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Everything posted by Rasparthe

  1. Ticket ID: 1654 Priority: Low Can you add this motherboard:\r\n\r\nAbit IS-10 Socket 478 motherboard\r\n\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2688942\r\n\r\nThanks!
  2. Well it was -10C ambient that probably helped, but thanks!
  3. Can 3800+ Clawhammer be added to the competition. It wasn't in the database until Turrican just added it, submission don't work with it.
  4. Many tbanks, but the 7151 is this mobo: http://www.hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/rx480-neo2/ appreciate the anticipation of my next request!
  5. Ticket ID: 1652 Priority: Low Can you please add the 3800+ Clawhammer chip? Also will it have to be added separately to the Team Cup or will it be included automatically?\r\n\r\nCPU Link: http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/K8/AMD-Athlon%2064%203800%2B%20-%20ADA3800DEP4AS%20(ADA3800ASBOX).html\r\n\r\nCPuz: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2678277\r\n\r\nThanks!
  6. Unable to submit a score using X2 4600 windsor, says the chip isn't allowed even though its on the list of chips that can be used. http://img248.imageshack.us/img248/9757/wtfex.jpg
  7. LOL Sheffield, I guess you have to give it a try...?!? http://hwbot.org/submission/2268276
  8. Can we submit without a background? Two subs already?
  9. Just wondering about why the Member of the Month for your team is determined by your Hardware/Globals points and not the TPP? Seems odd, since its a team award but doesn't take into account how much you actually helped the team. Not complaining just wondering if there was a reason.
  10. Many thanks, quick service as usual.
  11. Ticket ID: 1649 Priority: Low Can you please add this chip, the others in the family are listed just not the B960\r\n\r\nhttp://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Pentium_Dual-Core/Intel-Pentium%20Mobile%20B960.html
  12. Yep, it was more of a test run. The score was just a quick thing testing some problems I was having with one of the cores failing under 6ghz when running Wprime. Hopefully just a bad mount.
  13. Just read through this entire thread, pretty interesting. I agree with some of the very first posts that changing the system so drastically with the hardware points will just create the impressions of instability and "always changing" structure. Also the amount of work that many people have put into the benches and hardware would disappoint alot of members. I also don't see any problem with 10 or 20 or 30 hardware only benchmarks, if anything it will force people to spend more time on a single platform or just submit on the ones that interest you. Those points are limited in the leagues anyway and give more value to benchers for each piece of equipment (something that would attract newer benchers with less hardware). I like the idea of adding more benchmarks and approve of how its being done with no points right now. After some time goes by (a year?), and the security is assured they probably should be added for hardware points, not unlike UC2011. I do not think this is the case with global points. They are always changing anyway. Global points you earned last year have, most likely, 'leaked' away with the introduction of new and faster hardware. I think I would vote for a system where there is a set number of benchmarks in 2d and 3d, for argument sake say 10. Every year, perhaps in the first month of the year, every member has the option of voting for the 10 benchmarks that will serve the next year for globals. Feb 1, the globals are calculated using the existing scores for those benchmarks, and continue on for the next year. Of course, certain benches will probably always be popluar and may serve as globals for years while the other less popular will pop in and out of the list, sometimes providing globals, sometimes not. In this way, if a benchmark that finds a following for whatever reason will instantly become popular just based on the value to the leagues. There is no need to freeze or lock points then since the global points can always be recalculated if the bench comes back into the globals list. Just my thoughts on how I would work it, but that being said, I don't see much problem with the system how it is. New benchmarks will always take some time to gather some steam and as long as HWBOT is open to adding them I don't see a problem. I don't think you should remove any from hardware point consideration unless there is a security issue with it.
  14. You da man! Thanks again.
  15. Ticket ID: 1645 Priority: Low Can you add the Biostar TA690G AM2 motherboard:\r\n\r\nLink:\r\n\r\nhttp://www.biostar.com.tw/app/en/mb/introduction.php?S_ID=17\r\n\r\nCPUz - for some reason it does not show correctly on CPUZ\r\n\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2661312\r\n\r\nThanks!
