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Posts posted by ObscureParadox

  1. 58 minutes ago, TaPaKaH said:

    True. The difference in 32M on 939 is around 3-4 seconds but 256MB sticks usually clock 5-10MHz better. So in the end I'm not even sure which option will be fastest. 

    What is more interesting, is that cross-sided and single-sided 256MB sticks have the same performance. Maybe it's just me, but for the last 15 years I was living under a notion that cross-sided is always faster :D

    I suppose it doesn't really make a difference if the number of IC's is the same, you have the same theoretical data throughput with number of chips and clocks etc.Maybe there is a slight difference in latency but I'm not so sure.

  2. To be fair, when the new OpenCL came out for GPU-Pi, we didn't remove all old scores back then or create a seperate ranking, we just accepted that it was part of the benchmark and got on with it.

    I also don't know how you'll go about moderating the XTU scores if you have two seperate rankings considering it's the most popular benchmark by far. Unless the submission system can detect which version has been used and therefor always put you in the right catagory by default, I see XTU being completely unmanigable thereafter.

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