ago, jfpoole said:

    Which DLLs did you have to replace?  The CPUIDSDK DLLs?

    Yup those are the ones.

    Saw too much of this:


    Some more pics from benching this monster platform:








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  4. 14 hours ago, Leeghoofd said:

    Tell that to Judge Mohammed George.... I dare you ? 

    HWboints will always be,, too many peeps spend time on this, no need to get that undone....

    Let me tell you a story about Mohammed ?

    I think no reason to disable points on unaffected platforms, rather only disable points on affected platforms once no other solution can be implemented to ensure validity of the benchmark.

    But Allen brings up a good point, with the dll swapping that needs to be done to even get the benchmark to open along with having at least of 8GB of ram available for the big chips. This is for sure a gray area but there's no other way to make GB3 work on the newer hcc CPUs.

    Let's get back on topic . . . 

    There has never been a time a consumer could purchase a cpu of this calibre, pepper your Angus all, the fireworks show is going to be yuge :D


    • Haha 1
  5. 22 minutes ago, GeorgeStorm said:

    Or it keeps hwpoints as it's quite a popular bench, or it stays but isn't allowed to be run on win8/10, or maybe other options, no need to be so dramatic.

    Get rid of globals and hwpoints and we will see how popular it really is :D

    4 minutes ago, Leeghoofd said:

    GB will only keep hwpoints but that's it.... more than enough drama, no need to stir it up once more... changes changes changes


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  6. 24 minutes ago, _mat_ said:

    The red X is due to the many threads using a lot of timer calls during Geekbench, which had the possibility to colide inside BM's kernel driver and produce a skew error, which will ultimately get blocked. This has been already fixed of course, but not in BenchMate 0.9.3.

    This is exactly what happens when I'm not allowed to support Geekbench with the latest BenchMate versions. People go back using old versions with bugs that have already been fixed, mixing up BenchMate versions that leave artifacts due to crashing and inevitably fuck the installation up (unless you know what you are doing and remove the BenchMate services manually). Worst case scenarios that all fall back to BenchMate, exactly as I predicted.

    Geekbench needs to either allow the integration or lose its points. This is not fun for anyone of us.

    I completely understand that this is not a BM problem mat, it's a GB problem and due to the nature of Primate Labs not wanting to cooperate the only thing to do is ditch GB from all point rankings. I also never install multiple versions on the same system since you've mentioned early on this will lead to a bad time lol.

    The only issue I have ever had with BM is a hardware detection issue with super old vga cards and the solution is simple. . . change the vga :)

    Looking forward to v11 keep up the good work man.

  7. Run GB3 and after you wait and wait and wait for dj to pass, only then to get slayed by my boy ray then only then can you wish this one would finish quicker :D

    . . . but the best is the red X upon opening BM, nothing better than waiting 2+ minutes for a worthless run and that's if you even pass running the gauntlet.

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