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Xtreme Addict

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Posts posted by Xtreme Addict

  1. With 7970 this is hard. Frequencies in 3D11



    12 Lightnings 7970:


    1. died stock

    2. 1625/1825

    3. 1660/1800

    4. 1670/1900

    5. 1760/2020 my golden one which gave me ticket to MOA Finals :D

    6. 1650/1950

    7. 1500/1800

    8. 1550/1900

    9. 1500/2000

    10. 1600/1850

    11. 1550/1900

    12. 1500/1870


    Ref cards:


    1. 1500/1850

    2. 1550/1800

    3. 1570/1900

    4. 1550/1870

    5. 1350/1750 (GHz Edition, Vapor-X Sapphire, ref design but all phases))




    1. 1610/1980

    2. 1625/1800

    3. 1600/1850

  2. Okay, so in fact THX to this OC Cup, Futuremark Hall of Fame will be again the most important :) No more Single GPU benching, 4-Way, QuadCF FTW! :)


    Don't get me wrong, I like idea of CUP but there is also normal ranking needed, for instance someone gets the best CPU and VGA from PRO OC League (like always) and want's to crash all records in single gpu and 2d benchmarks and during the CUP it will be pointless, no points and so on, only satisfaction. Of course - it's the most important, but the problem is the cost and time. Once people got "points" they will also want and need to get them in future. It means that there will be worse results, cause no one will care about rankings outside CUP stages and will go to Futuremark for 3D and that's all (like me, I will focus only on Futuremark Hall of Fame with 4-way/Quad CF with small exceptions for older 3DMarks). Of course I will try to compete in CUP if I will find someone to do a team and some vendor's help...

  3. Leave PRO OC League with the rules which we all like and don't complain. Removing it sucks, cause not all like to play with old hardware for HW points, some of us like only highends, the newest hw ;) For older hw we have Team Cup, Country Cup :)


    But I agree that there should be something to encourage new overclockers to this business. Some ideas of PRO CUP are good. I vote for ADDING "PRO OC CUP" to the existing PRO OC League and leaving "our PRO OC League" with the rules which are now.


    I think there should be some kind of voting for existing members, cause in fact in private conversations most of overclockers don't like idea of removing PRO OC League. In fact I think that some people forgot that HWBOT is for overclockers, not overclockers for HWBOT. We are used to being forced to some ideas, limits (for instance what is legal and what isn't in benchmarks). Of course HWBOT is now making rules, is like a ruler of OC now and it's good cause we have common "peace", HWBOT is deal breaker, it's like "goverment" and we have some duties but also privileges (like contests and so on), but in some things there should be democracy.


    That's why I think there should be a POLL for members of PRO OC League.


    With options:


    a) Remove PRO OC League and start PRO OC Cup

    b) Leave PRO OC League like in rev. 4.0 and ADD PRO OC Cup (MY VOTE)

    c) Leave PRO OC League like in rev 4.0 and don't start PRO OC Cup

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