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Everything posted by Doomed83

  1. I kinda want this just to see some of the insane hardware people will play with to compete. I think Splave has a point about ranking though, if it truly is WR ranking and one person has spots 1 through 4 (on different hardware) and someone claims spot 5 it shouldn't be ranked as spot 2.
  2. Do we have sponsors for prizes? if not maybe the community might help donate prizes?
  3. it was 1.8v set actually not sure why it wanted so much but it was staying pretty cool and pulled a max of 120 watts
  4. Thanks! I somehow missed the requirements for the tabs on the competition. Will re-bench and submit again.
  5. Preface: I'm a casual bencher who won't likely be effected either way by this decision. I don't see a need to change the rules for CPU-Z validation, but personally I will take the time to look at the result and see if cores are disabled and HT/SMT is on or off. I'll be honest and say that I use the argument that it's much more difficult to achieve a high result without disabled cores etc., but it does not take away from the achievement. In my opinion this is why having a variety of benchmarks is needed. +1 for Leeghoofd's idea about the active cores column and if possible and HT/SMT - on/off column (this would make it easier when casually browsing results)
  6. I like the new format so far much easier to use. I was going to comment about the cpu-z version info not being present in the Cinebench example but looks like maybe you were still working on it because it's included in the wild life example. Good job!
  7. I voted to implement without minimum duration, but would also like Benchmate to be mandatory provided it's compatible.
  8. Thanks! The xtu file was just so you have extra information. I didn't even look at the score lol.
  9. Can you please add a CPU? Intel Xeon E-2276M https://valid.x86.fr/e4qcnv https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/192989/intel-xeon-e-2276m-processor-12m-cache-2-80-ghz.html 7540.xtu
  10. PM'ed my booking info. Hope it helps. Also, I'm interested in some slim GPU pots if you are selling.
  11. Got my Hotel room booked today. Looking forward to meeting everyone. Not sure what all I'm going to bring yet.
  12. Looks like I'll be able to make it, so sign me up!
  13. Thank you for the trade as well. Also thanks for all the great advice!
  14. PM sent with pictures
  15. Thanks anyways!
  16. Located in Houston TX USA
  17. I want to start cold benching. I don't have a ton of money to throw at it all at once so I'm trying to get things I need slowly. Right now I'm looking for my first pot so the cheaper the better. I would prefer to get a CPU pot first. I have a couple of 35 liter LN2 dewars for trade if interested. (picked up 4 dewars in a deal and don't really have space to keep them all)
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