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Everything posted by SF3D

  1. Yeah, it is not too bad, but need to do clean os and use waza etc to be satisfied This kit just can not handle tRCD10 at these speeds. This is good compromise between speed and performance.
  2. Final decision will be done on Monday. The crew who handle this issue needs to wait his response first and then check all possibilities. My personal opinion is, that the case is quite clear, but let's hope there will be some miraculous explanation for this. I just need to ask why? After all these years, you would think these issues would disappear, but no.
  3. That part is reserved for Finnish events
  4. The air we are breathing contains 78% of nitrogen. So breathing the steam will not do anything. If you swallow it, then it can really hurt you. I guess Sam did have a bit of accident over there as we can see some steam coming out long time after he took it in the mouth! Nice show guys!
  5. Nice Christian! Correctly used Triple point Congratulations!
  6. Here is my version of the story: http://www.sf3d.fi/artikkelit/SF3D-OC-Gathering-Vol-X
  7. ^ why so serious But, yes! That 500€ from us went in to a good purpose! 8-Ball, Blueberry shots, Jaegermeister + battery and some dance music and ladies (for PJ of course)..... When will be the next time ???
  8. ahhhh..took whole week to recover from this event! Pieter..it is your fault! Here are some non censored pictures from my phone: Pickin up some ln2! Morning after summer place party.."I need to check my facebook" Group walking to event place. Still looking ok! Pieter is happy with all the samples! Dinner at Sevilla! On the streets of Tampere! PJ in an night club! That 8-Ball was so good!!! Massimiliano helping the fellow overclocker before party! Last dinner in Plevna! Pieter with his ladydrinks More manly stuff! Someone pissed on my wheel! Cool!.. or not! Hang over anyone?
  9. Will do that tomorrow. Sorry for the delay! The OC gathering was doing some time pressure for this You won it, I think Lottery of mainboard will be done tomorrow too!
  10. It was perfect! Thanks for all the people who was here and thanks for the sponsors, of course. Massman is a party animal and actually I start to feel too old for these 3 days of partying events But this time it was not Serious Failure 3 Days in row for sure! Hopefully all got safely back to home and will be happy with their new CPU's (soon)! P.S We have big plans with PJ, so next year it will be 200..2000...20 000 CPU's
  11. Massman have best sleeping skills! My kids are making the most annoying noises in the world and tv is shouting loud..he is just sleeping! Weather is really crappy, so let's see how it will be on the evening. Well, there is no weather, that vodka can not fix!
  12. Ryba and Joanna arrived already. The Massiveman will arrive tonight and rest tomorrow. We will try to keep you updated about the event and livestream should be available on friday and saturday.
  13. Hi all! Time flies and we get older and more lazy. Still some things won't ever change. It is once again time to have fun in Finnish summer with European overclockers! This year we will have nice gathering with some of the best people I know from this scene. Participants are: Massman, ryba, pepinorang, stummerwinter, giorgioprimo, neoforce, pofigist. From Finland: Asmola, Junksu, Macci, Sampsa, me. Idea of the OC part: Overclocking nowadays is purely a race of best samples. You need to have shift loads of money or you need to try to be a good friend of someone. Most of the overclockers have huge amount of talent, but they are limited with crappy samples. In this event we will play lottery with CPU's and I do hope, that there would be at least few good ones, but no one before they all have been tested. The participants have a test in summerplace before they will receive any CPU's. They need to be able to sit in the highest platform in Sauna 15 minutes in 120C° naked while others take pictures and post them on facebook. More likes you get, more CPU's you receive. Yes, cool story! The main idea is to see friends and have fun in Finnish summer! The short schedule: Thursday - Summerplace, alcohol, food, sauna and swimming etc. Friday - OC and on the evening nice party in Tammerfest city festival Saturday - OC and on the evening nice party in Tammerfest city festival with a bit more beers Sunday - Go home! Sponsors of this event are: Jimm's PC store Tones.be Intel We would all need thank them for helping me to do this event! Without them OC scene would be completely dead in the Nordic countries (Except Denmark where they have Mark)
  14. Sorry! Our playboy is too busy with the girls... I wish I could be as young and restless as well haha! But for real, I try to get him online.
  15. Nice on Marcin! Ivy is best for this benchmark for sure. You just need to have good IMC which can handle full pot and high memory speeds
  16. Ouch, that must hurt Cische. T0lsty, he tried to get score in time, but he got it after the time limit was over. He was not holding it as a backup, or this is the way I understand it. Congratulations to all top 5 teams. Hard work gave good results! Have fun in Taipei!
  17. It is reference card, that's it It can not touch the clocks of lightning..so in the end I had to downclock memory to get butterfly to land on the rock
  18. Nice efficiency in this run! Some more is left in this card for sure
  19. Hi all! Now it is time to start first EU wide competition in my new forum. All the people who take part are automatically taking part to the lottery, where you can win motherboard. Winner of the whole competition will get Core i7 3770K CPU! The idea of the competition is to get highest possible score in 3Dmark03 with fixed 4.0GHz CPU speed and single GPU VGA on air cooling. Check out all the rules and other info from the competition thread: http://www.sf3d.fi/forum/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=526 Results must be posted to the competition thread and also to Hwbot.org and write "SF3D OC Tweaking 2012 competition" in to explanation field. Good luck to all who take part!
  20. Ok, then it is some other issue like you said. I have done a lot of different things with this GD65 and luckily no issues so far. Well, they can come out of nowhere like a lightning But for real GD65 seems to be very solid board and I raise my hat to MSI for it!
  21. Slimy fingers would not result in to 55, so it must be worse contact issue Maybe there is some bad batch of board or something. I think owen trick could be worth of trying too if the pressure does not make any difference.
  22. I got code 55 issues on asus board when I tried to use cpu without hs. That way cpu did not make good contact with some certain pins in the socket and I was always stuck at 55 code. So can some of you 55 guys try your setup without mounting the cooler properly and let it just lay on cpu with it's own weight. My random guess is, that there might be issues with socket soldering or pcb is just bending too much. But most likely the issue is in the socket area or I can be completely wrong of course.
  23. I did same kind of testing this week. Here is the article where you can check the pictures http://www.sf3d.fi/artikkelit/Hy-dytt-k-Core-i7-3770K-l-mp-tahnan-vaihto It had a huge impact to temperatures, which was a bit of a surprise to me. I did not expect that much difference on watercooling. So 7Ghz runs are with replaced thermal paste?
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