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Schenckel bros

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Everything posted by Schenckel bros

  1. Essa VGA merece um LN2 em Ronaldo??? rsrsrsrsrsrrs, 1680MHz+ ???!!! rsrsrrs
  2. this is not a result Cheated - John Lam work and study hard to get it, it was just an oversight on the screens of CPUZ Now tell me who never committed any negligence can not judge a person just because she committed an oversight There are many errors in the league world overclocking I mean that if Andre Yang - Shammy make a mistake like this they will be accused of cheating?? Is not that how we have to look at this situation let's have a bit of reasoning here he is only seeking new tweaks we will demonstrate respect for the work of this man
  3. Happy birthday Vince !!! Many overclock yet to come, and many WR!!!
  4. Awaiting results with LHe !!! beautiful result...
  5. a z68 tem multi limitado em 59, o resto é bclk, mas o problema e que não deixa passar de -130 graus, ai ela desliga e para ligar só com -80...
  6. thanks... OVP Problems, está dificel de resolver, testamos VID MOD e não aumentou a tensão, setamos VID para 1.4v e não aumentou a tensão, VGA 1000+ MHZ mas com problemas de VID e OVP isto não é possivel... estamos tentando resolver...
  7. Nice:) How much tension placed on the memory and GPU? you tested it on other benchmarks?
  8. thanks, o pot eu coloquei armaflex em fita na parte conica, e na parte de cima enrolei uma folha de armaflex, depois coloquei a fita em volta para segurar o armaflex...
  9. Congratulations, resulting insane, I want to see you in the first place in the league enthusiast
  10. Congratulations, resulting insane, I want to see you in the first place in the league enthusiast!!!
  11. Great result, the unfortunate loss of his best VGA.
  12. Using zombie on the back can not shorten the yarn, use the zombie in front you can use short wires, but need LN2 pot, It only tests the zombie, not being worth, needs some repairs, also need intel CPU, Thanks...
  13. Posted in forum kingpincooling: http://www.kingpincooling.com/forum/showpost.php?p=19974&postcount=228
  14. Pro Overclocker King same to Pro and Enthusiast That's pathetic!!!
  15. If I benchar multi VGA I also want to earn points, If I benchar with single VGA I also want to earn points, but if I have to buy my pocket multi VGA to get top 5, battled hard for it, there comes a guy like Andre Yang, and beyond me I will not be very happy, because I know andre yang is supported by Asus and has lots of VGAs to play, I had to pay for all my needs, andre yang do not need, this is what worries me, I do not say that he does not deserve it all, he fought hard for it he certainly deserves, But that's where the party is unfair, he gets results and makes it almost unbeatable, if I want to win support from some company I'll probably need to be in top 5, but with guys who win support, how one day I'll be top 5 if I can only benchar with single VGA, will be dificel not you think? I'll look forward to and I see guys with multi vga, if I want to be top5 will need to be a millionaire I think this issue should be reviewed, Admittedly, the HWBOT is a kind of hobby, but I like this world and want to work with him, HWBOT is a door to my future, but with guys who have supported and multi-vga difficult is for me to get a support, I can not knock on the door and ask for support from MSI without first showing what I can do, MSI certainly will want a guy to support top5. this is what I think, sorry for my english, sorry if I caused problems, it is my opinion, I support what rbuass said.
  16. Thanks, the camera was not good, the next will have a better, great moments like this deserve the best memories, Rbuass is a great friend, easegantini is also a great friend, this event was very good, able to meet friends and have great fun, waiting for the next championship overclocking.
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