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Everything posted by Alatar

  1. yeah it's pretty bad. Been trying to look for a better deal somewhere but nothing so far.
  2. 1.309v is actually enough, I just usually bump the volts up by a tiny bit. As for LN2, 6.6ghz max validation, doesn't scale over 1.75v even for validations, worse scaling when it comes to running actual benches. Considering how good it's on phase I was somewhat disappointed by the LN2 perf, and don't really want to try a 3rd time as 20L of LN2 is 100€+...
  3. story continues. Couple of hours ago: http://hwbot.org/submission/2450692_lautajo_3dmark___fire_strike_extreme_geforce_gtx_titan_6720_marks/ And my reply: http://hwbot.org/submission/2450759_alatar_3dmark___fire_strike_extreme_geforce_gtx_titan_6729_marks/ Yup and most importantly it's fun
  4. Trying to keep the Firestrike Extreme H2O #1 spot (honestly though I love it )
  5. Awesome clocks! One of your older 6800Ks or a new chip?
  6. Yeah b10, seems to be working just fine.
  7. All results at -40C. No idea where the thing CB's. 1.175v for 1M 5GHz Cinebench 5.2GHz @ 1.249v http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2830882 batch: L310B488
  8. 1800MHz+ Titan.... That's pretty amazing. Congrats on the score!
  9. Really? WTH, I did do a quick search but it came up with nothing. So just a bios mod or something else?
  10. Lack of time mostly, I wanted to run vantage as well and I didn't have a drive with XP at hand anywhere Wanted to save time and went for benching instead of using some of it finding a drive and installing an os. Next time maybe and maybe with vmods
  11. I need IB/haswell lol. That or a cooler that can keep this new 3930K cool. Probably need to strap a pot to it, the thing puts out more heat at 1.53v than my previous one did at 1.65... Overwhelmes my single stage with the heat if I try to push further than 5.2 which can be done at 1.448v or so...
  12. I didn't even notice they were missing Thanks for that.
  13. 7970 Matrix board cut in half for zombifying a Titan? That's gotta be the most expensive card ever
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