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Everything posted by nachtfalke

  1. no, i did that SS , and this chiller ( also is a dual rotary unit), now i have a cascade work in progress ...will be very very strong:D here the build: http://forum.lab501.ro/showthread.php?p=385152#post385152
  2. depends lot of gpu mem controller , this card is imposible to run on my SS because it has CB at -40:( , my ss can do -65*
  3. thanks budy:D i do my best! card ran 900mhz but think i need change the chocke inductors with another 6 ( 3+3) more powerfull, because the org is weak, i was limited to 1.26 -1,28v , 1.3v random freze in N.
  4. the Nature is to low at those gpu´s clock , LOD and GT aren´t right for best effciency
  5. if is compatible with 1366 , is also compatible with 2011lga:D
  6. Fat gpu pot - SOLD thread closed! thx hwbot for space!
  7. 4# 2x2gb Geil 2133cl9 -BBSE IC´s - 30€+shipping - SOLD for sale only Fat gpu pot - insulated already and included K-Typ probe as well
  8. 100€ !
  9. unloaded -61 -62 , load Gt1 -62, gt2 -60 -61 ,gt3 -58*, gt4 nature -55* it is a mitsubishi rotary compressor 24ccm , also the condenser is big cooled by 2 fan´s 22cm , evaporator stepper 42mm/50mm made by bartX , this ss was designed by me for heavy load , i will build another one i hope more powerfull:D
  10. i´m glad that you like my work:D you need to find 512mb version no 1gb , because qimonda 40x ic ram´s on this pcb design are very good at ram clock. here the mod: http://forum.lab501.ro/showpost.php?p=357173&postcount=228 if you need advice in deutsch sprache please PN me.
  11. thanks! the SS can handle massive load , it was designed by me for that Asus HD4870 top/ dk / matrix are from far the best design , but you need vid mod , also i tested the pcb power plane and is very strong compared reference or sapphire card´s , that is the point because i like asus custom vga´s also the result is not max , because card can run 1130 / 1275ram , and with little bit cpu ower can be a great result!
  12. new price: 110€
  13. bump!
  14. the pwm is RT8841 with FB pin6 , you will have ocp trigger if you go higher ( 1,55+) but also can configure the ocp from pin9( imax) no problem the memory pwm should be RT9259 ( i can´t see good in the pic´s)with FB pin4
  15. the really problem on L6713A pwm is the OVP:) first configure the FB mod and see were is the ocp trigger value , then configure the ocp from my pic ( you can tryed from 5k to 3,5k , for me 4k offer 1.5 - 1,55v enought i think). ocp mod offer you 20-30mv before ovp shut down the card ,and then need ovp mod . the best way is vid mod , but i don´t have time now to configure vid mod, please try in this way and post here.
  16. the board wasn´t tested for max bclk or oc capability , it was brought for my 775lga collection half year ago
  17. for sale DFI LP UT X48-T3RS in very good condition never used on extreme cooling , only the board and I/O shield ( see pic), mb will be shipped together with E2140 cpu just for the socket safe! more info about mb : http://www.overclock3d.net/reviews/cpu_mainboard/dfi_x48_ut-t3rs_motherboard/2 mb price 120 € / payment via pay pal / bank transfer / WU , i´ll accept also trade vga´s /cpu´s motherboard location Germany , will be shipped via DHL shipping cost: - DE : 6,90 euros - EU ( member UE): 17 euros - another EU land but not UE member please ask before
  18. not that BIG btu´s count mate..because the limit of refrigerant´s push with one 10-12k btu ....for example R507a have -47.1 boiled points , R404a -46,4 ..most phase change builders push the discharge pressure over safe limit to get that lower temps ..but in 1 year( or less) you have a death compressor. anyway nice score and nice cpu , again! cheers!
  19. -60 load for a phase change unit is little bit out of range:D nice cpu:D
  20. i think the mb is s**t at cpu clock nice score , monster vga:)
  21. have you tried the CB bios from here: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=26163 ?
  22. ofcourse it was , becouse you use wrong driver ..
  23. if you look for heavy bench unit ..the compressor / condenser and refrigerant( R134a have a low performance ..for what you need) is the problem, the water pump also( need MAGNETIC PUMP) , becouse the pc designed for water is not perform very well at lower temps. recently i build myseelf a strong chiller and GPU SS with rotary´s compressors( both with R507A)! , for exemple my Chiller loop is with the evaporator builded in reservoir ..that offer a better boost compared with HX plate ..that all chiller/ss builders use today. HX plate is restrictive over -30* water temp, liquid into HX cover small amount of water ..and that make it unstable at load temp..etc.. i waiting suction line from BartX and i can braze hole unit an ready to go:D http://forum.lab501.ro/showthread.php?p=362036#post362036
  24. is another pcb design , another gpu arhitecture ...the pwm can be scheduled from factory in another way , even you can set up to 1.5 via I2C buss adress with smart dc software i think will have also ocp/ovp problem. the pwm is SHE ASP0907 ( uP6208 undercover- asus renamed the pwm ) is same like gtx580DC2...
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