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Posts posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Well we at least need some sort of clean up on the results already on the system if we are to eventually give the benchmark points again. So making it a seperate benchmark at least is the easiest and cleanest way of doing it imho.

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  2. Can I suggest we reopen the upload page for HWBot prime as a seperate v 1.0+ benchmark and have it as a finite beta period. After which time all results are removed the database. This would allow for people to run the benchmark and for us to upload results to better find bugs and abnormalities. Also being clear up front that all results from the beta period will be cleared means we won't have any potentially bugged runs in the database after such time is over and people can't complain when the results are removed.

    Just my 2c anyway

    • Confused 1
  3. Garrrhh Leeg you still didn't answer the question though, I understand we can only use one socket once, but is socket determined by the CPU itself or the motherboard itself for the reference frequency stage only. All others are really clear because they are either CPU or VGA benchmark.


    Reference is a motherboard benchmark and I trying to determine if we are basing it off motherboard or CPU :)

  4. On 11/30/2018 at 12:22 AM, unityofsaints said:

    HWBot also sometimes restricts 3D benchmarks by CPU socket - is that also confusing to you? It's just a way of picking the hardware eligible for a stage.

    It's not a case of it being confusing to me, I literally couldn't give 2 about whether it was motherboard or CPU it's based off, only that I got an official answer as it would determine what I'll be benching. 

  5. On 11/27/2018 at 2:16 PM, Bilko said:

    Defined by Socket type in CPU-Z / HWBOT Database, Meaning it'd only count for AM3 regardless of what board you used it in.

    But this is my point and where both myself and others get confused. The reference frequency is a motherboard category, so in essence surely it should be defined by what socket the motherboard is and not the CPU used? I really don't mind which way the competition is formatted, only that I get an official ruling on it as it will determine what board I need to run etc.

  6. 5 hours ago, I.nfraR.ed said:

    450 HTT is 900 mem and 6.5GHz with Sempron 150 (I have a promising one), so there's still a headroom for memory frequency.

    Based on my testing on air, if it scales ok, then ~170cb might be possible. Don't know about Geekbench, but mem should definitely help. Not sure if the IMC would be a bottleneck, though. Have to test. Looking forward to the new scores as well, I can only watch at the moment. Don't forget Sabertooth is one of the worst boards for AM3 CPUs, at least for Pi, Geekbench and CB might be different.

    Some examples (not perfect, but you get the point). Both are excellent benchers:

    DDR2 + 4969MHz https://hwbot.org/submission/3252830_noxinite_cinebench___r15_sempron_145_119_cb

    DDR3 + 4662MHz https://hwbot.org/submission/2518880_strunkenbold_cinebench___r15_sempron_145_120_cb

    No it's a very fair point. When I made my initial statement I forgot that this wasn't run at max multiplier, so there is a lot more wiggle room. Maybe I should get out my AM3 boards and get some testing done too. But for sure first things first is to maximize what I already have :)

  7. 18 hours ago, suzuki said:

    This will make L3014 very cheap in the future. No way the xeon can catch a ddr3 run.

    You can still get around 3500 with an L3014 if you maximise everything. This for sure isn't game over for the Xeon :) It's also almost impossible to get much faster than this with a Sempron on DDR3 because of the IMC limitations. All the same I'm really glad someone managed to get this fast with a Sempron, it for sure makes the game really intersting. I'm looking forward to the battle :)

  8. Sorry if this was answered but I couldn't see a definitive answer. For the motherboard frequency stage we are ranking by what socket the motherboard is right and not the CPU used? Reason I ask is for the AMD issue with 2+ through to 3+. I believe it should be motherboards socket but am fine with either.

  9. 3 hours ago, AutisticChris said:

    Would results be better with hypers?

    Yup result would probably be a lot better with hypers, was having issues at the start of the bench session and I wasn't sure if it was Ram or NB related. Since my Hyper kit is really new to me and I've done very little testing on it, I decided to switch to a tried and tested kit to eliminate any doubt I had. I'll be switching back to Hypers for the next run as well as using a new OS and actually optimising my runs instead of just pressing start :)

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