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Everything posted by Antinomy

  1. Yep, Mendocino for 300A and Covington for 300. After these, Celerons used same cores as Pentium. Mr.Scott, nasty suggestion
  2. There were none Celeron Deschutes. Only some cheaters disabling cache on P2
  3. Have you tried to Google it? http://bios.hwtweakers.net/INTEL_p4/asus/p4c800%20deluxe%20rev1.x/tictac/ And where did you get a s478 with unlocked multi?
  4. Please, add SVE1713M1R: http://valid.canardpc.com/99ef0w
  5. Not sure where this thread is going but not that I don't like it
  6. Neatly packed candy
  7. I'm totally with you Bruce. But sometimes it turns the other way around http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=88346 a little bump won't harm
  8. All these caps were on on media edition of the board.
  9. Were you able to find a complete one with photos?
  10. How hard do you plan to mod this board? Have been looking at hipro5 Abit IC7 guide?
  11. Same voltage rate and best capacity you can get to fit. Then comes to what is available at your place.
  12. You mean they leaked or what? If yes, of course it won't keep a CPU stable.
  13. Voltage rate no less than yours have now. And capacity as close as you can find (solid caps have lower capacitance than older electrolytic, though perform better).
  14. This was not the first submission that I doubt but I want to make it the last. http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=7436 - here's the start of the story. In short, at first REIBEROCROSS shows a Sempron validation that is not a Sempron at all. He tries to explain it with bridge mods. The only problem is that Sempron CPUs are known to have locked multiplier and can't change their multiplier via bridges. Then he pretends to be deaf talking about Duron Applebred unlocking (most of which are unlocked and don't require any modifications). Yesterday, he brings this thread up after 4 years! And shows what he wants us to think is a unlocked via modification Sempron CPU (for the younger, there indeed were none Semprons with default x15 multiplier) - http://valid.canardpc.com/0ccfmn I want to ask moderators to question him the nature of the mod and verify it by repeating it step-by-step. He doesn't need to make it public, I just want to be sue it's not cheating. Pretty much the same verification you've done with bob's tweak and others. If you need any help understanding Socket A modifications or other in-depth things, I'll provide you all the needed info.
  15. So, now you've read the AMD ID manual that's the only thing this proves to me.
  16. You mean the Zalman ZM80A-HP? It's the first noiseless VGA cooler.
  17. If there's going to be a download section, there should be all handy utilities we use. This thread is up because the old ones are hard to find and sometimes sophisticated. There are people that don't know of their existence as more young people start to bench old hardware.
  18. Not too much useless (except nhancer). More are simply outperformed. Newer heating utilities, newer and more universal clocking utilities. Let's not forget that newer utilities are much heavier and have prerequisites (did someone say .NET?) whereas the old one were 20-200KB and worked like a flash even on socket 7. I'll speak for myself - the interface of old utilities looks more friendly to me than the newer fancy ones with bell 'n' whistles. Gotta post what I've got
  19. My main question is - how do you see this in the end, PJ? A single archive with "everything be it old, useful or useless" or several archives for each category (say, VGA, chipset or by platform)? Or like a section on the site with subsections and descriptions for each utility? I am willing to help but will spend my time only on something interesting and worth it.
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