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Everything posted by Antinomy

  1. Good job, hackingtricks! I've worked on detection vurnerabilities that allowed some dishonest members to fiddle with CPU-Z making it believe that a different hardware has been used. Your vurnerabilities are of software protection for the validation process. I appreciate that.
  2. Why do you think it's only two of em? http://occlub.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=3064 - here's a guy who has found several Haswell subs, as well as Radeon 8970 and stuff like Ivy-E. They have some sort of problems with the forum, so here's a copy (not up-to-date though): http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?newwindow=1&client=firefox-a&hs=74t&rls=org.mozilla%3Aru%3Aofficial&sclient=psy-ab&q=cache%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Focclub.ru%2Fforum%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D3064&oq=cache%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Focclub.ru%2Fforum%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D3064&gs_l=serp.3...65107.66308.0.66667.
  3. Dead now: http://www.vr-zone.com/guides/Intel/Northwood/ http://www.vr-zone.com/guides/AMD/AthlonXP/ Will try time machine after. http://gamershq.madonion.com/lounge/fastestwebmasters/ http://www.clio.ne.jp/home/tatumiya/
  4. Speaks for itself 16.01.2002 - 11000+ (exact score unknown): 1 and 2 25.09.2002 - 20372 - Muropakketi, 1 (not a record)
  5. I'll start collecting frequency records here. First as a list of links and the I'll compile them for a submission. 14.01.2002 Holicho P4 2.2@3.54 - 1 and 2 16.01.2002 P4 2.2@3.67 - 1 and 2 19.01.2002 P4 2.2@3.7 - 1 and 2 23.01.2002 P4 2.2@3.8 - Holicho 1 29.01.2002 P4 1.6A@3.11 1 18.02.2002 P4 1.6A@3.64 1 and 2 19.03.2002 P4 1.6A@3.76 1 22.03.2002 P4 2.4@3.89 1 29.03.2002 P4 2.4@4.01 Holicho 1 14.04.2002 P4 2.4@4.11 Holicho 1 05.07.2002 AthlonXP 2200+@2.71 Son 1 19.08.2002 Pentium 4 2.4@4.3 1 29.08.2002 Pentium 4 2.8@4.3 1 02.09.2002 Celeron 1.8@2.51 and 2.53@3.52 TOPMO3 & Newsmaker 31.10.2002 Athlon XP 2700+ @ 2.32 1
  6. So this is the exHistory forum... Can't access the subforum from main page, only via direct link to http://hwbot.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=83 Because http://hwbot.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=92 is inaccessible for me (and thus doesn't appear on main page). Don't know whether a bug or a feature
  7. One thread for each benchmark records (if one page contains several records, post in all threads). That is - 3DMark 2001SE 2003 2005 2006 Maybe Aquamark (though, not popular before HWBot). For 2D: Max frequency (be it CPU-Z or WCPUID) Super pi (both 1.1 and 1.4) PCMark Anything else should be discussed in general discussion and/or posted in a thread for "anything else". By anything I exclude Sisoft Sandra, AIDA/Everest unless it's something really unique. Besides nationality there should be team mentioned (yeah, teams are as old as 3DMark HOF is) if present. Depending on the number of records, we might want to copy a short info about the record like a newsflash.
  8. I'll take care of Russian and Ukrainian resources like modlabs.net and others (Team MXS started the first in exUSSR being Modlabs Xtremesystems team, a Russian part on XS fighting on 3DMark HOF). Mainly - overclockers.ru, modlabs.net, ixbt.com, fcenter.ru (xbitlabs.com is their English mirror). I'll add records that appeared in the news like Holicho ones. We also need to collect scores done by hipro5 (I remember his terrific mods and 400FSB on s478 P4C800-E) and other non-American guys who could post something interesting on local forums.
  9. Very nice bench! I was surprised but "Bench with TerraRaptor" explains a lot. Anyway, great Tualeron and excellent score.
  10. Anyway it's a different category. And not if it has a locked multiplier.
  11. Thank you, Christian and Ananerbe! Anyway photos are already required for Enthusiast league, so nothing special.
  12. I understand what you are up to. You should remember how I was requesting another category, the bugged Pentium 2 Deschutes category to be deleted so it's the same case - a non-existent CPU. But how can it be an X2 215 if the X2 215 is an Regor with only two physical cores? http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/K10/AMD-Athlon%20II%20X2%20215%20-%20ADX215OCK22GQ.html Maybe we'll invite Bruce here - it might be an ES with unique specs that was named as 915 just for convenience. But in addition I like Sam's idea as I've suggested the same several years ago for rare CPUs.
  13. I totally agree with Mr. Scott and TaPaKaH. There really should be an addition to the rules to require a photo for rare categories and/or categories that can't be detected 100% sure by software (socket A for example or Socket 7).
  14. And some CPUz like I said before http://www.modlabs.net/gallery/image/15693 Winchip C6 180MHz Winchip C6 225MHz Winchip 2A 200MHz (not to be confused with the existing Winchip 2 200) Winchip 2A 233MHz Winchip 2A 266MHz (lower two on the photo are dead ) And some s563: http://www.modlabs.net/gallery/image/15694 Athlon XP-M 1600+ FSB133 (socket 563) Athlon XP-M 2000+ Barton (socket 563) Athlon XP-M 2400+ (socket 563)
  15. Yeah, Karl. I was cleaning up my closet last month O.K. I'll add a few more in the weekend. Parser kicks in again. Do you see the ticket normally? I see massive \r\n and broken urls (though was O.K. when typing the ticket).
  16. Ticket ID: 1687 Priority: Medium Please, add GPU:\r\nIntel HD3600 (Clover trail)\r\nGeforce 610M\r\n\r\nMotherboard:\r\nAlbatron PX915P PRO\r\nAOpen AX3S Pro\r\nAsRock K10N78M Pro\r\nAsus CUSI-M\r\nAsus K53SD\r\nAsus N53SM\r\nAsus P5G41-M\r\nAsus P5G41C-M\r\nAsus P5G41-M LX2/GB - careful with \"/\" symbol in name\r\nAsus TUA266\r\nAsus UX32A\r\nDFI Lanparty KT400A\r\nECS K7S5A Pro\r\nECS P6BXT-A+\r\neMachines E732Z\r\nEpox 3SPA\r\nEpox 8RDA+ Pro\r\nFastFame 3VJJ\r\nFreetech CF-S66\r\nGigabyte H55M-D2H\r\nGigabyte H61M-S1\r\nGigabyte GA-PCV2-CSI\r\nGreat Wall U310 - keyboard \r\nHP 181B\r\nHP ML150 G6\r\nIntel DH55PJ\r\nIntel MFS5520VI Compute Module\r\nIwill VX133\r\nNexcom NEX716VL2G\r\nPegatron IPPPV-CP\r\nPegatron IPPPV-D3G\r\nPegatron IPMIP-GS\r\nSamsung 350U2B\r\nSony SVE151J11V\r\nSony VGN-AW21ZR\r\nSony VPCZ21X9R\r\n\r\nSome CPUs to come too
  17. Mr.Scott, what's the score ATM? I remember this nasty submission. Very smart of Frank.
  18. DopeLex, very impressive memory clocks! Nothing can go this high except Winbond, that's why Sam said it's BH-5
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