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  1. hey, mind sharing how you got such an absurdly high score? hahaha i subbed at 2200 and you beat me by like 30% at 200mhz lower!
  2. this is fucking amazing! congrats for the awesome sub!
  3. This guy is a fucking champ! Keep up the great work keep ❤️
  4. Ah i posted here cause i know my coding skills aren't up to the task hahaha, my hope was that someone (some people) might find this cool and help me get the the project up and running
  5. We could also, for example, make this benchmark be Windows 10 native to get points, forcing the community to get a little more familiar with windows 10 which is more widely used by modern users and more "pratical" for newcomers, as well as make the results more "useful" for the average user!! (also to motivate the geniuses out there to help make a good benching W10 distro i can use ??)
  6. Hey guys, i had an idea for a benchmark and i don't know where to pitch it, so i'll write my proposal here and y'know, see where it goes. So IMO there is a need for a modern benchmark that is more utilitarian in focus and 2D in nature, and i though of something i do on a regular basis which i use as a "benchmark" and "stability test" which could be awesome for a benchmark which focuses greatly on CORE COUNT, FREQUENCY, AND MEMORY OPTIMIZATION AND FREQUENCY. My proposal is: making a program which uses a standalone version of google's open source chromium browser to load and render a window of chrome with 60~120 tabs of websites containing all sorts of html5 and javascript and whatever. Why is it good? Because all of this stuff has to be processed by the cpu and memory (if you disable hardware acceleration) and it's a LOT of data going to-and-fro from cpu to mem, i have used this in the past as a memory overclock stability-test, because it uses a lot of cpu power to process everything, and it uses both a lot of mem in terms of raw gb of ram and in terms of bandwidth and latency. It also scales well with higher core-count cpu's! Why would it interest users? Because hardcore browsing is something that a lot of people do, and is becoming more and more popular as people learn the value of being able to manage data and tabs and communications, an example of this is how much the popularity of dual or triple monitor setups has exploded in the past 4~6 years. So this would be a meaningful and practical way to measure how "good" your PC is for hardcore web browsing. Why would it interest XOCers? Because superpi is old and new users don't care about it anymore; it has lost relevance and doesn't give a "practical" idea of real-world PC use. This way we'd have a cool bench which can scale well with mem overclocking and optimization BUT has more tangible benefit for modern PCs, this would bring more people to become interested and appreciate overclocking! Also you'd need a few GB's of ram so no maxmem closer to regular use-case! This might add new meta's to benching such as maybe using DR DDR4 for rank interleaving, who knows, it would be a bench that would strain the PC for a use case that MOST USERS USE THEIR PC FOR (most people use PC's for web-browsing(social networks research etc...) AND gaming, the vast majority of the benches so far focus a lot on gaming, or productivity in the form of creation(video editing, 3d rendering...)!). Practical Considerations for implementation: idk, i'm a noob, but i imagine we could like package a version of chromium and all of the content of the "tabs" in a file (like the full web-pages with banners and everything packaged with the bench so no internet connection is required), when the user runs the benchmark there's a "delay" as everything gets copied to the ram to remove storage speed from the equation, then the script executes the browser opening and loading all the tabs and gives us a time of how long it took (or maybe a score based off time) then this version of chrome could be pre-configured to not use any hardware acceleration when "rendering" images and banners and whatnot directly off cpu and mem so it's 100% software, adding more strain to mem and cpu, and removing "gpu drivers and gpu in general" from the equation. **Chromium would also need to be modded to render all the tabs at once instead of how chrome seems to do some of the work only when a tab gets opened! Personal experiences: i use a 9980XE and all the threads and a lot of mem gets used when i open my bookmark folders, i think it would be a cool bench, and it's a fast bench like spi1m, wouldn't take over 25s to run on a 6+ core if you do sub-60 tabs, and there could be like 2 options like spi1m VS spi32m, one option loads 80 tabs, and the second loads 200! and it scales well with core count as well! Google chrome and firefox are based off of chromium so this bench would use the same resources people use daily. I think this would be a bench that would have practical value for evaluating a PC for scholarly/research/web-browsing potential, it would fun for OCers cause it stresses mem a lot (something that's lacking in most popular benches today) and it would help maybe companies that work with making drivers, software, and hardware, possibly optimize things for the improvement of modern computing! I've had a few memory overclocks be "modern gaming-stable" but crash as soon as i try to open a 40+ bookmark folder! How could this be made into a reality? We'd need people to be willing to help organize something, i'm somewhat of a noob at programming and i'm quite busy and inexperienced, we could for example make a kickstarter or something to pay someone to work on it, i don't know, we could make a discord server where we coordinate efforts to implement this! so if people want this to happen they need to comment and get in touch so that we can form a group to get working on this! Credit: I would like to thank Ground, Ozzie, and Mythical for having helped brainstorming to write this poposal! I would like to thank all the XOCers and people that make up this community for helping newcomers and stimulating people to get into this amazing hobby!
