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Posts posted by Monstru

  1. I really don't care about PCMark 2005, but I really do not like some attitude I see here. If you wanna drop a 4 year old benchmark because when it was made they wouldn't even think that HDD's could get this fast, then what about 2001, they sure as hell didn't think 8 years ago that GPU's and CPU's would get this fast. And it can only use max 2 GPU's, and it does not even scale with the latest video technology and so on....


    That is not a right way to look at it. I can imagine that for some guys getting near the top must be a little frustrating to lose some points because they don't have what it takes to dominate all the benchmarks, but it is normal to be like that. Sure, everybody in the top has tremendous skills, but there are also specific skills and likes and dislikes. Real old school tweakers play 2001 and really show what tweaking is all about, with not so expensive machines. Guys with "big guns" really show their skills putting quad-GPU machines to the works and rule 2k3-2k6, guys with good Nehalem skills really kill everybody in Vantage, guys that test tens of CPU's and really have the patience to find the "one" pwn everyone in Pi 1M or CPU-Z, software maniacs really tweak that Spi 32M, guys with Skulltrails laugh in anyone's face with their WPrime scores and so on. There are enough games to play for everybody, everyone can show his skills in something, and mainstream overclockers and benchers have most of those applications to play with. What is wrong with having those CRAZY guys that use 20 SSD and thousand dollar RAID controller having their own game where they can shine? If PCM05 is their game, let them play their game, this guys that started this thread really looks that he knows what he is doing and really put some effort into this. Let them be....


    And about bounderies and stuff....Hey people, newsflash...nobody uses LN2 on CPU and VGA's to play, so it really does not matter if it'a real life situation or not, it's all about if you are crazy enough to get the most points in one benchmark or not. And last time I checked that was what benching ia all about.

  2. and we agree on the fact that cost is impossible to take into account for ranking, but does play a role


    I totally agree, taking that into consideration into rankings is quite impossible.


    knopflerbruce It is hard everywhere bro, top notch tools mean top notch money everywhere, I am aware of that. In the end, that is also what passion and crazyness are there for, just like in any other hobby :)

  3. I totally agree. Just that for some people is just very money consuming and for others almost impposible. And I don't know why we are still talking about this, I just said that remarks like "you must be making VERY little money if you can't afford X hardware" are not ok, taking into consideration that this is a multi national site (I know he didn't mean anything wrong, but he just forgot that there are les fortunate places in the world). I take it the official HWBot opinion is that such remarks are ok?

  4. Georgia? C'mon, where does it says that? Romania here bro :)


    The medium official salary here is ~310 Euros / month

    The minimum official salary here is ~130 Euros / month


    Now, I don't want to eat s**t, I was making 700 Euros / month when I got into advertising, and ~ 1500 Euros / month just before I got out of that bussines, so I am not complaining about myself. But the point is that a salary of 1000 Euros / month here means you have a very good job. There are a whole bunch of guys working for way less salary than that. That is not a tragic thing, there are a bunch of things here that cost less then in more western countries. BUT....hardware is more expensive, so comparing that to a normal salary...yeah...it can be a pain in the butt.


    Also, think about the fact that there are OTHER places in the world where the situation is much worse than here.



    Why should that matter to HWBot? Well, it probablly shouldn't. But be aware that money play a BIG part in this game, not just a little one.

  5. Ideally, if you can have everything almost the same as it is now, but just be able to remove the points/participation in the leauge..that would be nice. Those who check no points option won't be visible in any league rankings either. Maybe just one central HWBOT world record ranking list with everyone together both league and non. 99% of the list will be league guys for sure.

    Ya know..the manuf. involvement/prerelease stuff seems to be an issue that is dividing. Your new system can address this. Give these guys(amd/intel/ATI/nvidia) a place for them to battle it out. It would be cool to see macci, kinc, shamino etc all battling each other here with ANY kind of hardware, ES, pre-release/current/old whatever.. and not disturbing the points rankings. No one has anything to complain about and we can all be happy and still appreciate what these guys do. :)

    It can only be positive for the site and easy solution to deal with things that some would call "unfair".

