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Everything posted by gprhellas

  1. Hello and happy New Year, promise for a deep search to our hard disk to find.
  2. very good question. But you must ask this question to a moderator, like this (were was the upload screen pic ?) If it is lost then i must search to my hard disk two years before to find..... (so we must keep backup for all the screen that we have uploaded all the last years ?) ok, i will search....
  3. thanks gays the cpu has more , thats for sure.
  4. can you be more specific ? is all the bench same ? i have a problem with bclock actualy, i play everythink ok at bclock 237. i have lost one at bclock 238 with freazing at the end (tow thousand more)
  5. @jmke Are you reading that you are writing? (sorry for that question). I am not questioning. It is a different thing to have identical scores and to play in the same bench table using the same hardware “live”. Look the picture in XS…are you blind or what? No ones have spoken for identical scores, (except you). And finally I repeat. I don’t make the rules. If you want this situation to acts normally just say it. (And change the rule – so simple) All the others are just for bla bla bla…….
  6. It supposed that you as a moderator as you are (not you?) you should know that these scores you said ( this was said a lot times before) were done with different hardware. Let’s go again: The ati cards that hipro5 use for these benchmarks are direct from ati Canada for him and there is a receipt for this (you can ask Makki from Xtremesystems.org). But mine cards were given to me from the representer of ati here to Greece Oktabit S.E. and there is also a receipt for that. (the logo from the company because it was my sponsor there is on my screenshots.) The hole scenic is finished because it was talked with the hole crew ( you belong there right?) and if I remember well you has take place to the specific topic that was the time we post the scores. So the only thing I can think is that you have something with us. As I see at photos from Massman on Xs there is only one benchtable with two cards on LN2 there who play the scores. So as with the rules that you supposed to know (you are in the crew right?) they can’t post more than one person scores with the same hardware if they are in the same team. As much you hate us so much and even more we love you and all the guys here in the hwbot who play with the rules. i don't make the rules.
  7. And all of them have 1050/1125 ? get serius...
  8. For 2D bench is ok but here we have 3D benching whith the same (i think) vga's. Or they have two set of two VGA's with four pot....i don;t think so:(
  9. Hello guys A simple Question This two scores have done in same O/C event, ok then but the benchers are in the same team? So by the rules this is forbidden or not?
  10. Hello guys SF3D is my friend and I have respect to his name. But I think that Dualist has some right on it. By the HWBOT rules with the same Hardware in 2D (cpu ) only one person can handle the results. The two different setup of hardware is really independent but only in 3d bench how take place the same day. If the benches take place a difference date then no problem. Let’s say an example. I wait an 8600ES from Intel here in Greece. After I finished my bench and I returned the cpu to Intel and give the same CPU to hipro (Intel not me) for his test and bench then all is ok by the Hwbot rules. But the same day if I go to hipro;s lab with my setup (except the cpu) and play together with hipro is right to post the results to Hwbot? I wait an answer for that. Btw @SF3D I like your Aquamark m8……realy impressive….one in a million… (...but still by the rules my score will be upper because it is older (by the rules I think)…
  11. So the rules are change? Validation in no longer mandatory? If yes please remove it for this two bench. please inform us. thanks (@No Name Sorry but the rules are for everyone...) http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=749492 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=749452
  12. Good evening guys, I had a very big problem today... I started with 70 lt of LN2 to make some benches. I already have a very good 3k3 single which i will post it very soon.. Let's now get deeper inside to my problem. For start i tried to play wprime 32m. I began with a first hard disk and i tried twice but the submision was invalid. Then i change hard disk with other os and three times try and again the same thing.Also i download it again from your server but again the same thing. Here are all the screenshots about that and cpu-z validation. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=747116 http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=378746 What is going on with this benchmark that it is made from you..? Do something about that we must now. If i play 1024m and wait 6 minutes, spending a lot of LN2 for trying and to see invalid these is too bad. Let us know what happens with that bench. I can submit only image without online validation like other members do but i want to now what i must do. I think there is a big problem.
  13. NO, you mast have a ORB link (so you don't exceed the 220 mb/sec) (2,8 iRAM actually......) and the ORB has this modification due to some bencher using of iRAM software to exceed 1000+ mb/sec:D
  14. hm....a solution with a very low budget air cooling using two THERMALTAKE A2020 VENUS 12 . (plus two delta 8x8cm)
  15. First i must apology to all you guys and to my friend SF3D because i am responsible for this thread. Hipro5 does not have 9800GX2 to test drivers and Nature performance so i was the "indicator" to investigate this issue with the drivers problem. SF3D please accept my apology due to i am not familiar yet with 9800GX2 tricks and tips. Also i must ask to hipro5 to forgive me due to I am responsible for the wrong results that i gave to him. Please all this is just a misunderstandings. SF3D was very clear and honest. Really i didn't have the time to search for this drivers problem. For the VGA Card (3870x2) for my bench every one (here in Greece) know that is sponsored by “Oktabit” - is the AMD-ATI unique representative here in Greece. And of course the CPU is mine.
  16. Hello guys I have a complain here. Can please anyone moderator explain to me why this two score (whit 7900GS) is not fixed yet. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=700214 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=700212 It is obvious that this two scores are made with two card (with moded drivers in SLI mode) and have reported with many players (me including) and till now is in one card category. PLEASE READ THE HISTORY of this two scores. Please remove these two scores and put it to two card category. Thanks for your time. gprhellas
  17. The verification ORB link has been fixed in 3Dmark2003 with single card. Please release my score. Thanks gprhellas
  18. Yes but the "simultaneously" is for more than a two and up scores. If the limit for the published project is only one (like 3DMark 2003) then what? I have bought a license, so soon the link will be fixed.
  19. I simple question to the moderator who have block my score in 2003 with single card. I have post the screen photo but the link in not working because I have not buy this bench. So I must buy from futuremark the bench to submit the verification link or what? Is this fair? Do all the bencher has buy the bench for futuremark to get high points? Thanks gprhelas edit a link for download the score info http://www.hwbox.gr/showpost.php?p=3561&postcount=29 http://www.hwbox.gr/attachment.php?attachmentid=676&d=1187522818
  20. a few photo of the new pot with my insulation, it will be used very soon…….
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