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Posts posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. First of all congrats Allen huge score!

    Pretty unbelievable to think that this board has worked for as long as it has.

    Extra power pins, nah no need :D

    New MRC, would be nice but everything except gb3 still competitive in terms of memory clocking.

    VRM, hasn't blown up even with double the cores/threads.

    Hacked up microcode to keep making shit work when it shouldn't, thank you Nick and thank you ASRock.

    Looking forward to next gen and hope it's as solid and robust as the MOCF.


    • Like 1
  2. On 10/22/2019 at 2:33 PM, Alex@ro said:

    Overclocking is not dead but sort of half-dead. The glory days were few years ago when there many competitions for every category, more interest from vendors, etc.However this interest precisely the material part was misused by a bunch of crooks , the overclocking tv and some bad management and trust that Massman did with these people that led into a total disaster. Short storyz, most of the money that went in from vendors were spent on useless things and crooks. Overclocking TV had a huge chunk on money that they used for their personal interest such as buying equipment for the wonderfull li estreaming where they basically sucked hard in creating and entertaining an audience and also by manipulating statistics and lying to vendors about the number of views which they did not had because...they were so bad at what they were supposed to do. Eventually vendors saw no ROI from this and backed off. The crooks called overclocking tv( which is now rebranded as a different company) even thought to be managers for some top overclockers promising them support from vendors for a commision.

    Myself and other top and respected overclockers know this and we will never forgive these crooks for their behaviour and what they did. 

    You nailed it Alex, agree 100% with everything you said.

    The current state of overclocking is in zombie mode atm, somewhere in between dead and alive. Unsure of what's required to bring back to it's full glory. I think part of it is the newer generation in general prefers to watch things instead of reading, but watching overclocking has never really been fun and even if you're the best overclocker on earth you still have those days where nothing fucking works.

    Now imagine doing a livestream and you have one of those session's where you boot up and it's just problem after problem live ota. How does this look to an aspiring overclocker looking to invest lots of time and money into this hobby?

    I don't have a solution to the problem just an analysis of what I think the problem might be. As FDR once said “When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.”


  3. 3 hours ago, Alex@ro said:

    Not sure what you guys are after, win7 scores worser as George says and plus i can only adjust blck in 1 step, like 100-101 and then it will immediatly crash few seconds after. I installed benchmate later on for 11.5 as you can see my other submission. Anyway, complaining about this when half of this website simply does not work is like you guys are going witch-hunting barehanded and with a hole in your pants...



  4. On 10/6/2019 at 4:20 AM, _mat_ said:

    Interesting. I will have some time tomorrow to finish BenchMate 0.10. And even if I can't finish it tomorrow, I can send you and the Splaver a test version to see if this is fixed now. Would help me a lot!

    Sounds great Mat, I can test out when I get back home in a day or so. No rush on your end but will gladly provide feedback if it can help in anyway.

    Really appreciate what you've done for the community, keep it up :)


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  5. On 10/3/2019 at 11:41 AM, Splave said:

    Hey guys so even if you dont alter the bclk directly you can have skew on the timer with ryzen in win10.

    Im seeing 99.8* to 100.4* in cpuz depending on the boot and temp on ln2 it swings a lot. Scoring is not accurate.

    So if you are me now, what do you do when you are using bench-mate and getting second place to someone that is not using it?

    Does this mean on boards that dont have external bclk generators can also have skewing? will test on aqua which does not have external generator. 

    timer bug.jpeg

    Same thing popping up over here even on the X570 Aqua which has no clockgen or any way to alter bclk.

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