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Everything posted by kicsipapucs

  1. Still very much looking!
  2. Most of your old chips are still here with me from certain models.
  3. I got absolutely scammed on hwbot forum with a Z690 DARK from romania, the motherboard came doa with physical damage and seller is totally horrible, he stole my money and laughs about it. So I am looking for another board, a WORKING, known good Z690 Dark. Can be naked, can be retail or proto, I don't care, but has to be non-damaged (no missing SMD or bent pins) and fully working. Please pm with any offers. Shipped to Hungary. Outside of EU is fine by me if it is worth it price wise with imports and shipping. Thanks!
  4. @falken1 can you like follow rules? Photo of real item and timestamp, price, English? Lazy ad...
  5. 1.26V bios set LLC5 in Apex9.
  6. It's been a minute since I saw somebody bench 3D with 10900K. Very nice!
  7. Awesome score. What would be needed for it to be subzero in this bench? Direct die cooling?
  8. Meme troll submitter with 000000 effort (underclocked CPU and DDR4 RAM anybody?) trying to produce any half decent scores allowed to enter and even win(!!) lucky draw? Wow, nice way of spitting into the face of every people that legit tried their best, invested time, money and effort just couldn't finish top spots. "Hey, thanks for showing your middle finger, here's some freebies." That's some wack shit...
  9. 9350KF not for sale anymore, MOCF on hold! 7350K IMC does 4133C12.
  10. Bump, prices lowered, 9350KF on hold.
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