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Everything posted by Antinomy

  1. I remember looking at your records back then. I respect your opinion a lot and would be glad to learn something new.
  2. TASOS, to answer your questions one by one. Well, both are right here. He could post a link to the discussion of this CPU and the moderators can ask me to clarify details. All in all it was Karl who added it. You can see M119B566 marking. The second digit is the year (2001), the next two - week, 19. If we talk about 800MHz ES in general, we have 14th and 20th weeks of 2000 and I can check mine to make a three of them. CPUID, brand ID and maybe even platform ID are strange. Unknown sample with same specs as P4 800MHz. Kind of unique. I have a P4 0.8GHz but didn't have time to run the test. And didn't want to compete with Frank this time Glad you're done with the rest, keep calm fellas. P.S. thank you, Mr. Scott
  3. In fact, the CPU that Mr. Paco has is pretty strange even for a Pentium 4 0.8GHz The "usual" 800MHz had different CPUID and thus, stepping, A2 (Frank has an F10 which makes it an unseen before stepping later than C1 but earlier than D0 which is pretty new for Wilamette). And yes, it has a normal heatspreader. So it's not the usual 800MHz ES. Moreover, Mr. Paco's CPU was produced on week 19 2001 when Willi hit the market and there was no reason to do samples with usual specs. The one from CPU world was made on week 20 2000, on engineering-sample it's 14th week. If you really want, I can check my sample for the date. What I really want to say is two things: 1) Mr. Paco might have a test sample of an early Celeron Wilamette which never came in s423 and has the same specs (besides CPUID and brand ID) as P4 800MHz ES. 2) Since we don't use "stepping anounce date", it should use the P4 0.8GHz category. I might need to ask some guys with deeper knowledge in CPUs and ES. This is solely my opinion and has nothing to deal with nor the moderators discussion if there is one in place neither with the results on the championship. But I believe Karl would be glad to see such a CPU competing, he loved weird hardware no less than me
  4. Working on them. Fixed the VIAs and maybe smth. more. Waiting for info on mobile Pentium 2, need to clarify some details.
  5. added: http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/a8_6410/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/22c2/
  6. added: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/c51xem2aa/
  7. added:http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/cubx-l/
  8. Added: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/p4r800-vm/
  9. added: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/p5gv-mx/
  10. added: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/227f/
  11. I've got an ET6000 too IIRC. How about FPU smackdown for some real hardcore? Compute Super pi 32M without an FPU, that should be really brutal.
  12. http://www.treiber.de/download-treiber/Chaintech/6IDM/ - забирай, любитель ретро
  13. Any thoughts about them competition name? I came up to three options: 1) Old school is best school competition 2) Good ol' school competition 3) Some love for Old School Hardware Competition
  14. LOL And I agree, this is a Chinese fake CPU. Neither the first or last of them
  15. Lame question - how is oldest hardware defined? 1) Introduction date of CPU p/n like "1.5G Willamette" 2) Approximate date for steppings 3) Production week of certain chip
  16. added: http://hwbot.org/hardware/psuproduct/srm_700/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/psuproduct/srm_850/
  17. Thank you, will check today and fix! Mobile Tualations use Socket 478A will add it. So nobody gets confused with Socket 479 (478C) used by Dothan/Banias. These 478/479 are tricky.
  18. added: http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/xeon_l5618/
  19. Antinomy

    Add CPU

    Yes I do. Will try to bench soon. Tuning my system now.
  20. Post your thoughts here: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?p=360554
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