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Broken APEX49

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Everything posted by Broken APEX49

  1. Everyone. I still haven't solved my LN2 problem. And the BIOS for the super pi is Is 0070 still the best BIOS for super pi?
  2. Well, the specs look like this now.
  3. I'll be referring to this when I use OCF.
  4. In normal mode, change the PLL Term to 1.05v and the CPU Standby to 1.05v. Save and Exit I can't get into the bios after this reboot.
  5. I'm currently challenging a 32GB dual rank, but I'm struggling to even boot at 3600mhz! I can't adjust the third timing. It's hard.
  6. What are the advantages of DRAM 32GB?
  7. I am using Windows 7. I would like to know the optimization at super pi runtime.
  8. Super pi4g challenge is good.
  9. VCCIO mem voltage is 1.45V It's possible that 1.45V is not enough.
  10. You can just reduce the maximum memory value from msconfig.
  11. 私の症状は、XMPが適用されていないことです。 BIOSは1.27H
  12. It may be incompatible with GALAX HOF4CXL3BST4000M19SF162CL
  13. Even if it is thawed I don't know what's next
  14. This is the current situation in Japan
  15. That is a great challenge for me, but I want to go through with it.
  16. It was so expensive that I couldn't afford it.
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