  16. Yep there is a log... Here: http://www.overclock.net/t/1189279/compact-100c-cascade
  17. Massman, do you need my address?!?
  18. Yes, a season long ranking based on competition points that are determined by points earned in monthly competitions. The Team Cup is exactly that, team based. Individual member season long competition, with a start/end so that you can build some history for each of the leagues. Personally I think the more things you can overclockers to concentrate on the better. Not everyone is interested in the same thing. Some people love only the newest, greatest, faster modern hardware and only chase globals and long for hardware sponsorship and they concentrate on that. Others might only participate in whatever hardware/vendor driven competition is going on, buying hardware to compete and win other hardware. Others only concentrate on their TPP, others their Enthusiast or XOC ranking. This gives something else for even those with almost no points can compete in and provides a ranking year to year for people to measure themselves against the rest of the world. Keeping the current league rankings is important for an overall ranking system, and those that as you say, only might put scores once a month or when they get something new they want to overclock. But for those that are looking for an individual ranking that resets every set period (year?) to measure against the rest of those active overclockers it could provide an way to get those new/minimal interest members even more involved. Just my opinion of course, but I think that HWBOT is missing some individual recognition for active overclockers that concentrate on legacy/non-3770k/non-7970/non-680 hardware.
  19. I don't see any reason that you should get rid of the XOC and Enthusiast Leagues, it makes more sense to run the monthly type competitions and season winners in addition to the leagues as they are now. It would even make those in the Enthusiast leagues happy since they don't have to compete against those in the XOC league. There are plenty of people that don't want/have the time/or any interest in whatever the monthly comp is. You are exactly right about what you have said on the value of the league, so run a yearly season in addition to the league. There are already monthly competitions, it shouldn't be too hard to make sure points carry over month to month and restrict them to the league you currently are ranked in.
  20. I like what you are saying with this Pro-OC Cup, I think you have identified a lot of the problems facing the community but one thing that you hasn't really been stated is the basic characteristic of any hobby or sport. The popularity isn't usually directly related to how great the 'elite' or the most hardcore of participants. What I mean is, catering competitions and increasing the visibility of the Pro-OC is one step but not the most important. Its more important to foster those that have only minimal interest or new to the sport/hobby. Giving them something they can participate in, get there hands dirty with and get involved. 90%, 95%, 98% of the members of HWBOT will never even try to make it to the Pro-OC level, or even desire to except on some passing level. Personally, you can have a Cup style event but I think you will see more participation by having month long competitions that have the points carry over month to month until someone wins the entire season. Being able to point to member XXXXX as the winner of 2012 season provides alot of the same dynamic solutions by giving a Start/End and diverse platforms. So I ask, why limit this to just Pro OC? Why not provide month long competitions for each of the three leagues. You can only compete in the league you are in and the monthlies don't have to be complex, two or three stages and a end year winner. You then provide a winner in the league that the average/minimal interest overclocker can relate to, not someone with equipment provided by sponsors and hardware reps but a guy looking in electronic recycling centres and eBay and Kijiji looking for cheap parts just like they do. In my opinion, those mid-level competitions will do more promote HWBOT and grow the community than any adjustment or promotion of the virtually unattainable Pro-OC league (for most overclockers that is). I think you can look to the Country Cup and Team Cup for how much interest on the various forums they generate and most of those stages have nothing to do with newer, relevant hardware.
  21. Congrats all, wish my ECS board made it to some cold testing but I found the same, it was actually a pretty good clocker.
  22. Oh I am, pour some LN2 on it or something. I was only using it because my regular benching monitor only has VGA input and FM1 clocks like crap on VGA and pulling my main desktop monitor is a PITA. Ahh well, more stuff for my graveyard. Good luck guys!
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