  7. that picture on the sub is unreal! congrats!
  8. hmmm i haven't caught up to ALL the posts in the thread so far, but i think an important factor is that processors now adays have very little headroom for OCing compared how things were 5+ years ago. When 775 and 1366 and 1156 were around, overclocking was at everyone's fingertips and most cpu's could do 500mhz+ over stock on just some regular air cooling so there was a LOT of tangible benefit and everyone could indulge. Now adays many chips require fancy cooling just to do all-core boost, and even with top-of-the-line custom loop it's difficult to go over 200-300mhz above maximum boost for regular use, and that's a LOT of spending for a meagre 200mhz especially since to go that far you need to spend on a fancy unlocked cpu and ZXXX mobo. I guess like 2010 overclocking was something you could just decide to do and be able to cause pretty much any hardware could OC and benefits were very tangible, these days its a lot of money and you're trying to squeeze a few drops out of a hella dry lemon... -opinion of someone who has both new and old mobos and regularly takes things subzero for fun
  9. So i've heard of a few other cases besides my own of people with Z77 OCF's that are dead and have extremely, if not identical, symptoms. A few i know have, like myself, checked the board for shorts and not found anything out of the ordinary, but it seems important standby voltages aren't coming up when the board is hooked up to PSU; so it won't even attempt to turn on, I/O not getting VCC either since no +5V at power on pins. I've talked to RageBone and it seems there are one or two voltages that can be measured in a very limited area near the ICH, he believes that these boards have all entered some kind of protection mode and that's whats keeping them in this state, but due to lack of documentation of any kind i haven't heard of anyone with this issue being able to fix it (i'm aware of 4 or 5 people with boards in this condition, there are probably more, this seems like that issue with the audio IC on the rampage iii extreme) Any tips or help would be greatly appreciated!
  10. Reviving an old thread lul, mod yet untested but this should be the resistor to short for CBB on a maximus 3 gene / maximus 3 formula, up next gotta figure out my P7P55D
  11. ah i see, i tried the videos method twice yesterday and both cracked, will try the 0c method later today! thanks!
  12. Someone linked me this which is very informative:
  13. Hey all, i recently got my hands on a 1080ti for ln2 and have been encountering problems which i'm quite confident come from cracking thermal paste. I haven't been able to find much good info online on gpu pot mounting and other tricks people might use to help with cracking, paste applications, etc... so i thought i'd make a post asking for any and all advice so others facing the same issue can find answers. Setup: i've been using kryonaut on my 1080ti KPE and an early version of what i beleive is a kingpin fat. been having issues when i go cold, gpu will run benches 100% stock but as soon as i generate enough heat (be it thru just increasing voltages past ~1.4V, or running 1.35V then increasing clocks) the gpu crashes, so after extensive remounting and testing and research i've attributed the issue to thermal paste cracking and have been trying to figure out what i can do. There are a few threads about this type of issue for cpu XOC with a decent amount of info, but nothing on GPU's. My mounting procedure usually involves applying a layer of paste on the die evenly with a spatula, putting the pot on, getting the screws well tightened with my bare hands, heating it up to ~35c, giving each screw a lil extra tightening, then going cold.
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