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Everything posted by Falkentyne

  1. Doesn't the M12A have two separate ME chips (corresponding to the main and backup bioses the chips are linked to) that can be force flashed by the EVC2 device with the ME firmware? They are separate from the BIOS chips. Just do a "read" on the chips and check the file size then you will know.
  2. Hmm 0705 beta bios for Apex. That must be the test BIOS shamino released to fix some things. Is there one for the Extreme also?
  3. With my 10900k, RTL's changed on M12E 2004 (and I assume M12A 2004 too), so what I previously used on all older bioses, 1002, 1003, 070x 060x and so on, 62/62/63/63 //7/7/7/7, for 2x16 GB @ 4400 16/17/37 1.5v, on 2004, when I tried this, the system was wildly unstable, either crashing in BIOS or BSOD/UEFI missing winload error. Had to use 63/64/8/8 now on M12E 2004. I am assuming (but do not know for sure) that this applies to newer ones too. On M13E, I used the exact same RAM settings and 63/64/8/8 with 10900k, as I did on M12E 2004, and it was just as stable (just needed 20mv lower bios voltage due to less vdroop/new VRM/intersil at same LLC). No problems. Same ODT's too (80/48/40). With 11900k RKL and M13E, everything's different. At 4266 16/17/37, some of the tighter terts that worked on 10900k just fine cause a massive drop in speeds, (I think trdrd=5 is bad on this) so those have to be loosened. the ODT's also caused instability, 80/48/40 was no longer stable, but Auto was fine. Either manual RTL's don't work, at least no one has figured out how to make them work. RTL Init no longer works at all. "Round Trip Latency Timing" Training algorithm does work though.
  4. Are you guys talking about this? https://1drv.ms/u/s!AkQqWXPLNfg-ghKwD718Q1gHFWEc?e=cRZnz5
  5. They are the same setting. I've seen several "sub" parameters for that setting with absolutely no documentation on it on some laptops, I think I saw three looking at a MSI laptop BIOS with AMIBCP 5.02. I only remember a 0, 1 and 2 however. Or perhaps the 'first' one had recommended values of a 0,1,2 on some strange Asus BIOS and the second was like 5,6,7 I honestly don't know or remember. hard to remember bios settings with absolutely no documentation. Ok I found it. DLLBwen[0] for 1067 (0...7) -->failsafe: 0, Optimal: 0 DLLBwen[1] for 1333 (0...7) -->failsafe:0, Optimal: 1 DLLBwen[2] for 1600 (0...7) -->failsafe:0, Optimal: 2 DLLBwen[3] for1867 and up (0..7) -->failsafe:0, Optimal: 2 Don't ask me what any of that means.
  6. Well the other two vcore readings are useless. VR VOUT (and Current IOUT and Power POUT) are the readings you want. You also obviously need Dram, VCCSA, IO and those others. I have no idea about your speedstep problem. I disable speedstep on every gigabyte bios and I never had an issue like this. I tested X4 briefly and some others. Maybe you need to enable Turbo boost ratios manually and keep those at auto.
  7. With that board, please use HWinfo64 and use the VR VOUT field in the VRM section for accurate voltage monitoring. This is the "die-sense" voltage that you may have heard of, and it is extremely accurate. it is the VRM ADC controller value. **YOU MUST** be using the most current version of hwinfo64. Older versions will not support VR VOUT. VR VOUT only got added because I asked Martin to add support for it, but he had some difficulty accessing the VRM. Shamino (Asus), believe it or not, helped him get it working on a *gigabyte* board. yeah, Ironic, I know. The vcore you see in CPU-Z is the old typical "Super I/O" voltage reading which is always going to be above or way above what the real vcore is. In fact, in HWInfo64, there are going to be three vcores: 1) Super I/O reading (ITE 8688E). 2) Socket MLCC reading (ITE 8792E). 3) Die-sense reading (direct from VRM) - Intersil 96269 (I think). The die-sense reading is the reading you want to use. Unfortunately, no other programs know about accessing the VRM directly, just hwinfo64. ------ I also do not use speedshift or speedstep. I disable all of that stuff like you told us to do on NBR long ago. I just disable all power saving and set a multiplier randomly. Also, one thing I noticed on Gigabyte boards is that the "Turbo velocity boost" multiplier boost seems to be enabled by default regardless of cpu temps. For example, at "stock" operation, the gigabyte boards will turbo to 4.9 ghz at all times, instead of it being 4.9 ghz < 70C and 4.8 ghz at 70C+. I'm not sure if this affects the "2 core" 5.3 ghz boost however.