    Hwbot should be a venue for up and comers to show off thier skillz or beginners to get their start. Not for guys that have advantages because they work for X company or have access to lots of HW for binning just to whore top spots in the leauge lol


    It should also be that place where we can come to see the REALLY crazy stuff with the big $$$$$ no budget rigs, killer silicon, and big manuf involvement. Pre-release stuff is cool, but in the right context. You can't mix the two. It's the right thing to do at just the right time I think.


    Respect, this is a truly honorable point of view.



    One thing that needs to change for sure is having ALL the WR's in one place. If doing what you guys are saying will bring everybody here and we will be able to see all WR's in one place, then be it.

  6. Fellows, all you have to do is ask.


    We have 3 x 9800GX2. If you want to ask us anything about the above scores, please do so. Don't just go assuming things.


    - The 2k1 scores are done with 2 different 9800GX2's (2 different BBN). We have another one in stand by ( An Evga I think). Besides that, I see no problem in using same mobo, CPU or OS (even though I benched on I45 and Micutzu on TP45HP). The scores are done with 2 cards, therefor complying to HWB rules. I can prove this with pictures if necessary.


    -The 2006 scores are done with 4 different 3870X2, on the same mobo/CPU/OS, all HIS boards. However, this I cannot prove with pics, the cards are sold a looooong time ago. Now we have 4 x 4870X2....


    -"bhrams" and "brahms" is the same person, he probably made 2 accounts by mistake. Please delete one of them.



    So before going all "HWBot police on my ass", please drop a PM and ask us what it is all about. It is not the first time or the last time hardware configurations are the same on HWBot. I mean..heck...for 2k1 single card there is no other hardware to use except for E8600 and 9800GX2 right now...and all GX2's on LN2 go between 950-1000 core and 1000-1200 GDDR, just take a look in the top 10 GX2 in all categories and it is not so hard to see that....


    Now, please tell my if there is anything else that is not clear...


    Link to a photo

  7. Hello,


    An hwbot crew member, demiurg, has blocked one of your submitted scores. It has been marked as 'insufficient verification for rankings'.


    This was the reason the user gave:

    Please provide more verification. Resolution and 3DMark settings are not shown on the screenshot.


    You can view your result here:



    I have all the required screenshots and I have a futuremark link. Why is this score blocked?

  8. You bring up a perfect example. People are posting upward of 200,000 point scores on the net for 03 using 2x4870x2 cards because they are bugged runs. As newer hardware becomes available and these programs become obsolete this will only be more common. But it seems like 32% of the voters have no problem with this.


    That, and 2k1 not using 4 GPU's are the only 2 examples you can give, and you know that.

    Let's face it....we know for sure what the problem with 2k1 is, but who knows exactly why some bugs apear on those 2k3 runs? Who knows exactly if those programs are obsolete, or coders and programmers are not doing their job, or they are doing it right for something in particular? Think about that a little bit ;)


    Unfortunately for Vantage, when it comes down to dual-cores and 1 or 2 GPU's, 2k1 is still the best all system benchmark. You have to have skill and experience for that, and that is why that is a great benchmark. 2006??? What is the problem with 2k6? You need a very expensive QX for that? Well, I think that in an year from now, everyone will be benching only quad-cores, so where is the problem? BUT everyone will not BUY 3 GFX cards just to get a bigger score in Vantage, even if Futuremark and Nvidia go very well hand in hand and enjoy encouraging users to buy not 1, not 2 but 3 GFX cards, even if that is so useless. Sure, why the heck not, maybe in a couple of years we will be benching 6 GFX, that sure is good bussines for them...Even now it is hard and you have to make sacrifices to have good benching hardware, but if Vantage is a preview of the benchmarks to come, then my friends, let's change the name now, from HWBot into $Bot.

  9. The end result will be HWbot being the home of world records set with obsolete software because users are too cheap to spend $20.00


    So you think that WR's in SuperPi, 2k1-2k6, PiFast, WPrime, etc, etc, can easily be attained with obsolete hardware? 24.gif

    Vantage is the holy grail of benching and it is the only thing that can really take advantage of the new hardware? Take a look at the numbers in 2k3, 2k5 and 2k6 with 2 x 4870X2 ;)

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