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Posts posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. On 10/3/2019 at 11:41 AM, Splave said:

    Hey guys so even if you dont alter the bclk directly you can have skew on the timer with ryzen in win10.

    Im seeing 99.8* to 100.4* in cpuz depending on the boot and temp on ln2 it swings a lot. Scoring is not accurate.

    So if you are me now, what do you do when you are using bench-mate and getting second place to someone that is not using it?

    Does this mean on boards that dont have external bclk generators can also have skewing? will test on aqua which does not have external generator. 

    timer bug.jpeg

    Same thing popping up over here even on the X570 Aqua which has no clockgen or any way to alter bclk.

  2. On 9/7/2019 at 2:43 PM, MrGenius said:

    True...ish. You won't get a score to submit under the BenchMate rankings without the latest version(0.9.3) AND/OR a paid version of GB though. Not sure how/if that applies to GB's "licensing code". It shouldn't. Also not sure what you mean by "need a license to use any version of Geekbench". So far as I know...the "tryout" versions are all "unlicensed". Using their own definition of "licensed" anyway(which would only apply to the paid versions). Since the "license"(their words) is what you're buying from them to use the "unlimited" version.


    If you don't have a license you can only bench in 32 bit only which is completely pointless if you're competitively benchmarking as you 100% need to run the benchmark in 64 bit to get a proper score. So when I say you need a license to use any version of the Geekbench, I mean with out a key you might as well not even bench it since the score will not be remotely competitive.

  3. On 8/31/2019 at 10:18 PM, elmor said:

    I'd suggest to try going back to a bios version from around the launch, as sometimes things related to ln2 benching breaks later on and is usually not retested. Also the TR4 socket is problematic on ln2 and pins easily lose contact resulting in memory issues or worse. Slow mode does not help with cold issues. Do you get stuck at any specific post code when trying to boot at below -50?

    You da real mvp

  4. On 9/5/2019 at 1:29 PM, jpoole said:

    I'm John Poole, the founder of Primate Labs, the company that develops Geekbench.  I'd like to clarify our position on Benchmate.

    I approached Matthias on Wednesday and asked him to remove Geekbench from the Benchmate bundle -- the way in which Benchmate included Geekbench created legal and logistical issues for us.  This request was straightforward yet took significant back-and-forth to resolve.

    I also expressed my concern over how Benchmate integrates with Geekbench.  Benchmate does more than change the timers Geekbench uses to measure performance.  Benchmate "snoops" into Geekbench to fetch results and submit them directly to HWBot, and appears to be taking steps towards subverting Geekbench's licensing code.  Matthias disagreed with our assessment and refused to remove the integration. We are concerned about an application built on top of ours without our permission because of methodological, statistical, business, and legal reasons.

    I'm disappointed in how this incident has unfolded, and I'm surprised to see comments that we're not taking these issues seriously, or that we're not supporting the community.  I believe we can take these issues seriously while still disagreeing about whether Benchmate and the techniques it uses are the correct approaches to resolving these issues.

    Just wow.

    One guy fixes a problem your whole team could/would not fix, for free nonetheless and you threaten him with litigation? Should maybe think about scrapping your team and hiring Mat since he actually cares about benchmark integrity and is trying to actively do something for the community (with no ulterior motives btw) which no one else has done to date. You still need a license to use any version of Geekbench whether you're on using it standalone or integrated through Benchmate, so saying that Benchmate is "taking steps towards subverting Geekbench's licensing code." seems like fake news.

    Seeing this makes me never want to benchmark any Geekbench ever again, and I for sure will not be purchasing any more licenses simply because of how you have handled this issue. Welcome back to hwbot :)


    On 9/5/2019 at 1:42 PM, Splave said:

    EDIT: I apologize for anyone calling you names. Surely that is childish and will be fixed by the mods. Most of us are grown ups here. 



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