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Everything posted by Rasparthe

  1. Ticket ID: 1459 Priority: Low Motherboard for Compaq Presario Series of Motherboards\r\n\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2211776\r\n\r\nThanks!
  2. Thanks guys! Hit 5700 without any problem, 3 hours of tweaking to hit this score.
  3. I think that is the entire point. If the Country Cup is about which country has the greatest overclockers in the world, the format does not lend itself to proving that. All that it does is prove which country is best at "organising and getting people to work together" and some countries have distinct advantage based on geographic size or densely populated areas. Does one country using the exact same set of RAM for each of the five scores prove they are the best memory clockers on the planet or that they are the best at getting five guys with DDR3 boards together in a room with one/two guys who knows how to best take advantage of it? Like I posted earlier if the point is comradery and working together then the later is what the Country Cup is about. I'm fine with it and look jealously on because of the inability to do such things here in Canada (this year anyway). I do wish HWBOT would have a country competition that focused on overclocking a wide variety of benchmarks/platforms that was setup to avoid hardware sharing within a county. Is that possible? Who knows but that is why the HWBOT has staff.....
  4. Because this is the focus of the Country Cup, Canada and the US (perhaps Russia too) are at a inherent disadvantage. Canada has 4300km between the two biggest cities, seeing guys complaining about driving 4 hours to meet country mates is somewhat amusing. When the competition becomes more about getting a bunch of guys together and sharing gear to get the best results it puts those without those means at even greater disadvantage. If the focus is who can pile the most top grade gear or the best cooling options together then the countries unable because of population or distance/size are left not even competing. If the comradery and team overclocking is what Country Cup is about then I'm fine with it. My feedback amounts to wishing it was about finding out which country has the best all around overclockers and not who can centralize their overclocking hardware the easiest. Like I said, I'm not complaining about the competition (it was a blast and even without changes I'll be 'clocking hard next year) but I would like to see a competition that focuses more on which country actually contains the best overclockers. But just my two cents.
  5. Think you may have attached the wrong validation...
  6. LOL, see knew I was missing something. I guess my mistake for assuming that HWBOT policy against hardware sharing didn't extend to Memory Clock. Good to know for next time.
  7. Congrats everyone, great deal of fun and can't wait until next year. Seriously though, no one wondering how the Greeks managed to get 5 different sticks of RAM with the exact same serial number? I'm probably missing something though
  8. Well it should be harder for Greece to win Stage 4 with 3 of the 5 submissions missing screenshots. New type of sandbagging? Wait till the last second to put up the screens?
  9. Well kudos to France for taking a stand even though it was self-inflicted. They have certainly punished themselves enough that even I feel bad with the extra points. Well almost... Seriously though it is too bad, nothing better than seeing all the very best come together for this no holds barred competition.
  10. There is some type of bug. My score will not post, it is not a problem with he previous submission
  11. It is fairly hard to feel sorry when you sandbag 3 scores for the last day. Unless you legitimately were benching until the last few hours to get the scores up? If that was the case then my sympathies, but if the scores had been posted early then they would have been lots of time for corrections. Not even a placeholder score? Like I said, hard to feel sorry.
  12. screenshot of www.randomized.com is the easiest but a video of the proceedings would work as well.
  13. I suspect that Christian is the reason that P5A won't validate on CPUz just so he could steal the win from OCN. Nice scores! Congrats on the win, well done.
  14. LOL, who didn't see this coming?
  15. Stupid P5A! LOL guess its not the Ali5 chip but the Asus board itself.
  16. No, I meant in other P5A subs, not necessarily in this competition. But looking back through the last 6 months I see that only one guy is responsible for all the CPUz validations for P5A.
  17. Bah, I see that I am misunderstanding how the benchmark works. I thought the score was based on some algorithm of each of the tests, not just which ever one is the best of the bunch. Then I have no problem with removing the other tests and your reference to Vantage and the like makes much more sense. My apologies for the misunderstanding.
  18. I have contacted him as well and no response. The forums look like a morgue. I see that others have just posted a link to another chip for the submission and used a screenshot. Also I do have a validation file....its just 152.
  19. How does removing tests compare to LOD?
  20. With all respect Massman I think you are wrong on this. This is not default settings. Then by rights you should be able to run 3d runs with lower resolutions or less than 32bit or whatever. The bench still runs, the frames still get calculated and the method of calculating is the same. Why run at default res when it gives a lower score? The other UCbench tests do have an effect on the score, they lower it in some cases, and they should have to be calculated. I would agree with your reasoning if they had no effect on the score but they do. If every chip comes up with the same score with it enabled and disabled then sure leave it out but that is not the case. In my opinion it implies nothing of the sort. Default is that you run each. Whatever order has nothing to do with default. If UCBench allowed you to run the SSE tests out of order and that improved your score...have at it. The point being that you ran every SSE test.
  21. Don't you always have to run default? We allowed to run less resolution on 3dMark01 or other 3D now? Changing settings on the benchmark to give better score should be disallowed.
  22. Opty you ever figure out how to validate your P5A board with a CPUz higher than version 152? I saw you had the same trouble I'm having saving/submitting a CPUz validation. I can do it only for version 152 or earlier. Problem being you can't submit validation files that old any longer. Mods: Any suggestions on how I can submit using a P5A board if you cannot use CPUz because it doesn't save the file. I have a screen shot showing the valid is that enough?
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