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Everything posted by Rasparthe

  1. Maybe you and everyone else has different views on what complaints are, reread your first comment on the UAT. You don't see any complaints? Everyone would like to see your opinions just don't claim you don't care. If you take the time to post, you care. Sent from my SM-N920W8 using Tapatalk
  2. You know who doesn't care? All the people who don't bother to comment. Sent from my SM-N920W8 using Tapatalk
  3. That's what I get for submitting middle of the night.... Thx Massman
  4. Although it certainly would reward the teams that do a lot of promotion and helping each other and generally manage themselves the best. Currently, teams stacked with inactive members and even entirely inactive teams can maintain their positions atop the rankings just with legacy points from inactive members. Might be an interesting shake up if even members that haven't submitted in, 2 years?, were removed from the team rankings.... OCN would take a large hit for sure, but would certainly make it a more dynamic ranking
  5. I would also like to see something simple like this, maybe even with all global and hardware submission limits removed if it's used in conjuction with an official "ladder" or relegation system that begins at the start of the year and finishes at the end of the year. So every year crowns a winner. You end up with a persistent league to see your overall ranking but an official competition league for guys to move up and give motivation to keep pushing. It would also provide a very easy path for newcomers Sent from my SM-N920W8 using Tapatalk
  6. This is of course true. There will always be guys that want to be first in a lower league and will use any means necessary to do so. I think we can all think of guys that edge the rules for cooling just to be top in a competition or league instead of pushing forward into the higher competitions. Some guys just like being a big fish in a small pond. As you said, if being first in 4th league is highest they aspire to be that is certainly sad. Perhaps CN there should be a timed force upwards for the guys at the top of each league? Every 6 months a bump up for Top 10? This would certainly solve NividaForever concern.
  7. The crank was strong with this one.
  8. Thanks for the reply, found some cheap E-die anyway so all-good.
  9. I would love to see this, but won't happen. Alternately as I've said before, and will once again because I love annoying everyone, Move globals to Pro. Everyone else can battle it out with very reduced globals (<5 or none!) and mostly hardware. Want to do globals, go to Pro. Essentially have a place for the two competing camps. New-gen-is-life camp in Pro, and the real-overclockers-can-bench-anything camp in the lower league(s). Although I do go back and forth on if I like the idea of relegation leagues.
  10. In!! As long as we can add multi colored LEDs and plastic armour and we tack on Gaming Edition!
  11. The only modification to the motherboard when this run was done was to Vdroop. The Gallatin core runs pretty well on the motherboard and the extra cache certainly helps. The memory mod only had volts up to 2.9v, this was supposed to be a test LN2 run but turned out best run of the bunch. There was no detectable droop on the memory for me, the core had plenty of fluctuations but the memory was a solid 2.9v through the entire bench.
  12. I don't have a screenshot for my best one, besides the one from the CPUz, my backup does. It was just too unstable to grab one but no one was putting up screens so I left it up. Not sure how they will rule on that. Congrats everyone, great round. Two weeks of fiddling with that adapter and no real scores to show for it. 478 frustration is real.
  13. Thanks! Someday I'll get to your level....someday....
  14. No, only mods that were done are to vMem and vCore.
  15. I am done as well, nothing left. Going to try and do some reference clock tonight but things did not go as expected in 3D, good luck to everyone!
  16. It certainly was, thanks again! You were right, one hell of a chip, will be running it again, can't get by 463FSB. Needs even less volts than show here, ridiculous.
  17. @Johni5 I get the same error about you need to upgrade your browser but you can still submit from that page. All the options are there and you can fill it out like normal. It looks awful but works. Or at least it did for me.
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