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Everything posted by mr.paco

  1. Appreciated. Thank you...And what of EGYPT? I get the same error when submitting with that core
  2. Tyred making a submission in Vantage SC#5: 2006: Brisbane (G1), Egypt, Italy, Orleans (F2), Windsor, Santa Ana (F2), Santa Rosa (F2) With an Italy F2 cpu but got the " your submission is incorrect " As you can see it (Italy core) is listed in the header but below in the yellow field it is not . Same for Egypt.
  3. That sounds fine renaming one n adding another. I know going through all those subs could be mind scrambling... LOL just had to put that out there As always; Thank you
  4. Ticket ID: 1653 Priority: High Hi Karl, In the bot data base there are 3 versions of the Pentium 4 3.0; EE: http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/pentium_4_3.0_ghz_ee/ PRESCOTT: http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/pentium_4_3.0_ghz_prescott/ NORTHWOOD: http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/pentium_4_3.0_ghz_northwood/ But there is a forth. (so far that I know of) There are 2 versions of the Northwood: One with HYPERTHREADING with 200fsb and one with NO hyperthreading and 100fsb HyperThreaded 200fsb: http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Pentium_4/Intel-Pentium%204%203%20GHz%20-%20RK80532PG080512%20%28BX80532PG3000D%29.html SingleThreaded 100fsb: http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Pentium_4/Intel-Pentium%204%203%20GHz%20-%20RK80532PC080512.html Could you please add ANOTHER P4 3.0 Northwood and distinguish the two (like call one with HT, or one with 100fsb the other 200fsb) How ever you deem appropriate. If/when you do add n split em, That would also mean someone would have to go through the present northwood submissions to move them around accordingly. Thank you
  5. Thank you Karl ...
  6. Ticket ID: 1646 Priority: Low Could you please add this Dell 0HR330 mobo? http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2668641 Thank you...
  7. Thanx didnt know. Really appreciate it
  8. No, I just selected the benchmark from the group after I clicked on submit score and that screen came next
  9. To make a submission bot asks for a saved DATA FILE. But there is no option for saving anything At least non that I can see/find. Some help/info on how to make a submission please. Thank you
  10. no problem gentlemen, forgot what I got for VS but will re-run it when I get a chance with an orb link. meantime deleted
  11. running s940's right now. But, I'll be back
  12. Thank you for clearing that up Bobnova. I never knew that or realized it. So that means: My apologies Schmuckley for reporting your submission in error. My mistake. Still there was no reason for you to take it to the level you did. That simple little matter could have been quickly squashed and cleared up if you would have responded to my PM or comment I made in the sub. Instead of holding a grudg against me for over 9 months over something so trivial. It is what it is. He only said that, he has never logged in with my log-in account. Again; thank you Bobnova
  13. I had no idea that reporting a single submission originally with good intentions it would cause so much animosity and warrant such an escalation. You are %100 correct Bobnova, my submission is in deed in error. I will take care of it. Deleted... Curious: If when you score in PiFast a 27.80 it = 27.8, what happens when you score 27.81 or 27.79???
  14. He said he was the one that reported it using my logon, not that he made the run LOL..... Lets get something straight. Your having a sissy-fit cause I reported ONE of your submissions over 9 months ago . give me your address, I'll mail you some pampers, a box of tissues and a new pacifier. I dont go around looking for erred submissions, but if I'm benching a particular HW yes I'm gonna see what others got with it, just like everyone else here . But I'm not gonna report it if its missing something simple like no mem-tab or what ever, but if the SCORE is wrong, its wrong. I first contact that person via PM and politely inform them that there is an era in what ever run. If a couple weeks go by with no response or the submission wasnt fixed (maybe the person dosnt frequent the forums) I then make a polite comment under the submission in question, again if time goes by and still nothing thats when I report it. At that point its up to the person who made the submission and/or the team capt to correct it. Exactly what I do with any body as I did with you concerning this one run: http://hwbot.org/submission/2271367_schmuckley_pifast_sempron_130_27.8_sec You submitted a wrong score. You scored 27.80, but you posted 27.8. Simple question; Is that score you posted right or wrong? For some reason now the screen shot will not load. If you were man enough you would have simply fixed it in the first place when I privately n politely let you. But instead you left it. And you wana make a public scene over it I dont understand what makes you feel that you are not subject to the same thing as everyone else here; everybody get submissions reported every now n then for one reason or another. I welcome anyone pointing out a mistake in any of my runs so I can fix it, via PM, post a comment or report it. This thread had nothing to do with me or even you for that matter, but you jump in and put my name in it over one dam reported submission
  15. I dont know what your personal issues are but I have not said or done a dam thing to you or about you. So why the hell are you putting my name out there like that in a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with me
  16. feliz Navidad A Todo Y Sus Familia
  17. Yup... When I get a chance I'm gonna pull it out again and work with it to see what I can get out of it
  18. I havent spent any time really looking into it yet. Just stock for now
  19. Got it Thank you Karl :celebration:
  20. So for this cpu my runs would be submitted here: http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/athlon_x2_5000/ Unlockable or not; correct?
  21. Ticket ID: 1623 Priority: Low Trying to find where to submit this Athlon x2 5000 REGOR core but I dont see it. I see everything else http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2615945 If it needs to be added could you please Thank you
  22. Thank you ever so much Devroush. Actually I'm not the only one that has made 8-socket submissions in the past, (if they submitted them correctly is something else ) I'm just the most persistent Now I can get back to benching it, this will make it soooo much easier for me to keep track of my subs Again thank you very much & I'm glad I caught you in a good mood :ws: Be well :celebration:
  23. My bad; I am not a 3D bencher didnt know it was bugged run. Thanx Scott
  24. Might I request: OCTA tab http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=42323 :celebration:
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