  8. The Great Mr Fox. Please use "Fixed" mode, not "override" mode. Override mode changes the VID to the override value. This is identical to "override mode" on your Clevo laptop, oddly enough. If AC/DC Loadline are not set to "1" (0.01 mOhm) or a low mOhm value, that will cause vcore to rise substantially at load, even more so if LLC calibration is higher than "Standard". Fixed mode is the "override" you were used to on Z390 desktops. That's actually what you want to use.
  9. You need to -uninstall- 4.0.4, not just install 4.0.3. Uninstall both. Reboot after each. Then install 4.0.3. Reboot. 4.0.3 will then work. 4.0.3 will NOT work if you did NOT uninstall 4.0.4. This may also fix the memtweakit issue.
  10. As I said I've tried every bios version that gets released or leaked. I don't remember if I tried F3 but those old obsolete bioses didn't have working VF points. The person who told me this bug was fixed in X5 is a Gigabyte engineer but I don't know if he's with the BIOS team. He's the same person who sent me test bioses when I was helping gigabyte fix the very serious DVID overvoltage bugs on Z390 when switching to fixed mode (T0d and t1D from Z390 Master came from him).
  11. A gigabyte rep told me that the 1T bug with dual rank dimms should be fixed in X5. I was not aware that no one had it yet. The bug is: on both 2018 (october sticker) and 2020 year (February sticker) Gskill 3200 CL14 2x16 GB Trident Z RGB (F4-3200C14-32GTZR) sticks, 1T command rate does not work at XMP on either set. (basic 3200 CL14, all auto timings). it just boot loops and resets after repeated fails at training. The 2020 sticks are much better clockers than the 2018 sticks at 2T.
  12. X5 Bios is supposed to fix the problem with dual rank and 1T command rate (right now 1T completely fails to work even at stock XMP settings) 3200 CL14-32GTZR Gskill (2x16 GB) + 1T = boot loop.
  13. Anyone have the X5 bios for the Z490 Aorus Master?
  14. Please doublecheck the TXP setting in *gaming* before all of you use it. Check your 1% lows! One user tried using TXP 4, and his benchmark/latency scores went down nicely a few ms, but his 1% lows were worse and he tested it by toggling it on and off each reboot (Gigabyte board so it was already in the BIOS). So be sure to check it (assuming that some of you guys are actually gamers also).
  15. Ok let me put this a completely different way. Maybe this will explain the awkwardness of what you're trying to ask a video gamer (me) who just plays videogames and who is not a hardware engineer. Let's say you set 1.45v in BIOS, Loadline calibration level 3. 1.1 mOhms of LLC. This is a perfectly safe setting. And 1.1 mOhms of LLC is intel default vdroop. Put 245 amps into the cpu that's 1450mv - (245 * 1.1) =1.180v. Clearly that's safe. If you want to "assume" 1.52v is "max VID", ignoring the "1.52v + 200mv" thingy, that would be 1520mv - (245 * 1.1)=1.250v. Now that's an ALL CORE LOAD. All 10 cores. So now you said 1 core load is 24.5 amps per core. 245 / 10. that makes sense. Now, what happens if you have a ONE CORE (2 thread) application that is putting 24.5 amps by itself, with NO other cores loaded? Then what??? At that 1.450v, the vdroop and load vcore will be: 1450mv - (24.5 * 1.1) =1.423v ! So according to the above, that "one" core with a 24 amp load on it will be getting a LOAD VCORE of 1.423v!! So that by logic should degrade that core pretty fast, shouldn't it? Because the total amps load is so low that the load vcore is going to be super high. Unless EACH CORE has its OWN VOLTAGE? But only on HEDT does each core have its own voltage rail because its supplied by VCCIN (1.8v). Do you see the position you put me in here?? I have absolutely NO idea or clue what I'm talking about anymore or any insider knowledge of how these chips work. I don't know the answers to these questions. I'm sorry.
  16. VRM tweak enables adaptive transient algorithm algorithm, which can reduce vmin by up to 10mv in some loads. It won't do much if your cache ratio is set too high though (cache is far more sensitive to transients than core is). Max amps is 245 amps, or 24 amps per core, but no one knows what load vcore should not be exceeded at X # of amps, as the 1.52v ceiling is different since the chip can potentially request 1.50v load voltage at max turbo multiplier at all auto settings and max (=1.1 mOhms) AC/DC Loadline and 1.1 mOhms (level 3) loadline calibration now, due to some thing about 1.520v max VID + 200mv=1.720v initial. Under the old system, you would not want to exceed 1.30v load voltage at 200 amps of current (1520mv - 200 * 1.1 mOhm), but the new system says "1.520v max VID +200mv Serial VID Offset, and not a single person knows why it doesn't just say "1.720v max VID". On Z390 this could be enabled or disabled via a VRM register (33h). Asus enabled this by default and Gigabyte disabled it by default (and they gave you a way to enable it but it was extremely buggy and unreliable, it only worked half properly (without locking out ALL voltage control afterwards) in test bios T0D on the Z390 Aorus Master as they didn't understand the difference between "SVID Support" and "SVID Offset", so in all OTHER bios versions, enabling SVID Offset disabled voltage control afterwards, and enabling SVID Offset if fixed vcore was at 1.20v in ALL Bios versions would send 0v into the CPU and no post code readout). Seems like everyone has this enabled by default in Z490 now. Sorry I know nothing more. So no I can't answer this. It seems like the chip can request "up to" 200mv extra VID whenever it wants under certain conditions. Only Intel can answer this if someone wants to contact them.
