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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Are you allowed to use Bulldozer CPU's for this??? I thought it would just be LLano CPU's
  2. Can't believe your bench stable score is the same as your CPU-Z score, awesome job bro.
  3. Cheers dude, couldn't be bothered searching through the forums to see if it was a known issue so i just made a new thread, i'm far too tired for any sort of searching at this time of night
  4. Hi i'm getting a problem where i can't select what type of memory i have used in a certain test, it just comes up as blank whenever i select a memory type. This wouldn't normally be a problem for me but i'm trying to upload a memory frequency score so i kinda need this option working again. Cheers guys.
  5. Is there a lot of difference between the NF7 and the NF7-S ? I have the first lying around somewhere
  6. Just realized i submitted the wrong score, will fix this today
  7. OMFG i can't believe i've never thought to run the 960t with 5 cores, i wish i still had one for testing now, feel like a right twerp. :L
  8. What's the overclocking experience like with this board, always wanted to know
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