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Posts posted by Monstru

  1. Sweden...like that makes a difference to me....Sweden is a country with a very low standard of living and poor people...especially compared to rich Romania where dogs have quad-cores on their backs and money grow on trees, no?...I suppose some fellows living in civilised countries have no clue what Eastern Europe is about... As I was saying, your problem lies somewhere else, and this is not the place to search for a solution....

  2. not quite... I would send out loaners only. job done. don't be a hater; you seem to know how it works; goes both way; build trust first, go on from there...


    You have a point there and I know that, but what is the use of sending real benching hardware back, when, in order to be able to overclock it right, you have do to all sorts of physical modifications to those components? If you mod and insulate the card...the company does not have much use for it, no?


    ya we should not rely on common sense, fails too often


    Unfortunately, as you can see from all these threads...it...does fail to often... :(


    Taking pictures of actual hardware doesn't solve the problem fully, as it only proves THE POSSIBILITY, not THE FACT that the results were done using different hardware.

    I think we will be getting such hardware sharing reports for on and on until hardware and software developers don't find a way to ID a cards' S/N in a screenshot.

    Until that happens - question: shared or not shared hardware will rely only on participants' honesty...


    (not pointing at anyone's scores by saying this ... simply showing that rules are imperfect ATM)


    I totally agree with this...


    In my eyes is this a absolute worthless discuss.

    There is no way to proof all the things for anyone, you always have to trust what the guys tell you.

    And what will you make if some really rich people find a new hobby like this, they will be able to buy and pretest 50 cpu's, 20 gpu's etc. ?

    Will you call it a unfair competition again ?

    Is F1 or any other motorsport unfair ?

    Is it unfair when everybody use all his possibilities ?


    Do you really think it would be a big problem for Michael or me to make the same or better scores at home ?

    What will you do if one of us post his results one or two weeks later ?

    Can you proof who made the scores, where are made the scores ?


    Michael has already decided to leave the competition here.

    In the moment i'm thinking about the same.......


    Joe has a very strong point and I totally agree...






    Monstru doesnt like me.. :-( :-)))))))

    .., here it is..

    I paid like 1000 euro for my cascade.., I did it with money I earned fixing broken computers.., (a lot of them...)

    LN cost bout 30l/100euro.., that would bring me 300L LN and okay.., I can do a lot of benching with 300L.., but when last drop is gone.., what do I have then.., Nada...


    Taking pride in my effort (only cascadebench).., well.., If You have a prob with that.., more the pitty... I would suggest a suitable "workout" for you to loosen up a bit.., but I guess I could get hammered for that.. :-)))


    Mate...I couldn't care less what you do, we are living in a free world, you can bench LN2, cascade or whatever pleases you. What I do not like is hypocrisy and bragging about benching a cascade, like that does not cost money or does not give you low temps. It makes me laugh my ass off when I see a "poor" western European complaining about money...If the best you can do in a country like Germany to earn money is fix old computers...you have a problem my friend, bigger then the existence of sponsored guys in the overclocking scene ;)

  3. if I were PR manager for a company I would deny every request for free hardware too


    Then you would eventually fail and get fired....


    First of all...nothing is free in this world...so for a piece of hardware received, some guys do reviews, tests and so on. That is called work, and it's either paid by a magazine, or a site, or rewarded with a free piece of hardware. Of course, all review-ers should be honest, but It makes my laugh when I see this reaction when 99% of the sites that do reviews are full of marketing bull.


    Second, do you think that hardware producers care about overclocking? Do you think they give a damn about overclocking and pushing the limits? Some of them do, but those are usually overclockers themselves, but most don't. So why do you think they care now? Because it helps keeping the market share, and it helps them build up their brand. Because nowadays...overclocking sells. Overclocking is just another marketing tool for them. So...giving hardware to overclockers is a must for most hardware producers...It's called direct marketing, and it helps them get directly to the target while spending VERY few funds compared to a normal advertising campaign...Just look at Foxconn BlackOps, Biostar TPower I45, and so on....The best examples of state of the art direct marketing accomplished with the help of overclockers...Funny thing is that Biostar is a great motherboard too, but BlackOps is unfortunately still shaky. But...2-4 months ago everyone would have killed for that board...


    Third....I know very well how it feels to bench with hardware that you cannot mod, I know how it is to make sacrifices to buy one piece of CPU and get stuck with that, and so on...And then I know how it feels to compete against guys that have it all for free...But I know that they didn't had it for free from the beginning, and that they also had to struggle until they got a name for themselves. So...it might be easier in some countries, might be harder in others, but in the end you have to work a lot to get a sponsorship...So we all have to do that. And just for the record, a cascade costs 10x times more then benching LN2, so I don't see why somebody which has a cascade takes pride in not benching LN2, when it comes to money....




    When you post a score with hardware identical to that of somebody who benched at the same gathering you should provide all proof from THE START that it is not hardware sharing.


    I am sorry, where is that written in HWBot rules? I cannot find this paragraph...


    5th... I am sick and tired of all this hate, this really has to stop at one point. Now it's fashionable to make HW sharing threads about people that you don't like...this is childish no matter where it comes from. I guess people will always have something against each other, BUT HWBot rules should fix that, by being more clear and specific. There has been talking about this here over and over again but nothing happened. You have all our understanding and support, but at one point all these things that have been a problem for months should be fixed.

