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Everything posted by PaulieLUL

  1. Furt lepší než ten můj, nedám na něm za boha ani 5.1 GHz na 2 jádrech bez HT ať do toho rvu napětí jakékoliv.
  2. Golden chip, get it? XD
  3. *sry don't know how to use this bbcode :D Thank you man, appreciated kind words. I'll try later this week.
  4. [quote=PaulieLUL]This be the day of days![/quote]
  5. [QUOTE]Thank you man, appreciated kind words. I'll try later this week. [/QUOTE]
  6. [QUOTE]good result, still room for push it higher Thank you man, appreciated kind words. I'll try later this week.
  7. Very nice GPU overclock, I have an Asus HD7970 DirectCU II but the VCORE is locked in both MSI afterburner and GPUtweak on both bioses any ideas or do I need a custom bios? I can't get my GPU stable even at 1200 MHz core clock in the fire strike. Thanks and keep it up, we need more czech overclockers like you.
  8. Hodně slušný, kéž bych měl taky tak dobrý čip :D
  9. Very nice chip, I like the chiller, is that just a radiator in the bucket?
  10. Just a casual happy little world record chilling on the harddrive.
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