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Posts posted by Monstru

  1. Some of them are bios some of them are memset, it depends. I usually boot as high as possible and than bring up the FSB with SetFsb or tweak the latencies with MemSet if necessary. For example, I boot at 4-4-4-12 1200 and then tighten to 4-4-4-4 (my mobo only allows 9 as the lowest seting in this case, so MemSet is neccesary).


    Some more fun:


    2.50v - Ballistix 8500


    3-3-3-9................470Mhz (aka DDR2 940)

    4-4-4-12..............620Mhz(aka DDR2 1240)

  2. Ok, so here are my sweet Crucial Ballistix 8500 tested on Dfi Infinity P965-S with an E6600 CPU. My goal is to attain Spi 1M stable settings.




    3-3-3-9 ..................................... 407Mhz - DDR2 814

    4-4-4-12 ................................... 541Mhz - DDR2 1082

    5-5-5-12 ................................... 604Mhz - DDR2 1208





    3-3-3-9 ..................................... 435Mhz - DDR2 870

    4-4-4-12 ................................... 566Mhz - DDR2 1132

    5-5-5-12 ................................... 607Mhz - DDR2 1214




    3-3-3-3 ................................... 458 Mhz - DDR2 916

    4-4-3-4 ................................... 500 Mhz - DDR2 1000

    4-4-4-4 ................................... 600 Mhz - DDR2 1200


    While it is obvious that I am limited at around 1200 due to the motherboard, good latencies at low volts are my favourite on this board, and this kit seems to be very happy with that :D


    And here we play a little bit with the 10th Anniversary's at 2.30v on the same platform:




    3-3-3-9...........417 Mhz - DDR2 834

    4-4-4-12.........536Mhz - DDR2 1072

    5-5-5-12.........602Mhz - DDR2 1204


    In conclusion, the Anniversaries are a very good kit, and I am pleased with them, but these 8500's are just plain old wicked, and they will taste more volts on the same platform and also P35 pretty soon.


    Hope that is ok with the pictures stored elsewhere, I have too many of them.

  3. Very interesting.....the top looks very interesting...we have a few damn good teams, which should me models to all the other teams. The battle for the first is just for competition's sake, all the teams that are in that league are great teams with very extreme members :)


    A little bit of statistics now, because I think that not only the first 2 teams deserve the attention.


    You can see the results in the attach, and what I am looking right now is the number of results each team has. Now let's look a little bit to the points/results ratio, because I think that there are great teams which will not get the first place, but which have outstanding results.


    1. United Team of Poland - 1.31

    2. HOT - 1.87

    3. XS - 1.51

    4. MXS ModLabs.Net - 2.62

    5. Russian Overs - 2.77

    6. Hardware Arena Turkiye - 3.92

    7. i4Memory.com - 1.77

    8. OC Forums - 1.63

    9. OC Team Finland - 2.08

    10.OverclockingMasters - 2.08

    11.Team OCX - 2.58

    12.AwardFabrik - 2.47

    13.Diskusjon.no OC Team - 2.08

    14.Crazy OC-Germany - 2.35

    15.Outofspecs.gr - 2.50

    16.Bleedinedge - 1.26

    17.OCZ Benchmark Team - 1.81

    18.JMax Hardware - 2.32

    19.OC-TEam.be - 1.29

    20.Topmods.net - 2.08


    This looks interesting, don't you think???


    I mean, first of all, a BIG congratulation and respect for Hardware Arena Turkiye, Russian Overs and MXS ModLabs.....These guys have outstanding results. HA Turkiye has the highest points/results ratio, taking the 6th place with only 1333 results!!!!!!!


    Second of all, if we look a little bit closer to these results, we'll see some interesting things. Like.....once this battle for the 1st place started to be this tight, the p/r ratio for the first 3 teams changed for sure. The 3 big team involved in this battle have a low p/r ratio, while the guys that are not involved in this battle have a high p/r ratio, which is very nice...


    Well...I just find this interesting :)


  4. Please fix this:




    No video card or resolution visible

    No verification link

    At same clocks a result with Athlon XP 2000+ is better than a result with Conroe...I loled :)




    http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=587874 - needs more proof

    http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=544559 - Futuremark problems with drivers / Test 4 supported but not runned



    And also this:


    http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=647535'>http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=647535 - The score is VALID but it should be in a different category, X1650Pro DDR2 512Mb. The category doesn't exist for the moment.

    http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=647536 - same situation

    http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=648219 - idem

    http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=647535 - idem

  5. Thank you my friend, I really was a lucky bastard regarding the AE kit :D


    I am really waiting to get my hands on those 8500. I will also get a 6400 kit for a friend of mine, so maybe I'll make a little round-up before I give those away, between Crucial AE, 8500 and 6400 and my old Mushkin XP6400 and some Mushkin 9200......Really curious how they would compare to each other :)


    Anyway, that will not happen until october, so I'll better find some time for the AE kit, 'cause they deserve it......

  6. Nice mem you had there mate :)


    If I tell you how did I get them you will run away either crying or insanely laughing...


    I bought them brand new, from a guy who didn't knew what he had, and he sold them to me for something like 133 USD :D


    I didn't get enough time to test them yet (maybe some 608i testing just for show-off) but I am beggining to love them already :D


    I am still curious how the 8500 Crucials that I will receive from the States will perform...

  7. Crucial 10th Anniversary Edition have arrived....After 10 minutes of playing with them on Dfi Infinity P965-S it looks like this:


    1202Mhz 5-4-4-18 2.375v

    800Mhz 3-3-3-10 2.1v


    And yeah...oh yeah....they are the 1.8v version ;)


    LE: To lazy to resize the screenshots now, will do it some other time :P

  8. DEVILEK: 540 points - hardware awards: 8x 9x 5x 12x

    ryba (PurePC.pl): 390.3 points - hardware awards: 11x 5x 1x 12x

    pmp: 302.1 points - hardware awards: 1x 1x 3x

    strange situation with 3 top members of team. where is gold medals?


    Hey....what do you know, there are people here benching other things than old athlons and celerons. And....they don't have to have a medal to get 30-40 points for 10th place with 8800GTX, 8800Ultra, E6600 / E6700 and so on ;)

    I am 51st with E6700 in SuperPi and I have 8.8points for that....Imagine how places from 6-20 look ;)



    USSR team go back to different teams. but we can join again for 1st place, if we will want it.


    I am aware of that....And you have already been told that this is not the right attitude....Either stay a team or don't.....If you are a team, be a team...If not, don't try to pull anymore "hey look what we can do if we get together", because that is not in the HWB Spirit and you guys caused enough unpleasant situations already. If you guys are not a team than you achieved nothing.... Teams like "USA United" or "Japan United" would crush you without a blink.....But the guys there stay in teams and do go around trying to prove anything else ;)

  9. Wow!!! These last weeks have certainly been very busy here on HWBot...Now I see that "Born in USSR" team has come down from the podium losing lots of points AND that the Polish guys are first once more, putting the greeks on the third place!!!!


    BUT.....I can see that the point diference is really small, so I have the feeling that the Greeks are going to be number one very soon....That is...if no other surprises appear on the way :D


    For the moment, GG United Polish team!!!!

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