  17. What happens if you set PLL Bandwidth to "Level 1"? Are you still 80C idle?
  18. Getting '404' also from here. Location: Riverside, California. Outage?
  19. How is it possible to get USB Overcurrent in non LN2 mode? On Ln2 and ambient? Open bench setup?
  20. These are already in the Bios. No need to unlock them. It's also HIGHLY questionable if the AMI versions are even linked to anything. I remember setting CPU PLL Voltage Offset on my MSI GT73VR to something like +600mv through the unlocked AMI Menus and it didn't do a thing. And I have no idea if this was supposed to be "CPU PLL Overvoltage" or CPU PLL Voltage". But the AMI help text looks almost identical to the Gigabyte version of "CPU PLL Overvoltage +mv". Asrock bios seems to mention that all these "Overvoltage +mv" rails start at 0.9v". I think Elmor said something about all of these "overvoltage" rails being clipped from the CPU PLL voltage. On my Z390 Gigabyte, going higher than +105mv on CPU PLL Overvoltage +mv on air cooling would just cause a clock watchdog timeout. MSI calls them "SFR Voltage". Gigabyte calls them "xxx rail PLL Overvoltage +mv". So they're already there. I think what you may be looking for is "CPU Internal PLL Voltage", which while I don't understand any of this subzero stuff, I think this rail feeds the other rails. On Z390, CPU Internal PLL Voltage (CPU PLL Voltage) and CPU PLL OC Voltage needed to be at least +150mv apart. Seems like CPU PLL voltage is gone from all boards except Gigabyte Z490 (Where it's still there). CPU PLL Overvoltage +mv is called something else on Asus, and everyone calls it something different. I don't think Asus or MSI have this setting anymore. Shamino said it's not needed. Maybe it's fed by another rail. CPU PLL OC Voltage (Asus=PLL Bandwidth, Gigabyte VCC PLL OC Voltage) is needed.
  21. The VRM tool has been tested well and should be fully safe For best results, use 500 khz and set VRM options to full phase mode. Works well on both Maximus 12 Extreme and Apex. On air/water, Realbench 2.56 should get a bigger benefit than Cinebench R20 as the transients are more violent in RB. Feel free to post your results!
  22. Need voltage at full load for this to be a valid submission. Idle voltages mean nothing. Please post a picture of the CB20 during full core load, and the vcore window open in hwinfo64 or CPU_Z so we can see your vcore at full load. Also your SP is bugged. This is a common problem for people using old bios versions. Your first three VF points are the exact same and too high. This throws off the SP rating too. Your chip could be anywhere between SP88 to SP105. To fix this you MUST update your BIOS. 1) Update to version 0607. 2) After updating, wait until it says "Press F1 for intel power limits" 3) Press F1, enter BIOS, then power off the system. 4) Clear CMOS with the clear cmos button on the back panel (or jumper/button onboard) 5) boot, wait, then press F1 for intel default power limits. Boot to windows without changing anything in the BIOS. 6) run prime95 small FFT with AVX DISABLED for 5 minutes (with the F1 defaults) 7) reboot to BIOS. 8: Your SP should now be shown correctly. If you want to go back to an old bios after, you can do that after posting a fixed SP/VF points, but if it gets bugged again, it will throw off prediction and AI overclocking when using an old Bios.
  23. You know you could do a little research before asking something like this, which would take...oh...less than 5 minutes of your time Answer: Pin count changed, increased PCB spacing, identical (1151 coolers will work) Power pinouts: changed, added, re-arranged. In other words, utterly, 100% completely no.
  24. The problem here is that some people are posting load voltages during CB R15/R20, while others are posting BIOS set voltages. We need consistency. If people are going to do that, at least do what Nik did above me and show your idle and load voltages so we have something to go on. There is a MASSIVE Difference if you get 1.28v at load during CBR20 @ 5.3 ghz and then claim that's your BIOS voltage.... A Bios voltage of 1.30v at 1.3 ghz is going to droop down to about 1.2v at load with an aggressive LLC...I don't even think a super golden chip can handle that unless it's below ambient.
  25. Interesting. So the worse bin (higher VID, lower SP) chip scaled better on LN2 (less vcore on LN2) than the lower VID chip? Do most chips follow something close to his?
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