  4. I was refering to certain parts of the comunity.., my guess is that when X-58 arriives.., the "whinemachine" will go loose again and Hwbot maybe forced to more endless polls...


    .., but.., have Hwbot ever interfered in the use of a certain driver.., no.., untill now...


    What in GOD's name are you talking about? When have you seen someone whining because new hardware? Everybody's happy with new hardware. And please, explain to me who are you referring when you say "whinemachine" my friend? Do you mean people don't have the right to vote NO in this pole and say why they don't want a new benchmark added? You have a problem with freedom of speech?


    I see that the benchmark will eventually be awarded points by the way the voting is going. If that happens, we'll all live with that, it's the wish of the majority (but then again Bush Jr was the wish of the majority in the USA.....talking about a bad decision..but that is something else) and everybody will accept that. But I see now problem in somebody speaking up his mind, and explaining why they think it's a bad idea. This is a forum, and we all speak our mind here, even if sometimes we don't agree. Nobody's whining, and I think that some people should express themselves with a little bit more respect to other members of this community....


    Funny thing is that less then 2% of the HWB Community voted....that is not majority if you ask me...Usually, when less then 30% don't come to Presidential elections, the vote is canceled :D

  5. .., everybody have the same opportunity of getting to those monsterrigs.., in my case.., (poor as a churchrat) I made a deal with a dealer.., fixing rma´s.., building systems.., showing results in different forums.., I am a slave under my addiction.., so I do a lot of work to get my chans to rip some hw apart and.., you don't need to be sponsored or rich to have this opportunity.., just lift your ass and go out marketing your skills..! :-)


    My friend, I would appreciate if you would mind the language....I "lift my ass" to go to work, there are other needs in a grown-up's life other then benching....It is not only a money issue, but more and more seem to fail in seeing that, blinded by marketing and advertising. With the benchmarks we have now you have a fair chance to good results, but please.....oh please....try to get a TOP result in WPrime or Vantage...By all means...you work in marketing, you say you have it good, try to get a top result and tell me how it is.


    The idea is very simple....if Vantage get points, there are only more points for advertising guys like KP or H5, not for regular benchers like us. If you guys think that's a good thing, sure...why not....let's have points...I will borrow hardware from stores and magazines to have 3 GTX280 or 2 4870X2 to have good results in Vantage...but is that fair?


    And another thing..this comes against everything HWB stands for....IT IS NOT FREE....If you guys allow that...what is next? We become Nvidia's and Futuremark's and Microsoft's slaves, getting fed up with everything they give us, and not putting up any resistance....Great....welcome to the Matrix :)

  6. Any benchmark is won by who has the newest, best, most expensive hardware and exotic cooling, the top sponsors, and so on. Would you shutdown all points because of this? It doesn't mean people can't bench what they have and still gain from it, just as it is with existing benches.


    I beg your pardon, but for a good SuperPi score you just need one 250$ E8600, one 100$ Commando/Biostar T45/etc and some 80$ Ballistix kit. A LN2 pot every bencher should have, and you can get one for ~150$. So ....no....You don't get the best score with the most expensive hardware.... And if you want a top 2001 score, where tweaking really matters, all you add to those from above is a good 9800GX2, which retails now for what money? 290$? So you can get top20 results with <1000& machines, in benchmarks where tweaks and experience really does count... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130338


    Now....what does it take to have a Top20 Vantage result when people really start using it? Skulltrail/QX9650.....3 GTX280/2 4870 X2???.... I think the financial difference is obvious.... Please add to that the fact that the HWB rules as they are, allready favor the rich sponsored guys (if I would post a picture with 5 E8600 and 4 4870X2 my team can have lot's of different results with those tools, but if a small team made out of skilled people shares the same CPU or GFX you can only have one score in the category, and only one of those who really worked hard can enjoy the score under his name).... So I say...the balance is already in favor of rich benchers, why favor them more?


    We allready have 2k6 and WPrime for those monster systems....Why add more benchmarks for those? For what it's worth...if in the future benchmarking will mean that you need a Skulltrail type platform or 3 GFX to be in the top .... I think many good old school Pi and 2k1 tweakers will stop benching....Remember.....it's all about your skills, not how much money you have....

  7. I know some of those guys, and I know they live in different cities. I also see that the clocks significant different on those GFX's, so I think that it's either different hardware, or a buy/sell issue. Anyway, when I look at that memories come back..It seems like ages ago :)

  8. Oh...you guys.....why does this "cheating" issue comes up everytime somebody has a very good score? Isn't this what this is all about? I mean...Let's put it this way....If everybody ordinary things that you can expect...there is no more challenge in o/c. SuperPi 1M can be faked.....so...everybody's score could be cheated, not only some guy's. But I look at this and I am thinking... http://service.futuremark.com/resultComparison.action?compareResultId=9392606&compareResultType=6

    This is not a cheat... So...some guys that can get a 2k1 WR, can also get a SuperPi WR in my book :)

  9. Yes of course that is true, but also you know when the limit has to be set (scores that were uploaded before 1.5 came on the market are ok I suppose, nothing else was available back then). That's why I said you know better, I don't remember the exact date when Spi 1.5XS was released.

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