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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. I'm not sure they should fix it after having to listen to that
  2. Seriously tempted to have a go at this when I set up my FM2. @The Stilt you sir are truly a legend!
  3. That was quick
  4. Over here the price of a NF7-S really isn't that much, about £30 if you are lucky and I don't really know what that is in your currency. I'm sure that would solve your problems and then boost your scores a little more to make you more competitive
  5. Loving the cooling mate, A* for effort
  6. isn't vista better for wPrime though?? Either way fantastic result!!!
  7. pwetty pwease?
  8. ObscureParadox

    Add psu

    Would it be possible to add the LEPA "G" series of PSU's to the list. At the moment whenever I type in the PSU manually the PSu disappears whenever I submit the score. The full range of PSUs are located here : http://www.lepatek.eu/g1600/ Thanks Lewis.
  9. Just ran a benchmark on my laptop which is a 7660G and 7670M dual graphics combination. Not sure which it would go under, maybe 7670M crossfire???
  10. Very much looks like an AMD APU this
  11. After a 960T that is known to unlock for some 5 core globals Let me know what you have and how much you want for it. Cheers
  12. Sssshheeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiit. Looks like Christian has pushed them MFRs a little too far as they're all going up in flames!!!!! http://www.kitguru.net/components/memory/faith/hynix-fabs-on-fire-after-chemical-explosion/
  13. That's exactly the type of reply I was after. Thanks very much
  14. So I've been reading a lot about MFR IC's and how they offer very low performance compared to other kits running at around the same speed. So my question is ; Does this only affect single sided kits? Do dual sided kits offer acceptable performance? If so what dual sided kits are there on the market that I could purchase. Cheers for your time everyone Lewis.
  15. Hmm interesting, my mate had a similar problem with a 7970 Power edition. Glad to see he's not the only one with this problem.
  16. Thermometer turned up today, will test when I get home.
  17. cheers mate. I'l just use that then
  18. I'll take the Voltcraft K101 at asking please. Could you please PM me with the payment details and the cost of shipping to the UK. Thanks. Lewis.
  19. Is the fact that it beat it something to do with it being a RISC processor by any chance?
  20. I was wondering if there was some kind of extreme OC bios available for the board which I'm not aware about. For what is a board designed purely for OC'ing I thought there might have been a few more voltage options than what is on there, but then again maybe I am expecting too much as I'm used to all the options available on the more modern motherboards. Anyway if there is could someone post a link for me so that I can download it and flash it to the motherboard. Cheers.
  21. I don't really know you but I wish you a speedy recovery mate.
  22. I'm getting a little confused about how ALLBenchmark actually calculates the final score of it's benchmark after looking at a couple of submissions, there doesn't seem to be any consistency. Does anyone actually know the mathematics behind it at all?? Look at these two and you'll see what I mean. http://hwbot.org/submission/2399349 http://hwbot.org/submission/2403281
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