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Posts posted by ObscureParadox

  1. I think the problem really only lies in allowing AMD in memory frequency results though right? Because ofc you will have skewed data for benchmarks, but the overall score doesn't change and that's the most important thing. At the end of the day we never banned X48 when it reported incorrect ram speeds and it's been doing that since it's inception on certain dividers.

  2. to make things quicker with E2180s you can bin for FSB also. You're going to want to make sure they boot at least 450FSB if you plan on taking them on LN2 at any time. So if you set a profile for 450fsb boot and you don't power down on the wall, you can keep switching CPUs quickly to find those that boot at that FSB and those that don't, then do the slower volts/Core clock testing afterwards on those that passed the initial test.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Noxinite said:

    Lots of 775 as then it's much cheaper overall.

    Or buy other people's binning rejects, bin those chips and sell any spares. :D

    As above, I have many spares which would be good enough for top 2 or 3s of some CPUs but would obviously want to keep the very best for myself. So it depends what you're after really. 1st places or just a good points haul.

  4. Honestly people need to get a damn grip and stop trying to get a backhanded advantage over their competitors. We all know that "processor not recognized" or other means bugger all to the score so stop trying to take out higher ranked competitors because of this.

    This sort of pointless bickering is what's ruining an otherwise great website and community. If you guys want this site to continue I suggest you either shape up or take the time to do the work yourself to keep it going.

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  5. 1 hour ago, marco.is.not.80 said:

    Yep - that's exactly what I was talking about. So Sandbag = Douchebag. Good to know. If I was macsbeach98 I would be especially pissed off since clearly if there had been any time left he could've resubmitted and taken the lead.

    Anyways, as you said - it's allowed (I can't think of a way you could stop it) but it certainly isn't respectable.


    you must be new around these parts.

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